Results of Revivogen-lead Consumer Trials

Results of Revivogen-lead Consumer Trials
May 14 00:07 2016 Print This Article

The following are the results of the separate Revivogen-lead consumer trials. HairlossTalk has not verified the authenticity of these results.

The Revivogen Consumer trial was intended to provide a reliable and identifiable user feedback about Revivogen’ benefits or lack of for hair loss. The participants were enrolled independently by filing out a questionnaire on and were chosen by Revivogen according to the following criteria:

1. Male or Female ages 18-65
2. Mild to Moderate Hairloss due to Androgenetic Alopecia for 5 years or less
3. Not using Propecia, Rogaine, or other products for hair loss before or during the trial period
4. Free of any major ailment and not using any other medication.

The participants have agreed to use Revivogen exclusively for one year and provide their feedback in exchange for free products at no charge. The feed back is emailed by the participants directly to all websites reporting their

After viewing the following results, don’t forget to check out the results of our own Consumer Survey on Revivogen at the following page: HairlossTalk Revivogen Consumer Trial. Additionally, for a comprehensive overview of both Trials combined, and a much better idea of Revivogen’s overall effectiveness, check out the Summary

Percent of People who used Revivogen for 6 Months or More

73% of users reported
Maintenance or Regrowth
27% of users reported No Response

Of the 7 people who saw no response with Revivogen, only 1 of them had been on it for more than 6 months. This means that 86% of those who saw no results had not used it for at least 6 months yet.

Of the 19 people who saw results, only 5 had been on it for 6 months so far.

Revivogen User – Denton

Age – Sex 24 n – Male
Type of hair loss Receding Temples, Thinning Crown
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5.5 Months
Results: My hair is still thinning, mostly in the front and at the temples. I am looking forward to some progress as the 6 month mark approaches. But nothing very substantial so far.
Revivogen User – “Engineer”

Age – Sex 58r – Male
Type of hair loss NA
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 6 Months
Results: Reduced and stopped my hair loss. Has improved hair thickness. Have not seen much regrowth. Had some pretty bad scalp flaking
Revivogen User – PILK

– For more information on Revivogen, view our Revivogen Product Review for Men
Women, please read our Revivogen Product Review for Women
– Discuss Revivogen with Others: Antiandrogen Forums
– For more information on purchasing Revivogen: Revivogen Shop

Age – Sex 21m – Male
Type of hair loss Thinning in Front
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 4.5 Months
Results: I do believe that Revivogen has reduced my hair loss but not totally stopped it. I tend to notice less hairs falling out too when I comb.
Revivogen User – Patricia

Age – Sex 52n – Female
Type of hair loss Overall Thinning
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5 Months
Results: It stopped my loss up until March 31 – it was great. Then I suddenly have had handfuls of hair each day – > 50 in the shower since 04-01-01 – about 2.5 months now. It simply has to be extreme stress and perhaps peri-menopausal hormone changes. I don’t take hormone replacement – and wonder if I should. I do say that the miniaturized hair has been thickening, yes. However I am having even more thinning – not increased fullness at all. However, the Revivogen shampoo is keeping the hair looking thicker – but you can still easily see my scalp through my dark hair. I continue to have hair loss – but I am very sure it is stress-related. I have gone through a lay-off, and the stress of looking for a new job – I am sole support of myself and I own a home in expensive Northern Calif. I am now training in a new position and am feeling very positive and relaxed about it. I anticipate that I may have better hair results now that I am settled. I am disappointed to tell you, however, that I have had no noticeable hair regrowth and indeed I would describe that I have noticeable hair loss during this time. I have always had a “widow’s peak” hairline – and the widow’s peak has disappeared in the past 3 months – meaning – all of that hair has fallen out and the hairline is receding. I so wish I could tell you of great results – but I can’t. I’m not having great results now – but I am NOT giving up. Dr. Andrew Weil was on CNN and he talked of a woman who had chemotherapy and simply decided her hair would not fall out. Her hair did not fall out. I am putting my mind to the fact that Revivogen is going to work for me. Please stay with me.
Revivogen User – Edward

Age – Sex 41n – Male
Type of hair loss Norwood 2
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 7 Months
Results: I have frontal recession only. Daily application seems to have no effect on the very slow but continual receding hairline. Will continue using product for at least the next few months. Have not had any prior success with Rogaine or Propecia either.
Revivogen User – Fred

Age – Sex 23r – Male
Type of hair loss Norwood 2
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 7 Months
Results: So far I’ve noticed some improvement in my hair. Nothing phenomenal but my hair seems thicker and it appears that the hair on my temples has started to become thicker. Overall I’m pleased with the results, I think Revivogen really does help slow the balding process.
Revivogen User – DHopMSU

Age – Sex 22r – Male
Type of hair loss Slight Male Pattern Baldness
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 3 Months
Results: I have noticed slightly thickening of existing hair, and it is too soon to see if hair is regrowing. I am impressed so far! Hair loss seems to have diminished.
Revivogen User – ZDRAVKO

Age – Sex 33m – Male
Type of hair loss Moderate Hair Loss
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 6 Months
Results: Revivogen has reduced my hair loss, but no regrowth
Revivogen User – Stiepan

