Your expert opinion would be greatly appreciated


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I have been on propecia for 2 months now and am wondering wether or not to add 5% minoxidil. I have been putting it on the thinning areas of my hairline for the last week. My hairline is on a slant so it pisses me off. Do u think it is a good idea to use minoxidil right now for the hairline or should i wait and see wut propecia does? Im only 19 right now. I have heard that some people who have results with propecia continue to receed in the front so should I wait, stop the minoxidil, and see wut happens with propecia and nizoral alone or keep using minoxidil on the hairline so that i dont take the chance of continuing to receed while waiting on propecia? This is a difficult decision for me so any help would be much appreciated. thanks


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it depends how bad your hair is. if the thinning isn't noticible. use finasteride for a year. if it doesn't help add minoxidil. i've been on minoxidil for 3 years and it hasn't done much, if anything