WTF IS GOING ON!! How worst can it get before getting better


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Hey guys i need some input.

I've been on finasteride for 5 months now and i haven't really noticed any improvement since the horrible shed i went through for about 2 1/2 months. Now I still find about 40 hair in the tub everyday which i guess is normal?

Now the problem is, most of of the hair i'm noticing that are falling out are thinner than before, i've never noticed as much thin hair fallout out before!
plus on top of that i'm beginning to notice lots of hair thats falling out are thinning from tip to root (meaning that the shaft is thinning towards the root). What does this mean? am i fucked? *sigh*

please let me know if you guys have experienced this before and turned around after a while. Thanks.


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been on it 8 months...heard it takes a year or so to kick in...where do u get ur finasteride from??


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Hey, I'm glad someone atleast responded.

I got mine from keywestprescritpions, cause axon and a few others really recommanded, i'm going to need a refill soon, so i'm going to see my derm next week. I mean i wouldn't be complaining if i actually maintained, just that it seems like now after a HUGE shed i am beginning to maintain, but only after my temples and rest of my hair is so much thinner than when i started. What about you?

And what about everyone else? has everyone all of a sudden became silent?


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I've had no regrowth from finasteride. I think i might have had a small shed last month. But right now all the hairs falling out are the thick ones... Before finasteride they were all thin and obviously thinner than the rest of the hairs on my head... My small side effects are almost gone. THe sexual part seems day to day and prolly has somethign more to do with diet, mood, sleep, and moon position :p

Maybe add something to the mix? I'm adding spironolactone asap as a lot of people on here have had great success without using anything else (some used finasteride before)

Bone Daddy

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Any maintenance matgallis? What "small side effects" are you refering too?