xandrox 500



Those who use it how do you rate it. Does it really dry this quick, could i wear a hat thirty minutes later Im 7 months in on propecia and still losing ground and only reason i dont use rogaine is the 4 hr wait after aplication. If this stuff really dries in an hour and a half im gettin it.


o yea and it says you need a prescription. Can a GP write that script or does a dermatalogist have to write it? Thanx


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which product are you talking about? There's nothing on Dr. Lee's site that says xandrox 500. I 'm not sure if you meant product # 500 which is 5% minoxidil in a less greasy solution or Xandrox which is 5% minoxidil with other ingredients as well.

As for the script, I beleive you can get one from your regular Dr (GP or Derm) if it's cheaper for you that way. I think this is on Lee's site somewhere.
Fill out the paper work that Dr Lee will send you (after you contact them) and mail it (not email BTW) back to him. You'll receive an email from them letting you know thay got the paper work and to go ahead and place order. There will be a 1 time $20 fee added to your first order.


i just want minoxidil that will dry w/in an hr and a 1/2 like it says so i could put it in and wait then get in the shower. I guess if they all dry like that id go with the minoxidil 5% in morning and the stuff with the retin in it for night cuz it says its better to have that absorb over night. Do you use the Xandrox line or anything from Dr. Lee , would you reccomend it?


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I use his regular 5% minoxidil on occasion when I need it to dry quickly. The extra alcohol is the reason why I don't use it daily. It dries out my scalp a bit. Most people that use it don't seem to have that problem though. You might want to check with Dr. lee about washing it out right after it dries. I would imagine this wouldn't be a good idea. Ask him about the retin-a too. That stuff can be harsh on the skin.
Product # 500 is his plain 5% minoxidil which dries very quickly. It has more alcohol and less PPG than rogaine and generic minoxidil.
Lee's: 50% Alcohol, 30% PPG
Rogaine: 30% Alcohol 50% PPG


thanx a bunch, i am a diffuse thinner and even w/ propecia at 7 months im losing ground, do you think i should wait a few more months before commiting myself to minoxidil. i feel like at that point it may be too late, for the first 6 months the Propecia was workin fine. now my hair is startin to really look like sh*t. Im hopin that a bunch of my hairs are in telogen and gonna start sproutin around my head in weeks. Any more advice. Thanx a lot Bad hair decade :)


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bartman654 said:
thanx a bunch, i am a diffuse thinner and even w/ propecia at 7 months im losing ground, do you think i should wait a few more months before commiting myself to minoxidil.

That depends on how long you've been losing your hair and how severe it is. It also depends on if you think you can keep up with the applications. If you've just started losing you hair then hold off on the Rogaine and stick with the finasteride and nizoral. If your head looks like mine did in my before pictures then jump on the minoxidil boat.

bartman654 said:
i feel like at that point it may be too late, for the first 6 months the Propecia was workin fine. now my hair is startin to really look like sh*t. Im hopin that a bunch of my hairs are in telogen and gonna start sproutin around my head in weeks. Any more advice. Thanx a lot Bad hair decade :)

THis is all part of the ride...There's ups and downs all the time. The best advice i can give is to take good consistant pictures. Hair growth happens so slowly there's no way to tell if your seeing results by looking in the mirror every day.
But when you compare pictures (with identical angle, lighting, exposure) that are 3-6 months apart you'll notice a difference.


I think im gonna take pix at all angles now and compare in about 3-4 months then make the decision.
Thanx for all your advice man :)