Hairline issues


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I created a separate thread that talks about my experience, with pictures on having a VR system installed. I had a VR system installed with a lace front last Wednesday. I was shocked at how good the hairline looked. I don’t have pictures from that day but I have attached a few showing how I styled it and how I just played around with the new hair as well.

That night I noticed I had lifting in the front, pushed it down and went to bed. Woke up, same lifting and it was not staying down. So, I went back up to my salon. They glued the places down with “sigma,â€￾ and I was good Friday all the way to this morning. I did sweat a great deal a couple of times – working outside in the garage, and helping my mom setup her hot tub.
When I woke up this morning the system was lifting pretty significantly in the front and to the side. I did not have time to glue it so I just went with a side part that covers the hairline.

I am not sure what to do. My salon can order a regular VR system in but this is the summer after all. I love the lace, but it seems my body is done with it after a couple of days and needs to be re-glued. I plan on gluing it again tonight, but I am torn, if I go total thin skin that usually stays longer but my hairline will not lend itself to the styles I am going for in a natural way.

My salon I am sure will have some ideas, but I thought I would get your pulse on the issue, what I can glue this front down with to keep it solid for a week or so. I know its 90+ degrees out, etc. – but I must be able to do something.

Here is my photobucket link: JUN 2016

Here a couple I just picked out.






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That's a nice-looking piece Nemesis - well cut healthy-looking hair and a perfect color match. I can't really see any problem with the hairline (but maybe these were taken after you got it fixed?). I think the knots on your base are showing up slightly on the first outdoor picture, but that is something only another wearer would be likely to notice when your unit looks as good as this.

Have you tried 3 mil tape for the hairline? Sometimes it gives a better hold than glue in sweaty weather. Another thing you could do would be use a line of strong tape (eg Walkers) half-an-inch behind your hairline, just out of sight, and just glue that last half inch. That way, the tape is taking most of the strain if you toss and turn in your sleep, and there is not as much stress on the hairline glue.


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luckily all the hairline liftings happen at night for me as well. i'm so scared one day it will happen when i'm in the middle of people, at a party.


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Thanks for the compliments guys, I love the system and I think it’s a good match, I am so excited:)

- - - Updated - - -

That's a nice-looking piece Nemesis - well cut healthy-looking hair and a perfect color match. I can't really see any problem with the hairline (but maybe these were taken after you got it fixed?). I think the knots on your base are showing up slightly on the first outdoor picture, but that is something only another wearer would be likely to notice when your unit looks as good as this.

Have you tried 3 mil tape for the hairline? Sometimes it gives a better hold than glue in sweaty weather. Another thing you could do would be use a line of strong tape (eg Walkers) half-an-inch behind your hairline, just out of sight, and just glue that last half inch. That way, the tape is taking most of the strain if you toss and turn in your sleep, and there is not as much stress on the hairline glue.

I appreciate the advice, I think tape might be the way to go until it cools down – I mean it’s in the high 90’s here and it’s only going to get hotter and of course being the Ohio valley the humidity is horrible – so I am just going to have to work with my salon and maybe take a few more steps towards DIY.

I emailed my Salon, didn’t see this as an emergency so I was okay with a slower response. He told me the sigma stuff (looks like nail polish lol), would be fine to use – but if I felt if it was too much trouble for me to do, for me to come up and they would see about other bonding options, etc. So, I have back up – I did my hairline last night and it is holding pretty well this morning.

You make a good point about the tossing and turning, I do that A LOT. Do you think a satin pillow case would help?


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Yeah, it's the same here in Tokyo in the middle of the summer; sapping humidity. A skin piece would be unbearable.

I haven't heard of Sigma, but I am impressed with your salon - definitely a keeper.

I'm sure a silk pillowcase would help. I've never been able to bring myself to get one, to be honest. I mean, what 30-year old single guy has silk pillow cases? But I'm sure it's a good idea LOL.


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Yeah, it's the same here in Tokyo in the middle of the summer; sapping humidity. A skin piece would be unbearable.

I haven't heard of Sigma, but I am impressed with your salon - definitely a keeper.

I'm sure a silk pillowcase would help. I've never been able to bring myself to get one, to be honest. I mean, what 30-year old single guy has silk pillow cases? But I'm sure it's a good idea LOL.

I am just learning so much, I ordered some stuff from hair direct today to supplement and try different things. My salon has been very good to me so far I think. Everyone is different, and the process can be simple or complex. I think I am in the middle right now. I am still a little scared to mess with it too much and I think the bonding I will end up with, the one that works the best, is close. I even hear that it changes though as your body does, so adjustments will be needed. Right now I am doing fine in the sun, I can feel it and the heat and humidity are not my friends. As long as I cool off I am good.

