Xandrox 15 plus


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I am having some trouble posting a photo but I have had great results with Xandrox 15 plus the last 4 months

I can probably mail the comparison photo to anyone that is interested. I think it is fairly compelling.



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Hopefully this works..thanks!




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To be honest I don't see much difference (looks like hair is longer too).

Are you still on oral finasteride?


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It does look as if some of the finer, lighter colored hairs on your crown have thickened and darkened a bit and you haven't lost any so that is success in itself.


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My hair is the same length. I always buzz cut it myself with the same #6 spacer (3/4 ") on top and take a picture within a day or two.

It is definately thicker in the temple and crown, but the crown progress isn't as pronounced.

The other thing I noticed is how the hairs around the thinning areas are responding. My hair used to look flat in front and now it always has more body.

It seems like the results are seldom dramatic with this type of thing but I am happy to have some reversal and thickening. I have been using Finasteride and lower concentrations of Minoxidil for years and never gotten any thickening, just slowing of the thinning.

Yes, I am still on Oral Finasteride.

Best Regards


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Sry, but your hair NEVER EVER is as long in the after as in the before pic. Especially on sides/front.


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I do the best I can to control the length as a variable. I am not arguing subtle differences in length, but it isn't intentional.

I use a #6 buzz cut spacer on top and in front and go against the grain so to speak.

On the sides I use a #4 and in between I blend with a #5

There may be some differences in length on the sides, particularly where I transition the lengths..more of an art than science.

I have noticed that the hairs are standing up straighter and I think that also makes them look longer.

In my next post here are some extra crown photos going back to December of 2008.

Looking back I do think that Rogaine Foam helped some too.

Best Regards,
