Xandrox 5%


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How much alcohol does this product contain. Does anybody use this in conjunction with generic minoxidil/rogaine (i.e generic minoxidil/rogaine in the morning and xandrox in the evenings). I know xandrox is a very potent DHT blocker (98% according to Dr. Lee). Yes, that is a bit too specific and maybe too good to be true but nevertheless, it is still a good DHT blocker, even if 98% sounds too high. I gave up on spironolactone becuse of high alcohol content and the possibility of gyno and other feminization effects. I would be grateful if anyone could get back to me with the alcohol percentage of xandrox. By the way, are there a lot of xandrox users? If so, how long have you been using it and are happy with it. Thanks again.