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Would you rock the skullet?

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Would you ever rock the skullet like my man Devin Townsend? I think the skullet holds some kind of mystical powers...you think this guy cares about his hairloss?




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It wouldn't suit me or my job. But to some (Like that guy) it does give a sort of aura about them. And despite being almost bald, which if they would shave their head would be called 'bald', looking at him the last thing I think about is thinking he's bald, all attention is taken away.


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He is bald shaved or not, thats the first thing I think when I see him. :freaked:


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s.a.f said:
He is bald shaved or not, thats the first thing I think when I see him. :freaked:

What I meant was I wouldn't define him as a person as bald. 'Who's x?' - That bald guy? - Any person with a shaved head.

Who's Devin Townsend? 'The guy with the wierd long hair'.


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I think he looks quite good, but most wouldn't....reminds me of Bill Bailey



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My Regimen
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Never. The guy looks like a douche, really.

uncomfortable man

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He is just keeping it real for what he does, which is thrash metal, right? He does what he wants despite what people will think. Or come to think of it, BECAUSE of what people think, he wants to challenge that perception. He is a rebel.


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uncomfortable man said:
He is just keeping it real for what he does, which is thrash metal, right? He does what he wants despite what people will think. Or come to think of it, BECAUSE of what people think, he wants to challenge that perception. He is a rebel.

I dont think he's a rebel. Look at this clip of Steve Vai. Devin is the 19's vocalist.


BTW awesome song. Vai is awesome.

uncomfortable man

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So whose the rebel in that video? The lead singer? He looks like he might be bald under there, but then again he is only 19 so probably not. Even if he is bald under there oh wait, are you saying they are the same person? I'm confused now, thanks IBM.


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Petchsky said:
I think he looks quite good, but most wouldn't....reminds me of Bill Bailey


i saw an old clip of bill baily recently,must of been from about 98/99 or so and i hadnt realised how much hair hes lost since then,i just always though he had looked the same.either way its his look and he is the man. :)


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while we're noting other "skullet" sporters.. how about Elliot Martin, lead singer for US reggae band John Brown's Body



Captain Obvious

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The skullet is worthwhile in my opinion because it gives you hair to play with. You don't get bangs of course, but you still have something to run your fingers through and whip around.

Devon townsend by the way is very open about his baldness and he says he likes his skullet because it makes him feel "free" or something.

And that's what skullets are all about... living loose!




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Devin Townsend is the man. It works for him. I remember when I saw Strapping Young Lad live back when I was in High School. Was intense stuff, I remember him making fun of his bald head.

uncomfortable man

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Like any other look, not everyone can pull it off. With the skullet, I think you have to be a bad *** to begin with but there is just something about the skullet that can be very intimidating because it screams- I JUST DON'T GIVE A f***! And you really have to mean that because anyone who rocks this looks is most certainly going to run into alot of sh*t talking and turn alot of heads (and not in a good way)but if you already have a f*** the world attitude, then a skullet is the perfect way to express that sentiment. Another badass example...


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I would not take the time to grow it out that far. That looks like 4 years. But if I could have it overnight and go sport it here and there, HELL YEAH. I doubt he'd get any woman that way, and would have a much better chance buzzed, but if you can forget the women for a day and just look cool, it would be fun.