would it be ok to take dutasteride every OTHER day?


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hey! i'm 22, i have pretty much a full head of hair, but it is definately thinning and receeding slightly, im worried that if i dont do something now, it will become noticable in the next year or so.
i bought some dutasteride, its pretty expensive, and im thinkin of taking one 0.5mg pill every 2 days. whats everyone think?
im not concerned with growing hair back, just keeping it how it is.

It reduces scalp dht by 50%
Is that half the amount of scalp dht a regular (not balding) man has? presumably a regular guy has a certain % of scalp dht anyway, even if hes not balding? anyone know how much?

im worried for in the future, if i wanna have children that the dutasteride could get into the sperm and create mutated babies. i read things that women shouldnt handle it, as it can lead to birth defects.
can any light be SHED (scuse the pun) on this? is it worth freezing my sperm now?

cheers for any answers


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Please search the forum.

And why don't you try Proscar first or if you really want to stay on dutasteride try the generic version Dutas it's a lot cheaper.

And no it does not effect your sperm and make mutant babies


Established Member
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yeah bro why don't you try finasteride, something that has been tested the whole way through FDA process and given the green light. There are still some questions about dutasteride and finasteride would more than likely do the trick that you need without going overboard.


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Propecia is safe and effective for 22 year old sexually active men. We can only say "effective" for Dutasteride.
