Would It Be A Good Idea Or Should I Wait?


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Okay quick background on my situation. 23 years old, my hair loss came on very suddenly and rapidly. This past year has been the toughest of my life and that's just an understatement. Not going to go into detai about that because who cares.

Anyways I literally had my hair fall out for months, I'd be just sitting there and Id see hairs on a table for example. It sucked, my whole entire head thinned out, especially the crown where eventually I didn't grow any hair at all in a matter of months. To my understanding the balding process involves some type of miniaturization which I didn't see just one day there was no hair growing. I was thinking it was just telogem effluvium but from what I've read men don't normally suffer from that, mostly women.

So I went to a derm and she said it was telogen effluvim yet she still prescribed me finasteride. I've been on it for 8 months and I don't know if it's the finasteride I can contribute to my hair improving or just the telgoen effluvium subsiding. The first day at the derm I was having some regrowth, with that being noticed as well. I'll add I've used minoxidil, I stopped after a few months though.

I'm thinking I'd be a good candidate for a FUE transplant. I've been on finasteride so I'll be maintaining my hair as is, and I want to fix my crown since it looks ridiculous compared to the rest of the thick head of hair. One thing I've read researching that for some people it may take a few growth cycles for the hair to thicken back to normal state. Either that's what I'm facing with my crown or I'm just doomed so I want to fix. I've read the consequences about getting a transplant young, I just would rather not go around looking like bozo the clown.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Here are some pictures. A few of them are right out of the shower hair still wet, one is semi dry in the bathroom and the others are dry hair in natural light.


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Your problem is the extreme diffusing. The criticism of young people getting transplants is overblown, but be aware that if you end up getting finasteride sides so have to get off you're probably going to lose the rest in 1.5 years or so. It also loses efficacy over time so eventually you'll probably need need more transplants. You seem to have 20-30% original density in most areas, so if something goes wrong it won't last long. You should move from finasteride to dutasteride if you can.

Because of the extent of your loss you're probably better off starting with a big FUT session to fix the front and crown to maximise your donor area. You'll need it by the look of things.

g.i joey

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I would personally suggest you NOT to get a hair transplant done. You're gonna feel like sh*t later on down the line when all that is left is your transplanted hair. you have very aggressive loss.


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I was thinking it was just telogem effluvium but from what I've read men don't normally suffer from that, mostly women

it can happen to men too. yours looks like Telogen Effluvium. did you rule out nutritional and environmental causes?


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I think you might be ok with transplant if your expectations are reasonable. Your pattern looks like pretty high sides and the crown doesn't dip much. Then again, you are quite young. I would say keep the possibility of transplant in your back pocket. You look good now with dry hair grown out so stay on finasteride and wait for a cure/treatment in the next five years™. But seriously some treatment might come along that will give you better options. Most folks wouldn't even pick up on your hair loss when its dry at present.


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it can happen to men too. yours looks like Telogen Effluvium. did you rule out nutritional and environmental causes?
During the time I lost my hair I had a very poor diet. Since then I've improved though it's not perfect. I don't know, it feels like my hair is getting thick again so I don't wanna just jump in and put the money towards a transplant. Plus like stated above if I get one now and lose more later it'll look stupid.

Seems to be the central consensus is to wait a year to evaluate finasteride's effects from what I've gathered from lurking online. My hair isn't falling out at that crazy rate it once was. I'm really thinking it was telogem effluvium, the thing is don't want to entirely convince myself. Idk it's either coincidence at the time I experienced this extreme stress my genetics coding was already inline to bald violently and abruptly or it was the stress/environmental factors. No one balds the same, I've just seemed to have lost half of my hair in a year and some change.


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and how is your family history of hair loss? did your father or moms dad lose hair at age 23?


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and how is your family history of hair loss? did your father or moms dad lose hair at age 23?
My father is 63, and he just started thinning on top in a small circle in recent years. Other than that his hair is thick. My moms father, he's in his 70's and he's got hair it's just thinner he's not slick bald. As far as I know no one has balded in their early 20's in my family. It starts to show after 45-50. Who knows the gene may have skipped a couple generations until me.

