would this help?


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would a topical green tea massage on your scalp be of any help in blocking DHT?

I'm drinking at least 3 cups of GT everyday (be it tea or through supplement)


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High concentrate green tea supplement would be best, though what effect it will have on your hair is really unknown.

Any high concentrate of green tea especially in pill form is many, many times stronger than any cup of green tea. We are talking literally 20x to 50x stronger in all.

Not only do such supplements perk you (energy wise) they are a great powering anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger.

If you want to eat something that is rich in anti-oxidant then try sunflower seeds which contain large quantities of Vitamin E, Selenium & Magnesium to name a few.

Whilst these are all internals I believe this would have equal the effect compared to a topical.

Topicals IMO only address DHT at the source, the scalp. In no way have they been shown to internally reduce DHT. If I were looking to reduce DHT I'd be looking to do it from the inside out - which I am.

Lastly, the reduction of DHT internally whether your on Propecia, dutasteride, Green tea or whatever floats your boat, leaves a simple question beckoning; by reducing levels of DHT how much are we f.u.c.k.i.n.g with our internal well being?

I proclaim a "heavy impact".