Would like some advice from people have have been there



how do you know when to start using minoxidil, i have met with 2 dermatologist and one told me to use it and one told me not to how to you know when to use it.

I am currently taking proscar and i was on minoxidil for 2 months then i stopped when i was told to. i have been on proscar for almost 2 months now and my hair has thinned really bad at the front and the shedding is still really bad.

it is very frustrating to get so much mixed advice from doctors.

so how do you know when to add minoxidil?
this has been a very upsetting few months manly because of the mixed advice from doctors.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Okay, jk, you are in the right place. Us here at HairLossTalk.com dot com are gonna fix you up real good, get you going on the right path my friend.

But first we are going to need you to answer our basic set of pre-diagnosis questions...

1) How old are you now?

2) When did you FIRST notice signs of hairloss, and what part of your head was the first to show weakness?

3) Are you thinning in specific areas (bald spot, or on the temples) or is it an all-over thinning? If all-over, is it the top, or ALL your hair?

4) Is there any family history of hairloss?

Answer this and you'll get all kinds of good advice


I am 27 now about 3 months ago I went to my doctor I was concerned about my hair line, he put me on a 2% minoxidil cream to use once a day just on my hair line, about a month and a half after that I noticed that my hair at the front was thinning really bad from the forehead about half the way back. I went back to my doctor and he put me on proscar, at about the 2 month mark my hair had thinned really bad in places that where not effected before so I went to a dermatologist that told me to stop using the cream there was no need for it but I could stay on the proscar. It has been about 2 weeks since I stopped using the minoxidil and 3 weeks since I started shedding a lot of hair per day I am sure I am shedding over 200 hairs a day I find them anywhere and the from of my head where my hair line starts has thinned really bad I am considering a hair transplanted “ I am panicking I knowâ€￾ but I don’t care I just want to stop worrying about it. For now I seem to be thinning from the hair line about half the way back but badly. I do not know my moms side of the family we have never met them but no hair loss on my dads side.

At this point I have no idea what to do keeping fighting or stop because it has only really become a problem since I started fighting it.

I don’t know if I should take minoxidil or not I do not want to cause more harm then I already have but I also don’t want to wait if I should be using it.
At the rate I am shedding I will be bald soon I can not believe the difference a month has made in how bad it has gotten. If i did not have really thick hair i would look bald now.


Senior Member
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Stay the course of Proscar (finasteride) and continue it for at least a year. Discontinue the minoxidil for now.



Experienced Member
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Ditto what drinkrum said. You can always add minoxidil later,. but if anything is actually going to stop the damage, its a dht treatment like finasteride.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Thanks for the info, JK. Thanks to that context, you are going to get some great responses.

My prognosis is the following. First off, any modern day doctor who prescribes a 2% minoxidil cream for ANYBODY is living in the stone age. I mean, 2%?!? What the f***? 2% minoxidil cream is the hairloss equivalent of applying a leech to an open sore. Old skool, my friend.

The second Doctor made the better call. Go with the finasteride, and nizoral. Given the time frame you describe your shed is very much most probably a result of a minoxidil withdrawal shed from your two months on the cream and will grow back.

Your shed will stop, but unfortunately, you'll probably have to wait until month 4 to 6 to start seeing it regrow again. If it doesn't start improving by month 8 then what you are seeing is NOT minoxidil withdrawal but actual thinning, and get back ON the minoxidil... but not the 2% cream, get on the 5% real deal minoxidil. Given the recent loss of the hair, the 5% should not have much of a problem getting you back where you belong relatively quickly.

But that is the worst case scenario.. methinks your shed is due to minoxidil withdrawal, and is reversible, but you should be on finasteride to keep whatcha got and make sure the withdrawal-affected hair grows back in a DHT-sheltered environment. That's Gardener's stand.


well i can not thank you guys enough for your information and support the mixed advice from doctors was very upsetting but after reading your post i feel much better and i will give it the time to see what happens.

thanx to you all you you made me feel much better and i needed that


how long

how long do sheds last after quiting minoxidil" i know it is different for everyone" just around i mean. i hope i do not get one from proscar as well.


ok so update time

Ok so i stopped the minoxidil about a month ago and the shedding is still going on and i just hit the 2 month mark on proscar.

My hair has changed a lot in the last month and thinned out really i have taken so pics and will be posting them soon.

so how do i know if i should be on minoxidil or not?