My girlfriend got frustrated last night after I redid my hair line with her. I wanted to take it easy and stay cool, and ended up doing some lifting and moving of furniture around and started complaining that I messed up my bond, that I HAVE to learn to take it easy after an application. She basically said, what good is it if you cannot do anything? I explained again, I need to wait 24 hours before doing stuff...then I am good. My hairline is holding up well now, but I might have messed it up - and it’s my fault if I did - I gotta relax.

Wearing hair is a compromise - there are things I just will not be able to do anymore - without worry at least - but for the most part everything is the same. No more Tae kwon do until I see how that would work out, and my morning workouts are now filled with styling my hair. I am hoping that once I get the trick of having hair down pat - I can buzz right through it. I am just learning right now, and you guys have been a big help.

I talked to her last night about getting a pillowcase for me and she thought it was kinda funny. She said it’s what the ladies did in the 50's, some crap she read out of Cosmo or something. I am going to get one though. I also bought some UV protectant from HD that I want to try as well. My hair stays pretty even, in the sun, it did not change shade much with my first piece. It helps that my hair goes somewhat blonde in the summer and I am sure my system will follow - but the UV stuff should help with that - keep it even.

My salon is very responsive and very helpful. They do not try and boss me about anything, they let me take the reins but are there when I need help guiding them. I don't think they get too many younger guys because the owner loved my latest look and said it was full of adventure. You cannot tell from my pictures but when I had it styled I went with a David Beckham side part and it looked awesome - wish I had some pictures. The owner took some, I need to ask him.

So it comes down to a few simple things for me. Wearing hair is expensive, yes. Wearing hair can cause anxiety, yes. Wearing hair can be laborious, yes (not so much for me since I am still in the Salon stage), wearing hair can be limiting in contact activities, yes. BUT do I want to have hair, yes. I am a 33 year old man, do I need to go around and punch and kick other people, not really. Will the anxiety go away, I think so (as I did my hairline and messed with the hair, I felt much better about my ability to one day do this myself - I will admit I imagine myself with hair so seeing it come up was spooky). Will I start exercising again and stop worrying about sweating off my hair, yes once I get my bond where I want it, 90% there. Do I feel GREAT that I look 100% better with hair - that’s up to me in the end - I think so. I feel so much better about myself. Not saying that being bald is not beautiful, but it’s not for everyone. If I can afford this, work around the bumps, I am going to keep it.

I am literally told on a daily basis, your hair looks so good, I am glad you grew it back, or the people that know say, "it looks so natural and it’s a huge improvement, you look so nice."

My grandmother who is in her late 80's, hugged me the other day and said, "You look so handsome, please keep doing whatever you are doing." For her, I will give it my best.

Again, I want to thank you guys for the help and future help, I know the road is not easy, and the path is a winding path, but I will make it. I am going to ask dumb questions I am sure, so be prepared haha.


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Here is my concern. It doesn't look good. It looks ok, but not passable for the average person who actually looks at his hair. The density is way too high. The density and quality of the hair do not match his sides. Also, I can't blow up the pics but the hairline doesn't look great. It looks too dense and not natural. From the distance the pic is taken, you should not be able to tell it is a system. If I were to grade it, it would be a C-. I'm not saying that to be mean or a naysayer. I'm saying it because someone should. I see a lot of "looks great" posts, and more times than not, it is lacking. The obvious flaws should be pointed out so the wearer can correct their mistakes. Sorry to sound negative but I wanted to be specific so it doesn't sound like I am just being a jerk.


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Sorry "Itsmeagain", you're just plain wrong. You have been at pains to make it clear that you are not just being a jerk, so I will give you credit for that. But I can only assume that you have been staring at your own dwindling hair for so long that you have lost sight of what normal hair looks like. I know a half a dozen guys in my office alone who have thick healthy-looking hair like Nemesis's. Yes it is dense ("thick" is what people in the real world say), but so what? Lots of guys have thick hair. It is not preposterously thick or unbalanced. The hairline isn't perfect, but it looks good enough to appear natural. I have been wearing hair for over 4 years and researching it for a few years before that. I have looked at thousands of hairpieces and pictures of hairpieces, and I know just what the telltales are. If I say so myself, I have good aesthetic judgement when it comes to hair. But I couldn't tell by looking at these photos that Nemesis is wearing a piece. I don't think one person in 1000 would give his hair a second glance, other than to envy it.


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very often normal people have thick hairlines, crowns and napes, but sides thinner. that's okay. and bald is ugly -- how can you not agree with this?


