xandrox and minoxidil --no pg is to darm greasyyyyyy


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i can't use regular minoxidil because of the irritation, i did try regular xandrox and minoxidil from doctor lee and is also giving me irritation, now i'm using xandrox and minoxidil no pg and is to darm greasyyy, this thing doesn't dry in a full day, if i'm gonna do the second application of the day (one morning and one nightime) i can still see the greasyness from the first application.

now i have a question, my hair got really bad from the irritation of regular minoxidil, now that i'm using xandrox and minoxidil no pg for a month, i'm having massive shedding, what could be the cost of this,

1 year 3 months, (i'm going to add 15% in a few day)


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If you plan on using Xandrox 15, prepare to get real greasy. The only way to use this stuff is at night and then washing it out in the morning. If you plan on leaving your house wearing a hat or something with it in, it will drive you crazy all day trust me.


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johnboy said:
If you plan on using Xandrox 15, prepare to get real greasy. The only way to use this stuff is at night and then washing it out in the morning. If you plan on leaving your house wearing a hat or something with it in, it will drive you crazy all day trust me.

i have used minoxidil 15% and is less greasy than minoxidil no pg, trust me, xandrox 15% is also greasy because it doesn't have pg, but since is much stiff and stronger it dry more quickly (compare to 5% no pg) i used it and i love it, true (only for night application before going to sleep