You Women Caused Baldness To Be An Issue


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Seriously why does going bald bother women nowadays?

Me personally speaking would willingly date a bald woman.

The issue with today's society is that woman have caused men to become insecure about their looks by placing a superficial standard that men must be very good-looking, tall, and white skinned to even be considered human.

Im tired of being treated terribly and being called ugly behind my back by all of the rejections I have gotten from women.

Baldness would be accepted in society if women never brought up the importance of facial appearance. Its the same thing with racism, women caused there to be a special treatment for white men and now ethnics are bullied on the streets for not living up to the standard of women.

tl;dr: you women caused baldness to be an issue, not us men. Now you get to feel what the bottom 80% of men like myself get to feel on a daily basis. Rejection, hate, denial of intimacy, etc. All because of bad genetics.


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Incorrect. This is what changed:

-Men are not starting families until later. Up until 20 years ago, it was common for most people to be married and have children before the age of 25. Usually hair loss did not set in until much later in life, so men were still able to reproduce successfully which is why the balding gene is so common to this day. Hair loss doesn't really matter as much after you've had kids. It's more of an annoyance at that point.

However these days, men are balding younger, and not settling down until later, which is why balding has become such an issue as it could threaten a man's genetic survival. This is why there is mass depression, suicide, and risking dangerous chemicals around male hair loss that simply didn't exist in the past.


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Incorrect. This is what changed:

-Men are not starting families until later. Up until 20 years ago, it was common for most people to be married and have children before the age of 25. Usually hair loss did not set in until much later in life, so men were still able to reproduce successfully which is why the balding gene is so common to this day. Hair loss doesn't really matter as much after you've had kids. It's more of an annoyance at that point.

However these days, men are balding younger, and not settling down until later, which is why balding has become such an issue as it could threaten a man's genetic survival. This is why there is mass depression, suicide, and risking dangerous chemicals around male hair loss that simply didn't exist in the past.
well I started balding at 14.

do you suggest I should have gotten married before 14?


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Its largely the fault of globalisation of human connection. 200 years ago you had to compete against male of your small town, at most a city, so the standards were lower and women werent as frustrated that their man is a genetic failure. When you are unaware of better possibilities you arent as frustrated when it comes to evaluating your current situation. Now when you open instagram or any social media page you see those nw0, tall, white guys, so women think anyone who doesnt meet this standard is a genetic sh*t.

Its sad really, it will never change for the better because the world is becoming increasingly more globalised.


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Find a woman who is not obsessed or on social media as much. Women compare themselves to so many these days by looking at other women on their social media accounts and want what these other women have. It’s all materialist. Plus why would you want a chick that is obsessed with only looks, even if she’s hot as hell, she’ll probably end up miserable her whole life anyways wondering why she can’t find a good guy.


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Find a woman who is not obsessed or on social media as much. Women compare themselves to so many these days by looking at other women on their social media accounts and want what these other women have. It’s all materialist. Plus why would you want a chick that is obsessed with only looks, even if she’s hot as hell, she’ll probably end up miserable her whole life anyways wondering why she can’t find a good guy.

He can't he actually does not leave the house and spends 100% of his time on incel forums, how could he find somebody ?


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He can't he actually does not leave the house and spends 100% of his time on incel forums, how could he find somebody ?
Haha that’s true. I’ve told hot *** girls about my hair loss and none of them really care at all. They’ve told me it’s apart of you so why be ashamed. Just got to be honest with them and be like yeah I take this stuff called finasteride to keep my hair is all. I’m 29 dating a hot younger chick that doesn’t give a crap, just be yourself and honest about it.


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Haha that’s true. I’ve told hot *** girls about my hair loss and none of them really care at all. They’ve told me it’s apart of you so why be ashamed. Just got to be honest with them and be like yeah I take this stuff called finasteride to keep my hair is all. I’m 29 dating a hot younger chick that doesn’t give a crap, just be yourself and honest about it.

