your input is very much appreciated


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I know i asked a very similiar question not to long ago about this...I have been reading this site for several months now and im very familiar with all the treatments scared to start on Propecia...and regarding minoxidil...i tried lees 5% and got a lot of sides from over absorbtion into my system

I am going to vegas next week..i plan to visit the offices of

I have spoke to the guy that runs the office/owner of scalpmed, i told him i am extremely skeptical of the formula

the main deal is that the liquid fomula consists of a delivery agent that keeps the minoxidil at the hair pappila and not let it get in your system and wont cause any side effects such as puffy eyes, old skin, hairy face etc...

they also have the pill formula you take with the lotion

i emailed him the saw palmetto review and that it doesnt work for hairloss and his reply was that the type of saw palmetto type they use and the concentration is one of the reasons it works in the pill portion of the program they offer...hmm

i stated that avacor has a similiar system as does follicare. and we all know avacor is a mickey mouse scam product

The pics look very good and unaltered and in the same room. this is one of the main reasons im consiering the product

if i can get your opinion again on this product guys...the website explains it all although they dont directly tell you on the site that they use minoxidil (that i dont like)...but i figured whilw im in vegas i wanna check it out...he is gonna give me a free consultation and i want to ask the right things...what should i ask other than the standard stuff guys

im 32 with about 10 % diffuse thinning in front and more so in the right temple

...please advise

sorry for the long post


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appreciate the input...but what about the fact that they claim to have a unique delivery of minoxidil where it stays at the hair pappila and does not get in the bloodstream so there is no sides relating to it