You Don't Know The True Worth Of Something Until You Lose It.


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The title may made a lot of you think that i'll be talking about hair loss in this thread, but i won't. I'll talk about what imo, is worse and more annoying than hair loss. It's gonna be a long post, so please excuse me.

As some of you know that i've been suffering from a terrible brain fog for nearly a year now and it destroys my life more and more every single day. It's honestly way worse than being short or bald imo.

For those who don't know. Brain fog is a state of mind in which the person suffers from a lack of concentration, memory gets stomped hard, feeling dumb as a rock, constant, annoying headache that doesn't go away and gets worse after eating or after waking up from sleep, fatigue and overall your brain feel like a useless piece of meat that can't do anything. And what's even worse is the feel of being detached from reality or not feeling alive and that feeling makes the person emotions unreachable and in most cases the person rarely feels anything at all (no sadness, no anger, no happiness, not even pain). The only thing that you feel is being a living corpse.

I honestly don't know what to do. No one believes me and i'm failing badly at everything and everyone does nothing but blames me for being a worthless loser, when i can't just do anything to help myself.

I'm not sure, but maybe a lot of you notice that i post dumb sh*t sometimes or actually most times and i act stupid and weird and maybe i'm actually a bit stupid and weird, but i'm sure that brain fog has a lot to do with it. I'm not saying that i'm not at fault, but i'm really, really tired and sick of it.

At this point, I'd rather be a NW7 now and get my brain back. I always laughed at people who said intelligence and the power of brain worth more than looks or hair, but i now agree with them.

Not saying that looks or hair are not important because we all know how much do they matter, but for me personally, i'd rather be intelligent.

I really hate the feeling of being stupid and dumb and the annoying feeling of a constant headache and trying hardly to remember things that happened like 5 minutes ago and i hate the feeling of hopelessness that brain fog gives me every second when i pathetically and desperately try to do anything to better the situation, but i fail miserably everytime.

And this damn brain fog is like hair loss, without a cure because no one can understand it clearly.

I really want to feel like a human again f*** this sh*t.


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You've misdiagnosed yourself.
What you have, is called ''soul fog'' and it won't dissolve until you die.
It is created when the subject becomes too aware of its own existence and of the things around it.
The soul creates this fog in order to cover its nudity and blind the subject.
As of 2018 A.D, there's no cure available.


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I've never experienced this brain fog phenomenon. You say you feel nothing. No emotional penetration.

What if a hot Lebanese girl gave you the "come on" look?
Would you feel anything then?

f***, I know I would!
I would be dancing on those Cairo rooftops all night long, no matter how foggy the brain is.


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The title may made a lot of you think that i'll be talking about hair loss in this thread, but i won't. I'll talk about what imo, is worse and more annoying than hair loss. It's gonna be a long post, so please excuse me.

As some of you know that i've been suffering from a terrible brain fog for nearly a year now and it destroys my life more and more every single day. It's honestly way worse than being short or bald imo.

For those who don't know. Brain fog is a state of mind in which the person suffers from a lack of concentration, memory gets stomped hard, feeling dumb as a rock, constant, annoying headache that doesn't go away and gets worse after eating or after waking up from sleep, fatigue and overall your brain feel like a useless piece of meat that can't do anything. And what's even worse is the feel of being detached from reality or not feeling alive and that feeling makes the person emotions unreachable and in most cases the person rarely feels anything at all (no sadness, no anger, no happiness, not even pain). The only thing that you feel is being a living corpse.

I honestly don't know what to do. No one believes me and i'm failing badly at everything and everyone does nothing but blames me for being a worthless loser, when i can't just do anything to help myself.

I'm not sure, but maybe a lot of you notice that i post dumb sh*t sometimes or actually most times and i act stupid and weird and maybe i'm actually a bit stupid and weird, but i'm sure that brain fog has a lot to do with it. I'm not saying that i'm not at fault, but i'm really, really tired and sick of it.

At this point, I'd rather be a NW7 now and get my brain back. I always laughed at people who said intelligence and the power of brain worth more than looks or hair, but i now agree with them.

Not saying that looks or hair are not important because we all know how much do they matter, but for me personally, i'd rather be intelligent.

I really hate the feeling of being stupid and dumb and the annoying feeling of a constant headache and trying hardly to remember things that happened like 5 minutes ago and i hate the feeling of hopelessness that brain fog gives me every second when i pathetically and desperately try to do anything to better the situation, but i fail miserably everytime.

And this damn brain fog is like hair loss, without a cure because no one can understand it clearly.

I really want to feel like a human again f*** this sh*t.
You write pretty well for someone who is self diagnosed as virtually retarded.

I propose you are just being neurotic and your mental faculties are fine.

Cue Bald

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yeah i must admit your spelling and literacy levels are pretty great.
i'd still go to the doctors even if they will probably be useless and blame stress and depression.

i recently had dizziness and difficulty spelling. my face then swoll up massively. i had a massive infection that would have killed me had i gone down the hospital a day later.

you not on any meds? btw I was in finasteride for years and had no brain fog from that. diazepam gave me a little "brain fog" - more like diziness, as did codeine/tramadol - but what really gave me bad brain fog were antibiotics. i swear the antibiotics i was on (clindamycin and IV cephtriaxone) made me more woozy than xanax did.