Worth Discussing Further Regarding Alopecia, Hormones And Medication

Heinrich Harrer

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Hello, I’m Heinrich.

Over the past decade I’ve lost almost all my hair on top and I’m a diffuse thinner as well.

It all started when I was 17. Progressively got worse. It was the worst during high school year during final exams.

Now, I’ve been told many things. Androgenetic Alopecia, genetic predisposition, stress, fate, aliens, thyroid etc.

What I’ve discovered is that my LH and FSH were plummeting. Now pay attention because this concerns you all.

A low LH and FSH means that your nuts work but your pituitary doesn’t. Almost all people end up taking HCG and TRT. Now, how does low LH and FSH is relevant to hair loss?

What nobody tells us is that low LH and low FSH in a young man doesn’t mean hypogonadism. It means that you alone have shut down your hormone production. As a result, you completely change your hormonal profile and as a result you lose hair. Which explains why some lose it young and some lose it old and some lose it after a traumatic experience. LH and FSH can and will usually drop at values of 0,5-1,0 during an incident such as loss of loved one. It is all psychological. What may follow is adrenal fatigue and all sorts of autoimmune issues such as dermatitis, which doesn’t ever go away with creams, shampoos and so on. It is also my belief that people who shut down their hypophysis due to stress are also the ones who get absolutely k.o’d by antiandrogens.

Perhaps the reason for hair loss is just that. I remember that I started losing my hair and watch the change AFTER I was bullied at school nonstop at the age of 14-15.

I’m almost 100% confident that there is literally nothing related to family genes etc but it is solely a matter of stress and the changes in someone’s hormonal profile that triggers the Androgenetic Alopecia. I believe that it has nothing to do with DHT as a root cause, I believ DHT is merely an outcome and the nuclear approach we are advised to take is absurd.

The condition also works synergistically with the root cause because the worse it gets, the more depressed one gets, the worse his hormone secretion gets.

For anyone who can’t seem to deal with hair loss at all and feels drowning, take your blood tests first and if you’re on the verge of hypogonadism, be alerted that you need to take action. Usually they will prescribe Ladose for a period of four months so that the person’s hypophysis can kickstart. It can happen without it though, through proper life changes.

Just a friendly warning because I’ve been dealing with this and I almost got in lifetime TRT. I’m currently playing all my cards to change my life (quit my job, moving to another city next month).

TLDR blood tests LH, FSH, T, SHBG (calculate free T by deviding T with SHBG). If your SHBG is good and your free T is ok, you can be sure the issue is purely psychological. Be alert and do not start TRT.


My Regimen
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Interesting... heinrich iglesias,... i mean harrer.
i lost hair always in stressfull circunstances. So emotional...
And i check the less emotional... and more practical people... without any kind of empaty...or so much egocentric and simple that they dont use to stress because they dont give a sh*t... they keep their hair.
It is very sinplistic generalization...but i feel like it is a little like that.