Age – Sex 51r – Female
Type of hair loss 60-70% loss at the Temples
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 6 Months
Results: I am really pleased with the results, Almost immediately upon using the shampoo, my hair seemed fuller and had more body and I noticed that fewer hairs were left in the sink after blow drying my hair. The hair at my temples, always thinner and more receded than the rest of my hairline, had dramatically receded in the 6 – 9 months prior to my use of Revivogen. I had considered a hair transplant (even had an evaluation/consultation), but my husband searched the internet and discovered your trial. I have had new growth and regrowth in my temple areas and would evaluate the results as 90 – 100% regrowth of my original hair loss.
Revivogen User – Shawn

Age – Sex 37r – Male
Type of hair loss Typical Male Pattern Baldness
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 3.8 Months
Results: It has stopped my balding and actually is regrowing my hair, Im extremely happy. I look forwarded to each new day.
Revivogen User – Wendel

Age – Sex 39r – Male
Type of hair loss Mild
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5 Months
Results: Yes it has stopped my hair loss and I’ve seen some regrowth, but I started using Rogaine 3 months ago as well, so I’m not sure if the results are due to the Rogaine
Revivogen User – Scott

Age – Sex 26r – Male
Type of hair loss Norwood II 1/2
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 4.5 Months
Results: Reduced Fallout, some thickening of miniaturized hair and growth along the hair line. Regrowth is the only thing that has ever given me ANY growth along the hairline! I am very satisfied with the results and happy to be a part of this survey.
Revivogen User – Jeff

Age – Sex 22m – Male
Type of hair loss NA
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5 Months
Results: I have been using Revivogen as directed, but it hasn’t seemed to reduce or stop my hair loss. I haven’t noticed any thickening of existing hair either. However, my hair doesn’t seem any worse than when I began the treatment.
Revivogen User – Andre

– For more information on Revivogen, view our Revivogen Product Review for Men
– Women, please read our Revivogen Product Review for Women
– Discuss Revivogen with Others: Antiandrogen Forums
– For more information on purchasing Revivogen: Revivogen Shop

Age – Sex 29r – Male
Type of hair loss Considerable thinning from hairline all the way back to the crown of the scalp. “M” patterned hairline is pronounced.
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5.5 Months
Results: Since starting treatment approximately six months ago, some of the existing hair has noticably thickened. moreover, the miniaturized hair that has sprouted up at the outer fringe of the hairline has appeared to have thickened over time and there has been an increase in the number of these miniaturized hairs in this area. The shampoo part of the treatment has also assisted in the resulting growth and retention of existing hair.
Revivogen User – Charles

Age – Sex 38m – Male
Type of hair loss Moderate Thinning throughout – Receding hairline
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 4 Months
Results: Perhaps, it is hard to tell how much I would have lost had I not been using it, but it does not appear that I have lost much or any since I have been. At this point, my hair looks about the same as it did before I started using Revivogen, perhaps it looks minimally thicker. I am certain there has been no regrowth. The results have been fairly insignificant so far, but perhaps it is retarding further loss.
Revivogen User – Deloy

Age – Sex 38n – Male
Type of hair loss Bald Spot in Back
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 2 Months
Results: No Results yet
Revivogen User – Roxy

Age – Sex 33m – Male
Type of hair loss Frontal Hair Loss and overall Thinning on Top
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5 Months
Results: Overall Revivogen seems to have slowed down the balding process but not aid in regrowth.
Revivogen User – Steve

Age – Sex 54n – Male
Type of hair loss Thinning Temples & Crown
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5 Months
Results: No Response to treatment
Revivogen User – Josh

Age – Sex 23r – Male
Type of hair loss NW 3
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 3 Months
Results: Revivogen has stopped my hair loss. Since I’ve been using Revivogen I’ve seen many new hairs sprouting around my hairline. I have also seen the front center of my head produce much more dense hair, than I had before using you’re product. I’m Looking forward to seeing my progress 6 months from now.
Revivogen User – Tim

Age – Sex 37r – Male
Type of hair loss NW 2A
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5.5 Months
Results: I’ve generally noticed thicker hair all over and do see new hairs in the areas I’ve been treating – small and thin ( and no color – but you have to start somewhere.
Revivogen User – David

Age – Sex 48m – Male
Type of hair loss Thinning Crown
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 4 Months
Results: Somewhat encouraging. I have not noticed much regrowth, however I am pleased that my hair loss seems to have suspended.
Revivogen User – Mary Jane

Age – Sex 53r – Female
Type of hair loss Thin hair on Top of Head
Used as Directed? Yes
Using Revivogen for How Long? 5 Months
Results: I have now used the product for almost 5 months with fantastic results. I first used the product as directed (1 ml.) at night every night. When the second supply was sent they suggested that 2 ml. could be applied every night. So I then increased the dosage to 2ml. I am really pleased with the results since the first 3 months of use.
My hair has become thicker and it appears to be growing back. I have almost grown back all the hair I had previously lost. I have very little see through spots on the top of my head. I do not need to use a hair piece to fill the top. I’m not sure if its the deep cleansing shampoo or the solution that is applied at night that is making the difference. I agreed to do this trial thinking that nothing topical could ever have any results.

I am so over joyed that I feel it is a miracle. All my friends and family have noticed the difference (although I never told any of them about the trial) and I regularly get compliments on my hair again. I hope this is not just a dream and I lose it all again. So far I am more than happy.

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