Xandrox 15% i believe is a great product to use at night. I think it has really helped my temples improve. Beware though that once you start there may be no going back. I stopped using it for 1 1/2 weeks and tried the foam and shed big time. Bear in mind the cost also at 88 dollars a bottle. I emailed Dr Lee about the effects of switching back from 15% to 5% and he said that any growth should be able to be maintained but insisted maximum benefits would only maintain with continuous use. The problem is that your follicles may well become dependant on the higher strength of minoxidil and therefore reducing to 5% would cause those hair to fall out.
Its a gamble as a lot of people doubt 15% would produce enough gains over the 5% to justify using it. To be honest wish I had never started it and had carried on using the 5%. Topical spironolactone is also a good product to use at night and I feel it has worked especially well for my temples. Again though word of warning is that it stinks like sh*t.
As for laser comb, I used it for 1 year solid 3 times a week without any noticeable gains whatsoever. I experienced no shed either from stopping it. In my opinion its a piece of crap but now its FDA approved so who knows, did nothing for me though.
My greatest gains are coming right now. I started dutasteride at the beginning of the year along with the xandrox 15% and spironolactone couple of times a week. Results so far have been amazing and although I'm shedding at the moment I feel I may even be on the road to almost full recovery.
Most important tip from me is to make sure that DHT is suppressed, cause if you dont male pattern baldness is gonna get ya.