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Noah, I was a NW2.5 when I had a transplant 4 years ago and have pretty good hair. I have been researching haorloss for 8 years. A system is my backup plan if things go south, and they really fascinate me. I think they are perfect for high norwood levels or people wanting immediate remedies. I think it is the right choice for many.

That said, when I look at results like these, I just don't find them perfectly natural. I think it looks ok for a system, but I think I should be thinking it looks good for a head of hair. I have a joke with my wife that you some women are hot, and some are hot 4. When asked what hot 4 is, I say hot 4 40 (yrs old). My wife is 39, so I'm messing with her. So maybe I look at the systems as a head of natural hair and judge against that, and you look at it as a system, and judge against that, and that is where the disconnect is?

I can't help it that I feel that way about this result, and others that get praise without some constructive criticism.

Anyway, I don't think it is abysmal or laughable or anything, I just think it looks OK, and that advice in getting a graduated system or at least one with lower density next time is good advice IMO.


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I agree with your underlying point that it is not a kindness to say "that looks great" if in fact it looks like an obvious hairpiece. You would just be sending the wearer out to look a fool and be a laughing stock. I have sometimes sounded a note of caution about a photo that has been posted, although I think tact and delicacy are required when wading into a subject which is already fraught with sensitivity and self-doubt for a lot of people. Specific suggestions for improvement are better than generic criticism.

That said, we will have to disagree about Nemesis's case. In my view it does look good by the standard of natural hair, and not just as a "nice rug". True, it is not a hairstyle that fades into the background - it looks very bouncy and healthy. If you wanted to avoid attention and scrutiny you would opt for thinner density. But that is Nemesis's style choice, and I think it works for him. The technical aspects are all good - a perfect color match, good blending on the sides and a pretty good exposed hairline.

Every man to his own judgement, I guess.


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Thank you guys for all the feedback! I honestly appreciate it. My overall goal here is not just to learn, but to SHOW what it is like to wear a system and give updates. I want new guys coming in to see the good and the bad - I have talked about both.

I don't claim to have the perfect system(I think the color blend is great and I really like it overall), I don't think there is such a thing with my research, limited as it is, but it still counts to a degree. Also keep in mind I started wearing on 4/20/16 - I am SUPER NEW. I had a difficult time growing in my own side hair and I wanted to "get in hair," ASAP. I also wanted LONGER hair, and crazy styles (i.e. big and bouncy) - Go over to my post on the VR and you will see what I actually have to work with, bozo the clown hair – ha-ha. You will also see me taped up as well. Much of what you are seeing a piece that is cut longer than normal for someone at my stage of regrowth - we are letting my own side hair grow in as well to match up more – but overall I think considering my hair is like 3 inches on top with this piece, they did okay.

Again, the Salon is letting me choose and I went long this last time, and they are working my plan. I was SO sick of being bald and my first piece was good, but this one is so much better, I love the length...the rest of my hair has to catch up as well. From what I have been reading having sides that taper up into a longer piece is good stuff - I mean, I was going for what Beckham has in a way(going to work on that more with my next system)...just working with what I have.

Another issue is I have not learned to style my system all that well - I mean it’s good, but I can do better. I did not have time for the tutorials they offer or styling classes at my salon - I had to run to work each time - I will make time soon enough. I have had nothing but compliments, and my dentist, who studies people up and close could not make me until I told her. For me, that is passing for me, I can see how other wearers might make me up close, or perhaps from afar…but I don’t let people into my personal bubble other than my G/F. My goal is to learn from you guys and DIY at some point, but to be honest I am very happy with the results thus far. Also, the ladies have been flocking around me lol, the guys too haha.

I am little unhappy with the lace lifting but I have that under control now with the lace glue they gave me at the salon – ordered some stuff from HD to try as well. I'm not sure what else I could hope for in a hairline(I welcome feedback on this very much) I would be happy to show you guys the hair line, I would need to pin up my hair so you could see it well enough and tell me what I need to talk to my salon about.
Again, thank you for all the feedback – I look forward to working with you guys on perfecting my system. Lets work together to help each other achieve the goals we want.


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my dentist didn't ask a thing either :D. she just said my new style looked very good.

That's cool Fanjeera. I recall you were originally not too worried about detectability, and more keen on thick hair even if it wasn't so realistic. Have you changed your mind?


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That's cool Fanjeera. I recall you were originally not too worried about detectability, and more keen on thick hair even if it wasn't so realistic. Have you changed your mind?
it has to look realistic, but should still show no signs of thinning a receding. it loses its point imo, if you're not getting the best out of it.