You know you've thought this at least once...


Established Member
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10. I wish I had less hair so I could apply this damn minoxidil easier!
9. "Honey, I need to do a test for side effects of Finasteride, and I need your help"
8. What if xxxx really does work??
7. But I won't look good bald! I have an ugly shaped head!
6. I need to get married before I lose my friggen' hair.
5. God, I'm a loser for browsing these forums at midnight...
4. I have SOOO much more hair than THAT guy...
3. Goddammit, why isn't anyone responding to my post?
2. Oh yeah, she is checking out my vellus hairs! :eek:nfire:
1. Maybe masterbation really DOES cause hairloss...


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5. You imagine yourself back when you had full head of hair as looking like a model (though you were not).

4. You actually think that a guy with thicker hair is fundamentaly better looking than you regardless of the fact he is 5'2", overweight and toothless.

3. When you hear on TV Ben Laden saying that he planned to bomb Los Angeles for march 2005, the first thing you worry about is how your hair will look like then.

2. When a girl rejects you, If she says it's because you are too short, you are relieved.

1. A guy could homejack you with a comb as a weapon.