Yoga solves everything...


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I don't want to offend anyone, but I thought this was pretty funny.
It's interesting how different cultures deal with the hair loss problem :) ... fall.shtml

Q: Hello, I am 26 year old and having a heavy hair loss problem. Due to the same my hair has become very thin and I can clearly see my scalp. I eat good amount of fruits,carrots daily and do the head massage once a week with the Parachute coconut oil. I take head bath everyday morning (but uses shampoo once a week). There will not be any sweat on my scalp. Also I comb my hair every night before sleep. What else can I do to make my hair thick so that scalp should not be seen. Also importantly, do the excess of "salt and curd (yogurt)" in daily food increases the hair fall ? OR if I reduce the quantity of these two in my food will the hair loss decrease ? Thank You in advance.

Nikhil (Mumbai, India)

A: In addition, try doing inverted yoga asanas like the Sarvangasana. Reduce salt intake, but continue with curd. Also, bend your fingers, hold them close and rub your fingernails together for five minutes by the watch, twice a day. Apparently this yogic exercise solves most hair problems.

Vidula Chopra

Q: I am a 25 years old. Till 20 I had thick & dense hair. But after that I have been losing hair like nobody;s business. Since my hair is thin now I need to shampoo everyday to work to make them look volumnous. All say everyday shampooing is bad, but so it showing that you are getting bald. I have tried almost everything from Brijhrang Oil to Arnika Plus Triofer, to a tablet called Zincovit and a clear liquid solutin that a doctor had adviced. To avoid hairfall I keep my hair short & shampoo them everyday with Sunsilk Black. Can you help me with a solution. I am going to stop using a strong shampoo and move to a very mild one. Your help would be highly appreciated.

Vikash (Mumbai, India)

A: Nothing is wrong if you shampoo your hair everyday, as long as you use a MILD, preferably herbal shampoo, suitable for daily use. Eat more amla and take up yoga.

Vidula Chopra


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My favorite is the advice column from magazines like Flex. They typically read as follows:

"Yo man, I'm having trouble finding a girl that is as hot and as cut as me. I mean I'm just so shredded and I want to find a chick that is as into her own body as I am. I mean I'm just so cut. Where can I find a hot chick that is cut and tans until she turns purple?

Sincerly, Joey "Bench Press" Cusamano."