They will never understand, that's what incels do, they blame it all on women, hair loss, small dicks and being short instead of focusing on what really matters.. Nobody says to not try in doing something about your looks, or keeping your hair, but for them not that's the problem, their mind and character are the problem and it's way easier to blame it on others or other things instead of trying to do something constructive that could actually make you benefit from it... It's way easier to stay 24/7 on a hair loss forum or incel forum and cry about how cruel the world is and how you were been given the "wrong cards" and finding excuses about your shitty pathetic life in which you don't do nothing anyways, except complaining and trying to find excuses for how shitty your life is !

And what's the most pathetic thing is that most of them don't even have it so bad, this sick f*** for example actually looks good, he has a full head of hair and a nice body color, nice facial features, he looks kind of similar with how i looked when i was his age, the only difference was that i was living in the real world then and was surrounded by people, especially by girls ! And i had and have my flaws, like any other human being, but there had nothing to do with me not doing the best i could do at that age and with my life..

As i said, with this forum and this period, i feel blessed that when i was their age we did not have this forums, this incel mentality, tinder, etc.. We actually lived in the real world and it made a big difference ! Even the internet when it came out, it was a lot more different from this sh*t that is now and that sprouts all of the mental illnesses of the world and that spreads them all over the place like a f*****g plague !
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They will never understand, that's what incels do, they blame it all on women, hair loss, small dicks and being short instead of focusing on what really matters.. Nobody says to not try in doing something about your looks, or keeping your hair, but for them not that's the problem, their mind and character are the problem and it's way easier to blame it on others or other things instead of trying to do something constructive that could actually make you benefit from it... It's way easier to stay 24/7 on a hair loss forum or incel forum and cry about how cruel the world is and how you were been given the "wrong cards" and finding excuses about your shitty pathetic life in which you don't do nothing anyways, except complaining and trying to find excuses for how shitty your life is !

And what's the most pathetic thing is that most of them don't even have it so bad, this sick f*** for example actually looks good, he has a full head of hair and a nice body color, nice facial features, he looks kind of similar with how i looked when i was his age, the only difference was that i was living in the real world then and was surrounded by people, especially by girls ! And i had and have my flaws, like any other human being, but there had nothing to do with me not doing the best i could do at that age and with my life..

As i said, with this forum and this period, i feel blessed that when i was their age we did not have this forums, this incel mentality, tinder, etc.. We actually lived in the real world and it made a big difference ! Even the internet when it came out, it was a lot more different from this sh*t that is now and that sprouts all of the mental illnesses of the world and that spreads them all over the place like a f*****g plague !

Could not agree more. There have been studies about the effects of social media and the sad part is suicide and low self esteem is becoming more of a norm especially for younger folks. Now yes I am self conscious and if someone doesn’t like me because of that then I don’t really care.. anyways people are comparing themselves too much to others. Everyone’s lives on social media is fake anyways. You see these popular people who have like a million fiends of social media and post pictures of themselves everyday looking all happy, in reality though the “show” that they’re putting on is fake as hell, but people are brainwashed and look at these people as if their god and we all have to look like and pretend to be them.. my advice to this guy, is go to the gym get big, eat healthy, and focus on what’s more important. Life’s short.


My Regimen
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Could not agree more. There have been studies about the effects of social media and the sad part is suicide and low self esteem is becoming more of a norm especially for younger folks. Now yes I am self conscious and if someone doesn’t like me because of that then I don’t really care.. anyways people are comparing themselves too much to others. Everyone’s lives on social media is fake anyways. You see these popular people who have like a million fiends of social media and post pictures of themselves everyday looking all happy, in reality though the “show” that they’re putting on is fake as hell, but people are brainwashed and look at these people as if their god and we all have to look like and pretend to be them.. my advice to this guy, is go to the gym get big, eat healthy, and focus on what’s more important. Life’s short.

Couldn't said it better, very true !