Zix Results (Before and After Pics) from HLH


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I used to respect the zix guy Joe.

These days, he is selling penis enlargment, erection etc crap. Isn't it dangerous to sell azelaic acid in bulk?

Unfortunately I have to treat his zix as a scam.


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I don't like Joe's "Penis Pills" either but I doubt Zix is a scam. The ingredients are all thought to be beneficial for hair loss and for years Joe wasn't even selling them.


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What? Are you saying that the maker of Zix is now selling penis enlargment crap? Sounds like a scam artist... f***.

Private Ryan

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although i think it wrong of him to sell fake product like the penis thingy and have lost some respect for joe, i still believe zix have it place.. i know of one friend personally using zix and have reported some result..


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if he sells stuff for penis enlargement, that says it all.

We have seen enough snake oils in the hairloss industry. Now zix, superzix etc will the latest addition.


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Joe is a standup guy and zix is cheap and worth a try. I do not feel it is fair to personally bash someone for selling other items that you might feel are a scam. Worse comes to worse you just have heightened energy on those pills, at least his product is not going to kill people like Merck's did.


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So there were demonstration photos on the proper technique to use. :lol:


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Ummm... Not really buying the claims about this zix stuff. The photos may look impressive, but the fact that they are done in different conditions discredits them in my opinion.

In the picture on the left the guy has photod his scalp at an angle so as to maximise scalp showthrough (the same angle as the hairs leave the head). He has also taken the photo in daylight, providing for maximum contrast. The hair is also shorter, which makes a massive difference.

By contrast, the second is taken in softer light (more flattering), with longer hair (more coverage), and at a more flattering angle (more top-down).


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Hi all, I am the guy in the pics, 'Lee1' from the other site. 'Iamnaked' does have a valid point regarding different lighting, angles and hair length. The original pics were taken using a 1.3mp phone camera and I should have done them properly. To be completely honest my hair did not look as bad as it did on camera.

However, Zix has made my hair much darker and thicker all over and my scalp is also in great health too. I never get the typical itchy, inflamed, flaking scalp that I often read about on these forums. Maybe that's due to 'Head and Shoulders', 'Zix' or both.

Within 3 weeks of using Zix, my shedding completely stopped, then a few months later I started to shed lots of short weak hairs. I now shed good quality thick longer ones whenever I rub my hands through wet hair.

Does anyone know what this really means? Good or bad?

I will be buzzing my hair down to a grade zero in about three weeks ready for FUE in my hairline so maybe I could take some more photo's before the procedure. But again, the pictures that I have of me with a grade zero look worst than it actually was!

In a nutshell, I have had great results with Zix alone and all my family and friends have commented on how thick, dark and healthy my hair looks.


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lmdavies said:

In a nutshell, I have had great results with Zix alone and all my family and friends have commented on how thick, dark and healthy my hair looks.

Sounds like you're a great zix responder. Congrats.

Hopefully the longer, darker hairs that are still shedding are the result of the normal shedding process, and hopefully they're being replaced.


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Whether you believe in the treatment or not can you really call it a scam if he's telling you how to make the stuff and where to get the ingredients? If he said it was a secret potion and only sold you the completed verision then yes, you might be able to but how is it a scam?

Not saying I believe in it or not, just wondering how and why these opinions are being formed.


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techprof said:
if he sells stuff for penis enlargement, that says it all.

We have seen enough snake oils in the hairloss industry. Now zix, superzix etc will the latest addition.

If you feel that way about the Zix guy, you must also dismiss the products/research of Dr. Loren Pickart of copper peptide fame. He's hawking pheremones to "attract women."


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techprof said:
I used to respect the zix guy Joe.

These days, he is selling penis enlargment, erection etc crap. Isn't it dangerous to sell azelaic acid in bulk?

Unfortunately I have to treat his zix as a scam.

a scam is when you charge horribly over the odds for something, putting little effort into it and trying to take quick reward without consequences for what happens.

I've read a lot from joe (the zix "Guy"), both from all his posts at HLH and via personal emails (i bought my zix kit from him). From my experience:
- he charges very modest prices, plus there's no way i could even have got some of the stuff in england. The time and money saved from buying from him was massive.
- he puts huge effort and care into advice and help with zix and super zix, always answering email questions, and up to a while ago forum questions. I think he stopped because of all the shti he got.
- he offers a full money back guarantee for any products he sold to you, so he is there to face conseuences.

A scam is when people charge $600 for a little piece of plastic with one laser put in, that coss less than 10 dollars to make. Or get you to pay thousands of pounds for laser treatment and saw palmetto pills (as some hair regrowth companies in london do).