The Skin Biology Research Center of Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceuticals is searching for the gene causing male pattern baldness…By identifying the gene they hope to generate a treatment for prevention
Pfizer along with OCI Pharmaceuticals have also begun to take steps into determining the genetic causes for hair loss… Slowing or even eliminating hair loss, is the newest endeavor. Researchers
Merck Pharmaceuticals has approved a grant intended to fund a research team of dermatologists at Cornell University Medical Center in New York City in using a new technology to analyze
Article written exclusively for HairlossTalk and its users, Dr. Kevin McElwee provides this three-part review on the current state of hair cloning research, its history, and what you can expect
The following article was written by Dr. Gho for HairlossTalk to help clear up some of the misconceptions of exactly what Follicular Multiplication is – both for consumers and those
Researchers at Columbia University are uncovering the mechanisms of previously unknown genes governing hair growth and cycling. In their latest findings, to be published this Friday, they identified a new
A new campaign was founded on August 1, 2000 by a large group of hair loss sufferers to bring exposure to something they are calling the cure to baldness. For