

Established Member
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life has got me down pretty bad lately, so i dont want to have any bad ties, im sorry for pissing so many people off on here, so it wotn be happening anymore, bye guys


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kerzyguy said:
life has got me down pretty bad lately, so i dont want to have any bad ties, im sorry for pissing so many people off on here, so it wotn be happening anymore, bye guys

Hang in there, with whatever you are going through.


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kerzyguy said:
life has got me down pretty bad lately, so i dont want to have any bad ties, im sorry for pissing so many people off on here, so it wotn be happening anymore, bye guys
Alex, what are you so down about? Is your BDD causing you to be down? If that is the case, you need to talk about it.

Nashville Hairline

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And here was me thinking all NW1s lived such a charmed life free of stress... :dunno:


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read that whole post. alot of people have those kinds of thoughts. my best advice is find a hobby that you really like doing and find a club or team that enjoys doing it too and thats all.


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Alex, I was exactly like you from ages 15 to ages 18. I was a loner and I slept all day and avoided everyone. My parents thought I was abnormal mentally. People liked me but I did not like them. I met too many bullies and I was a skinny whimpy kid who would never fight and avoid being around people my own age. I was able to relate better with older people. My brother was mean to me so I did not even have what you had. As much as you may not want to hear this. You need to go to college away from where you live. If your parents cannot help you than try to get loans. You need to get an education in something you are interested in doing. Once you start going to college with educated people you might be able to make new friends in college. Educated people act differently than non educated people. I met alot of people in college and had a great time. I even had a great time in graduate school. I don't have many friends now because I chose to be a loner. People like me but I really don't like too many people because I get bored easily with them. I deal with total strangers every day that I can't wait to be alone. I have learned so many people are miserable and just get married so they think it might be better because they can have sex all the time and have some one cater to them. I would never use marriage as an escape. Alex, what do you physically not like about yourself. Not to sound gay but your hair is fine, your complexion is clear and I don't think you ever had to worry about acne. You seem to be in good shape and your are not a bad looking person. Of course you look mature for your age but if you keep clean shaven you will look fine. I think you just want someone to pay attention to you. I think that is why you like coming on here. I like the same. I want attention. Who doesn't. But the way go like to get attention is seems to irritate people. Its amazing how much you and are alike. I was the same kid you are at 19 and I have not changed too much. No matter what you have posted on here, I really think your a good person and if I was your age, I would definitely be friends with you. I think you need to find someone who is like yourself but slightly more outgoing. Maybe you can help each other get over some of your insecurities you have. Just get yourself focused on an education. Intelligent people will accept you if you let them. I tell people all the time I am a loser because my social life is non existent. Yet they tell me I can't be a loser because I am a successful professional. So take my advice and become someone successful and professional. If you don't look to change your views about yourself you are going to end up socially just like me. If I was not a professional, trust me, people would think I am definitely a loser.


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You're 19 you have all the time in the world. There's no reason why you cant sort your life out, theres nothing wrong with you its all in your head.


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When I was your age exactly I was in pretty much the same position. Got dumped by my g/f of 2 years and found myself with few friends. I ended up moving across the state to attend a different school and it was the best decision I ever made.

While I was never an outcast in high school, it's still a fantastic feeling to be able to come and go anywhere I want and never have to run into anyone from the past. Plus I've made tons of new friends and got a new chick as well.

It sounds like you aren't going to college so honestly......I think that is your best bet. You aren't happy where you are so why not? You're still young - don't miss the opportunity.


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I had some pretty miserable years too, but its never too late to change things. Get a hobby, do a coarse (college or otherwise), go travelling etc. The only way to really sort your head out is to take actions to change your life. If you dont change things, your mood will not pick up.


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go travelling. at first ud be alone and have time to find yourself. then as you backpacked youd meet loads of people and have a great time...australia would be your best bet.

Or maybe move to the UK for a year and see what you think. Not as cheesy and plastic over here. And with your accent youd clean up with the ladies.

Or college if you got the grades.


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Alex, check your PM.


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i did sign up for college, but i cancelled my registration as i felt i wasnt ready i will be going next year, its not all bad, i usually go visit my brother for a month or two and spend some time there in toronto quite alot, and its totally different, i hang with all his buddies and we go out to the bars and sh*t and it all works out, i just cant move there, he cant really put me up at his place as there isnt much room its too bad cause all like, the depression and stuff ends, its as soon as i get back here, its shitty


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Whatever you do it sounds like you need to make a change in your life. And going to uni (or college) could be exactly that. You'll meet new people.... go to parties, pick up girls etc :)


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kerzyguy said:
i did sign up for college, but i cancelled my registration as i felt i wasnt ready i will be going next year, its not all bad, i usually go visit my brother for a month or two and spend some time there in toronto quite alot, and its totally different, i hang with all his buddies and we go out to the bars and sh*t and it all works out, i just cant move there, he cant really put me up at his place as there isnt much room its too bad cause all like, the depression and stuff ends, its as soon as i get back here, its shitty

Right Alex,

I can totally relate to you, I have gone through those thought patterns as you and many other guys have. I feel for you really do.

Anyway, the general jist I get from your post is that you are upset because of how others are treating to you. In short life is not your "ideal" at the moment. This is a really hard lesson for us all to learn, but life is tough mate. f*****g tough. You have to understand, that everybody is essentially in the same boat as you, with the exception of those that have it on a silver platter. You have to understand too essentially we are alone here, girls come and go, friends come and go...people come and go (for example Dr House has recently left the forums to get on with his own sh*t), you ARE therefore number one.

Now lets put things into perspective, you have two options a) sit back, and continue to let other people dictate the way you feel, react to the hardships that come with that or b) grab life by the f*****g balls and make the situation so that it is in your favour.
Either way, you will experience pain, but by facing your fears and trying to overcome them for the better, is an act of courage!

That aside Alex, as a spectator, I will list down reasons why you should not be down:

1) There is physically NOTHING wrong with you. You are not bald/balding, are at a good weight, and are an attractive guy
2) You are what - 19? You are young and have your whole life ahead of you.
3) Live in a country that gives you opportunities in life.
4) Everything that you have mentioned - lack of social skills etc can be improved.

So instead of being on a downer, why don't you build on this and become awesome?

Finally, whenever you are down, try and think about the sh*t you have been blessed with: since coming onto this forum - I am really seeing Hairloss in a different perspecitive, in the sense that I really really am grateful that I have lost my hair yet. Which makes me realise that life is not that bad afterall!