Yesterday was a very good day. :)

Cal Que Later

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Ok it started off pretty normal, I had to go out and pick up a few things for a party I was going to later on in the night. So I was out at the mall and I ran into someone I knew from high school that I had not seen in about 7 years. Looked at his hair, like I seem to do a lot now, and noticed he had none, we are talking Norwood 7 here. It might be wrong but I get a lot of joy out of seeing people I know that are balder than I am. If that was not good enough 2 attractive college girls were hitting on me while I was picking up a gift certificate at the Banana Republic. Then I went to the wine store and the lady behind the register commented to me how I looked like I was only 17 or 18. To top everything off I was not wearing any type of hat or anything on my head, so my getting worse everyday hairline was blazing like a champ for everyone to see.


Yea if i saw a guy that has better hair than me right now and went completley bald and I would have better hair then him later i would be really happy 2. I would feel sry for him, but it would make me feel better.

Did your friend even care he had no hair?


I'd rather be NW7 than NW4. Sorta takes the guesswork out of the situation ;)

Cal Que Later

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I am going out with one of them tonight so I would believe that they were hitting on me, but I will find out for sure later on.

Didn't really ask the guy if it bothered him, didn't really care either, he was one of those annoying people in high school that hung out in your group but you could never figure out who invited them.


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Cal that guy sounds like a nerd and they usually don't care about there hairline. Did you ask this girl out or did you know her before?

Cal Que Later

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Never met her before I went in the store, we started talking and she wanted to know if I wanted to go out sometime. Might I also add it is very nice being asked out instead of having to do the asking.

Cal Que Later

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Maybe your a fool?


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a college girl doesn't mean she was hot......

on a scale 1 thru 10 what was she? usually the 7's and above NEVER ask
a guy out... or maybe they just don't ask ME out... :lol: :roll: 8O :cry:


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Hey, wait a minute. Everybody here complains about how shallow the world is, that they just judge you by looks and reject you for being bald. Then you guys are rating women on a scale of 1-10, getting happy when somebody is balder, assuming nerds don't care when they bald and who wants them in the group, anyway, etc. What's wrong with this picture? I thought we were supposed to be better than all those shallow people who give us sh*t for not looking perfect.


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Scott said:
a college girl doesn't mean she was hot......

on a scale 1 thru 10 what was she? usually the 7's and above NEVER ask
a guy out... or maybe they just don't ask ME out... :lol: :roll: 8O :cry:

yea i find that, 1 time though i just turrned 18 and this smoking hot babe came up to me in the middle of a pool game with my mates, she must have been about 25 at least, smoking! and asked me out there and then, sh*t i was a deer in headlights if youve ever seen 1.