
Your Constant Worrying = Side Effects


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I just wanted to say, since this forum is riddled with speculations, theories and horror stories. If you are starting/taking a new regime just stop looking for problems, that is the worst thing you can do and this is proven by science over and over again. If you are taking minoxidil/finasteride or even some horsespit extract or whatever weird thing you found a study for.. Take a look at the side effect obviously since they DO exist, however stop obsessing over everything, I actually advise you to not look in this forum.

No one here has taken your blood and examined, no one here knows what is exactly causing your X symptom. The constant thinking that you will get sexual sides or other sides will greatly increase the chance of you "experiencing" them... We all get sides or whatnot even without drugs, it is normal and if it gets too troublesome people go get checked to find the reason. You are not special for taking finasteride or minoxidil, yes they increase the chance but so does any other food/activity/alcohol/drugs you take.

What I'm saying is just take it easy, don't expect to get sides because people on the internet claim it caused their teeth to fall out. Continue your daily life with your regime expecting only positive results and if you do experience something out of the ordinary, don't check on this forum, ask your doctor or get checked. This is my opinion and I wanted to share it so people can relax. Good luck and may the hair be with you.