Would A Hair Transplant Be Possible For Me? Honest Advice Appreciated.


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I've been losing my hair for a few years now and it has weighed on me pretty heavily, especially lately.

I'd really appreciate some honest advice about what I can expect from a hair transplant and if I'm a good candidate. I've contacted some doctors, but it's tough to always know who to trust.

I'm probably an NW4/5 as the images show. I have significant thinning/balding in the crown, my temples are almost completely receded, and I have diffuse miniaturization all over the top of my head. All the older men on both sides of my family have gone NW7 bald so I know that's where I'm headed.

However, I've started taking Finasteride (1/25mg daily) recently and still have viable donor hair from what I can tell, so a part of me thought it might be possible to fight and win the battle against nature.

If I got surgery, I'd hope to repair the crown and upper 1/3rd, but I worry that even on Finasteride because of the aggressive hair loss in my family, I might regret the decision because of continued miniaturization and recession despite the drug. Is this worth or possible to fight?

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