You know you're balding when...


Established Member
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10. People impulsively start whistling the Mr. Clean song when they see you.

9. You focus more on "The Big 3" than "The Final 4"

8. You take your morning cereal with Minoxidil.

7. You've rigged up some mirror system to check out the top of your head.

6. When someone says: "Regimen: nizoral, Min, finasteride, spironolactone", you actually know what the hell they're talking about.

5. You believe your hairstylist is the Anti-Christ.

4. When your girlfriend says she's on "the Pill", you inform her that that could cause birth defects when used by women.

3. You check out guy's hair more than girl's.

2. You have more shampoos than your girlfriend.

1. You start thinking Vin Diesel movies are good.

The Gardener

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TortoiseAndHair said:
8. You take your morning cereal with Minoxidil.

Yeah.. I know. I usually take the minoxidil in my morning tea.

The timing and physics of my morning routine are something that have evolved over a period of time to an absolute state of perfection. Everything happens in a very predictable order that I know works in a completely time-optimized way.

Well, it so happens that the timing of when I make my second cup of tea coincides exactly with the commencement of my minoxidil application. Make bed, finish first cup of tea on the way to the kitchen, make second cup of tea, let teabag sit in cup while I apply minoxidil, and then after minoxidil application return to the living room to catch the morning news while I let it sit over cup of tea number two. Of course I lean over it to stir it up, and drip drip... right from the front forehead into the tea.

I just thought I would share because I thought you would all want to know.


Experienced Member
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TortoiseAndHair said:
10. People impulsively start whistling the Mr. Clean song when they see you.

9. You focus more on "The Big 3" than "The Final 4"

8. You take your morning cereal with Minoxidil.

7. You've rigged up some mirror system to check out the top of your head.

6. When someone says: "Regimen: nizoral, Min, finasteride, spironolactone", you actually know what the hell they're talking about.

5. You believe your hairstylist is the Anti-Christ.

4. When your girlfriend says she's on "the Pill", you inform her that that could cause birth defects when used by women.

3. You check out guy's hair more than girl's.

2. You have more shampoos than your girlfriend.

1. You start thinking Vin Diesel movies are good.

This is some funny stuff man!!! lol! I cracked up out lout at work, this is so true!