worse off?


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i am wondering if anybody's hair is worse now because of going on the big 3 or any treatments. i am basically asking if anybody thinks their hair would look better than it does if they never took hair growth/maintaining formulas.

i am wondering because i have a decent looking hair and i am about to go on the big 3 and i am a little nervous

hair mchair

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A small number of people report really bad shedding and that their hair went to crap and never got better. Whether or not you choose to believe them is up to you, but there are some reports of this.


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I think within treatments there is inherent peaks and valleys. Right now my hair seems terrible because it's gone through a massive shed but only month ago I saw tremendous improvement.


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Still haven't undergone a shed over here. Although I do seem to be experiencing increased loss, nothing I'd consider a shed by any means, and cosmetically, I'm still doing okay.


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so there are few cases that have made people's hair worse than if they never taken anything. geez, i want my hair to last but i dont want it to be gone sooner than it would if i didnt take medication


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I think if your hair is thinning now (if you're not sure, have your derm do some tests), then eventually you will be better off to start now.

Your hair might looks worse 3 months from now, but a year from now, it will (hopefully) look a lot better, or at least not have gotten any worse.


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Exactly. I think it's important to keep in mind the consequences of NOT going on any treatments-- that is, you'll lose your hair, period.

Going on treatments, at the very least, gives your hair a CHANCE to get better. If you are like many, many others, then you will be glad you did.

I think the prospect of keeping or improving your hair is well worth the risk of possibly speeding up your balding process, which most likely won't happen anyway.


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worse worse worse

ive been gradually getting thinner and thinner and now im goin through a shed that is sooooooooooooo bad and lasting sooooooooooo long, i probably lost about half my hair, no joke!!

i havent seen any positive signs since about 4 months ago

its the minoxidil, dr lees pg and bv free, its like hair spray and it dries my hair the hell out, but i cant take reg minoxidil cuz anytime i tried sh*t with pg in it, i start shedding massive amounts the minute it touches my scalp
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Hey Thinstinks

Man if I lost half of my hair on any treatment I would quit immediately. You may be having an adverse reaction to the stuff. How long have you been on your regimen.


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are these concerns valid I mean according to the FDA minoxidil and propecia work in helping slow stop and regrow hair..So why would they make you worse?
I dont get it


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jason566 said:
are these concerns valid I mean according to the FDA minoxidil and propecia work in helping slow stop and regrow hair..So why would they make you worse?
I dont get it

Well, there's also the theory that inflammation may be a cause of hairloss.
So, if the minoxidil is causing your scalp to get inflamed, maybe that could lead to hair loss.

That's why I am trying my darndest to keep my scalp in good shape...feels like a losing battle though...


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no inflammation at all

i cant have an adverse reaction, i never really had an awful shed since being on this sh*t until like 1.5 motnhs and it lasted a the whole 1.5 months

so unless i am allergic to minoxidil, which i doubt, there is no way it is cuz of an allergic reaction


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NorwoodClimber said:
Hey Thinstinks

Man if I lost half of my hair on any treatment I would quit immediately. You may be having an adverse reaction to the stuff. How long have you been on your regimen.

well ive just been listening to everyone here and "stickin to it"
yay its soooo fun


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I think some people just dont respond at all to minoxidil nor propecia.,yet go through the sheds..i mean it doesnt seem that hard to contemplate.


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Most people have success with Propecia and minoxidil. Not all. Some people, it does nothing for and for a real small amount of people, it seems to make things worse. Unfortunately for me, I appear to be in the last category.

What you need to understand is that if you choose to try Propecia and minoxidil, the odds are that over the course of time these medications will help. However, there is a risk involved in trying these medications, small risk that it may be, but you need to be aware of the risk in order for you, and only you, to make a decision


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hey homer
when u say risk i presume u mean sexual or physical risks not the risk of it makin hair worse which doesnt make since being these meds are there to help hairloss not contribute.
Is it even possiable to shed and not regrow?
I mean even if the meds dont work for u..why would u swhed unless they are?..being they say shedding is a good hting


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Jason -

There are all types of risk. Side effect risks. Risk that you will shed and it won't grow back. Unknown risks of taking a medication that effects each individual differently. As far as I am concerned, there is always risk whenever you take any drug.

Some people get ulcers from taking too much Ibuprofen. Small small % but still it happens.

Just realize there are inherent risks with taking any medication.


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Just realize there are inherent risks with taking any medication.

I agree, But I think anti-depressants carry more srrious risks than propecia or proscar.
I took propecia for 2 weeks one time nothing happened I only quit cause i wanna figure out if my other health issues are contributing to my hairloos first before tryin again.
But I took Paxil cr and lexapro and got side effects from them like nite sweats, stomach cramps, sexual side effects, and lack of concetration.
Zoloft seems to work ok but ive quit that lately probably gonna try that again soon or maybe try prozac.
anyway u right everyone is different..but i dont see how if u did shed it wouldnt grow back if the drug is causing hair in telegon to prematurely ejaculate