You should check this subreddit ...


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Dudes are convinced we are approching immortality, an artificial intelligence more intelligent than human, post-singularity, blablabla, "singularity", in just the coming years ...

Just types keywords like "Immortality", "singularity", "general A.I" or "Strong A.I" or superintelligence (an A.I that is supposed to be more intelligent than humans)

Some of thems are even worried of being destructed by A.I, in the friggin coming years.

While we can't even cure ****ing hairloss.

What a joke.


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They have been saying this for years.

It will probably happen sooner or later provided we dont destroy ourselfs or get taken out by a volcano/meteor, but not 'in the coming years'


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They have been saying this for years.

It will probably happen sooner or later provided we dont destroy ourselfs or get taken out by a volcano/meteor, but not 'in the coming years'

Yes, they have been saying this stuff is coming for years and they have had to cross hurdle after hurdle after hurdle. AND they are finally almost there. It has taken time to get to where they are. You don't just sit down one day and say "we are going to cure the aging process" and then cure it the next day. They've been working on it for 40 + years. And they have only recently gotten to the point where they can actually do it in human cells. That accomplishment only happened in the past year or two. This WAS the biggest stumbling block. And there are a huge number of top researchers working on this, and some of them are older men who are working as hard as they can because they don't want to die. I'm very confident that this train is coming relatively soon. And if they cure the entire aging process then of course they will cure hair loss at the same time. They've been reversing the aging process in mice for years and when they do the mouse's hair always looks nice and youthful again.


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Yes, they have been saying a cure for the aging process is coming for years and they have had to cross hurdle after hurdle after hurdle. AND they are finally almost there. It has taken time to get to where they are. You don't just sit down one day and say "we are going to cure the aging process" and then cure it the next day. They've been working on it for 40 + years. And they have only recently gotten to the point where they can actually do it in human cells. That accomplishment only happened in the past year or two. This WAS the biggest stumbling block. They are getting very close. And there are a huge number of top researchers working on this, and some of them are older men who are working as hard as they can because they don't want to die. I'm very confident that this train is coming relatively soon.

What? That's not even what OP was talking about. But to address your point, they also wont stop the aging process 'in the coming years'. It will probably be solved someday I agree, but not in the next couple of years. If you believe that I really have nothing to say to you.


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I have small gum recession between my teeth and the dentist said they can't do anything about it. Gum grafts can't work because there isn't enough blood supply in that region or something. So we don't even have the technology to put 2 mm of gum tissue in between teeth. We are in stone age of science right now. I am almost certain there will no cure for baldness in our lifetime, no way will they be able to grow hair follicles where there is none so fast. That's almost immortality kind of science, you could always rejuvenate your body with that technology.


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We can't cure hairloss because we don't understand the underlying biological mechanisms. When we do, maybe we'll find a cure.


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Yes discovering a cure is highly unlikely, and I'll get a lot of flak maybe for professing that my skepticism includes virtually every disease presently known to science.
It makes sense to me anyway to rely and focus more on the hard work and valiant efforts our scientific community is making to find/produce greater preventative therapies and more effective treatment(s).
We can't cure hairloss because we don't understand the underlying biological mechanisms. When we do, maybe we'll find a cure.


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They will probably be able to edit out of genes before they find an actual cure for a balding man. Gattaca style.


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Yea , people always like to through around arbitrary numbers like "5years"

whats really depressing is reading post from 2005 saying " 5 years and balding will be cured" ect, ect. Just goes to show you we have no clue. And no reason to have false hope.

Yes , it does suck. But I'd rather worry about what I can do about it in this day and age

the thing about genetic engineering is most likely to obliterate the bald gene then any kind of regrowth. Unfortunately for us , we are stilled screwed. But our grand children will most likely enjoy a full head of hair!

we were lucky enough to be born in the technology revolution, but unlucky enough to be born in the very beginning


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What? That's not even what OP was talking about. But to address your point, they also wont stop the aging process 'in the coming years'. It will probably be solved someday I agree, but not in the next couple of years. If you believe that I really have nothing to say to you.

This from a guy who doesn't even realize that when OP mentioned that they're working on immortality that means they're working on curing the aging process so OP did talk about the aging process.

Cue Bald

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Yea , people always like to through around arbitrary numbers like "5years"

whats really depressing is reading post from 2005 saying " 5 years and balding will be cured" ect, ect. Just goes to show you we have no clue. And no reason to have false hope.

Yes , it does suck. But I'd rather worry about what I can do about it in this day and age

the thing about genetic engineering is most likely to obliterate the bald gene then any kind of regrowth. Unfortunately for us , we are stilled screwed. But our grand children will most likely enjoy a full head of hair!

we were lucky enough to be born in the technology revolution, but unlucky enough to be born in the very beginning

yeah when you set the forum to view posts from 2003 there are people on there who are convinced the cure is 5 years away, or 10 at most. here we are nearly 15 years later with no change whatsoever. we won't have a cure for 20 years minimum


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yeah when you set the forum to view posts from 2003 there are people on there who are convinced the cure is 5 years away, or 10 at most. here we are nearly 15 years later with no change whatsoever. we won't have a cure for 20 years minimum

Time to be kinder to your mammas fellas.