Also I'll add my vitamin D levels were particularly low when I first went to the derm.
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During the time I lost my hair I had a very poor diet. Since then I've improved though it's not perfect. I don't know, it feels like my hair is getting thick again so I don't wanna just jump in and put the money towards a transplant. Plus like stated above if I get one now and lose more later it'll look stupid.

Seems to be the central consensus is to wait a year to evaluate finasteride's effects from what I've gathered from lurking online. My hair isn't falling out at that crazy rate it once was. I'm really thinking it was telogem effluvium, the thing is don't want to entirely convince myself. Idk it's either coincidence at the time I experienced this extreme stress my genetics coding was already inline to bald violently and abruptly or it was the stress/environmental factors. No one balds the same, I've just seemed to have lost half of my hair in a year and some change.

You should definitely get on dutasteride though and switch out finasteride.


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My father is 63, and he just started thinning on top in a small circle in recent years. Other than that his hair is thick. My moms father, he's in his 70's and he's got hair it's just thinner he's not slick bald. As far as I know no one has balded in their early 20's in my family. It starts to show after 45-50. Who knows the gene may have skipped a couple generations until me.

Also I'll add my vitamin D levels were particularly low when I first went to the derm.

did you by any chance check ferritin levels? have you been coloring or otherwise abusing your hair?

no family history of balding is good news for you.


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My father is 63, and he just started thinning on top in a small circle in recent years. Other than that his hair is thick. My moms father, he's in his 70's and he's got hair it's just thinner he's not slick bald. As far as I know no one has balded in their early 20's in my family. It starts to show after 45-50. Who knows the gene may have skipped a couple generations until me.

Genes do not determine the age of balding so that isn't relevant. Also you're right that you can be the unlikely one to inherent the gene from generations above yourself.


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did you by any chance check ferritin levels? have you been coloring or otherwise abusing your hair?

no family history of balding is good news for you.

No actually it isn't, and that's the most stupid, idiotic bro-science I have ever heard. It doesn't determine DHT levels, or T/DHT ratios which decide the age of balding and the bald gene can skip multiple generations to a point where it is impossible to know where it is from. Stop saying this kind of trash when it is a blatant lie.

He's diffusing in a 5a pattern and you're saying "dw bro, your family isn't balding so you'll be fine". Do you know how idiotic that sounds?


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Damn a 5a pattern...Well I'm in this weird spot to where I've got plenty of hair where it'll look silly shaved either way going bald or not. I absolutely can't pull off the slick look, but when it comes down to it I'm not gonna be that guy who hangs on to what he has. In my spot it sucks because I look silly both ways, with the hair and without.

In other opinions would it be better just to accept it now and shave it all off? Judging by my pattern and aggressiveness it seems that a transplant isn't really worth it if I'll lose the rest in 2 years. I just can't believe I'm balding this fast, from a thick head of hair everyone commented on to a Norwood 5a desination in a matter of a couple years.


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Damn a 5a pattern...Well I'm in this weird spot to where I've got plenty of hair where it'll look silly shaved either way going bald or not. I absolutely can't pull off the slick look, but when it comes down to it I'm not gonna be that guy who hangs on to what he has. In my spot it sucks because I look silly both ways, with the hair and without.

In other opinions would it be better just to accept it now and shave it all off and keep I that way? Judging by my pattern mad aggressiveness it seems that a transplant isn't really worth it if I'll lose the rest in 2 years. I just can't believe I'm balding this fast, from a thick head of hair everyone commented on to a Norwood 5a desination in a matter of a couple years.

You should get on dutasteride and try that for 6 months. Wouldn't be surprised if you get some decent regrowth. Also adding a keto shampoo like Regenepure DR or Nizoral would be worth it.


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did you check iron storage levels and all other possible dietary causes? you want to rule out Telogen Effluvium for sure before you jump on male pattern baldness drugs.


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You should get on dutasteride and try that for 6 months. Wouldn't be surprised if you get some decent regrowth. Also adding a keto shampoo like Regenepure DR or Nizoral would be worth it.
Any reputable places to purchase online from? Was going to from the HairLossTalk shop but I didn't see no dosages.


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Honestly, I think you are too young and too early in the process. Clearly you have a lot of hair loss and I am sure this must be very upsetting, but I worry you will be unhappy with your results at this age.