Xandrox 15, Who has Results so far?


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Just wanted to know who has results with the 15% so far. From my readings most people are seeing a little regrowth. I just began using this for my bare temples. Anyone else doing the same thing as me?


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its bunk as far Im concerened. I went back to the 12.5 and my hair is getting better again.....Too many issues with preciptate and that is a problem.


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My bare bald temples (bald for 8 months now) are just starting to get back really fine hairs with a bit of pigmentation. This has occurred after 1 month of using this Xandrox 15 percent. Although I have been using the 5 percent for 1.5 months previous to the 15, it could be said that the 15 is bolstering the growth. I'm finally excited to wake up in the morning and find these hair getting thicker. Its a very slow process but I think the emu oil is speeding things up too, plus it make my scalp feel great. Lastly, the 15 doesn't irritate or even itch, the 5 Xandrox just itches a little afterwards. Anybody else getting positive results yet?


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I have been using Xandrox15 since about november and I have seen temple growth and slight frontal hairline growth. This adds a slight cosmetic enhancement.


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Blueshard, have you been using any product to speed up the growth? Did your new growth in the temples come in thin first or thick? How long ago had you lost that hair?


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"Blueshard, have you been using any product to speed up the growth?"
I also use Tricomin once a day, along with one daily application of spironolactone 5%. I use Minox5% in the morning. For internals I use Propecia, MSM, L-lysine. I rotate Nizoral 1% with T-Gel and T-Sal. Xandrox15 was def responsible for this new hair though and I saw regrowth only after I added it to my regimen ( before that I saw no regrowth).

"Did your new growth in the temples come in thin first or thick?"

It came in thin and then slowly thickened.

"How long ago had you lost that hair?"

It has been slick bald in my temples for around 3 years.


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Wow, slick bald for 3 years with slight temple regrowth is impressive. Good luck man. I also use the spironolactone 5%, nizoral 2%, Folligen, finasteride, and the MSM/Emu/Aloe gel. This is the smartest route to go b/c the scalp remains healthy at the same time. The Ionol rinse cond't also feels great (feels refreshingly cold). How often do you apply the spironolactone, Folligen, and Min? Lastly, when your fine temple hairs popped surface, how long did it take for them to mature completely? Thanks, appreciated.


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I apply 1.5 ml of minoxidil in the morning to my entire scalp. I wait about an hour or so and then I apply the spironolactone 5% to my hairline and frontal part of my scalp. Later in the day around dinner I spray tricomin on my head making sure that it gets to the scalp. At night time I apply Xandrox15 to my entire scalp (1 ml.) I dont know why you think I use folligen but I dont use it. The first hairs that I grew took about 4 months to become a normal hair and they grow really slowly.


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It looks like we have basically the same regime, I do the minoxidil in the morning, wait a couple hours before applying the spironolactone 5%, then the Folligen after dinner( which is basically the same thing as Tricomin, my bad). Then at night the Xandrox 15 on bare temples with Xandrox 5% up front. I am looking forward to the next 4 months of growth, hopefully. I think many good researchers will find that this is a regime to commit to until even better products surface.


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i have been on 15 for the last 4 months and 12.5 for 4 months before that and then just rogaine for 4 months and i still dont have any regrowth
also there are gritty bits in the bottle like rock salt
so when this bottles finished i am going back on the 5% minoxidil


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Kiwi, try my regime above w/ Xandrox 5 or 15, I lost so much hair up until 3 weeks ago . . . .and then BAM, hair is regrowing in temples fast and thick, never thought this would actually happen b/c I was about to give up as the temporary shedding depressed me. The emu oil must be really speeding up this growth. Trust me give this a chance and be religious with applications. This has taken me only 3 months to see regrowth-use Emu oil to speed things along man. Good luck