You know what?

uncomfortable man

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I just buzzed my head and face, shaved my scruffy neck and took my first shower in two weeks. Afterwards, I took a good look in the mirror and you know what? I liked what I saw. I think I'm finally ok with it. I've always been the kind of person to focus on the negative, forsaking my better qualities and whats important...ever since I can remember. It's been exhausting for me and a waste of time. Well maybe not a waste, if it was the process of mourning and analysis of my relative situation that has eventually led to.....acceptance. Sure, I will never enjoy the strange looks and eventual comments, jokes or even outright insults but I know that I've wallowed in the muck long enough know every complaint and argument based on pitty inside out and that there is more to all of it, there is more to me than that. I thought I was entitled to feel worse than everyone, since I was balder than everyone and I used that to keep myself down. But now it is time to take my own advice (and your own-you know who you are) and begin to focus on what I do have, which just so happens to be alot. Thanks for putting up with me.


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I have tears in my eyes.

Have a nice Christmas!!! I'm sure your loved ones are going to enjoy having the new you around them.

I'd like to say sorry, if at times I came on too strongly.... I know most things are easier said than done. I have lots of problems of my own, and I sometimes refuse to face the reality despite what people around me are telling me. We all have our own way of solving things and sometimes hearing the reality hurts.

Good luck dude....


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Congrats bud...I hope to get there soon. I think I am going in the opposite direction! My whole life I have tended to be a very happy-go-lucky guy, not a care in the world. But as my hairloss gets worse, I am becoming more and more bitter. Angry at everyone. I hope this phase doesn't last long.

2 weeks without a shower??? WOW.


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I never thought i'd see the day you write a positive post. :)


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That's a great attitude change compared to the one I read in a few of your recent posts. :punk:

Keep it up and you'll feel like you've being born again, a new lease of life. :)


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As a long time lurker of this site i saw alot of your negative posts and im very happy to see you write those words. Well done mate :).


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uncomfortable man said:
I think I'm finally ok with it. -Max

Lets hope so, good luck and hopefully if you dont care no one else will either. I'm sure confidence will make the difference.

uncomfortable man

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Those are some fatty bangs Nerwood! I used to have that style back in junior high. :punk:


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dudemon said:
Glad to see you are coming to grips UM. IMO, it's all about true acceptance. I've learned (the hard way) the you can only truly come to grips with yourself, if and ONLY if, you accept it. A lot of guys tell themselves they accept it, but deep-down they are still in denial. Some of them even believe they accept it - on the surface. But, they really don't. I think that finally accepting it is kind of liberating in it's own way. True acceptance negates the "ball and chain" of wanting to accept, but deep-down it really isn't so.

IMO, you are absolutely spot on here.

I seem quite a distance away from true acceptance at the moment, though i am working on it.


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Congratz UM, its about time ;).... now instead "wasting" time here, invest it on more important things in your life*, sadly i hope to see you less and less here untill you stop browsing alltogather...
gl&tc. :pint:

*(or you can waste it at the proud bald community forum now :p...)


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UM i hope you stick around to offer your advice, wisdom, guidance and insight. you have a lot to offer to this forum and the new members who sign up each day looking for help.


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I don't think I'll ever get there.


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This thread really made my day..I was kind of down this morning but I'm in a great mood now after reading this.

Rock on! :punk:


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that's probably the only savior of the balding man... it's a very difficult step for me... I was offered by my friends many times to shave my head (there was a time that this haircut was popular and they were doing it just for fun) and I never got the courage even I was not losing hair back then... respect.