Dr. Marty Sawaya reviews the supplement MSM, and its ability to treat hair loss, naturally… I know the internet discussion forums on the various hair loss sites have so much information from people who have taken things like: MSM, beta-sitosterol, and of course my long time favorite is biotin, not to mention a half-dozen others or more. I will try to review some of the frequently used herbal/nutritional supplements such as: MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane), beta-sitosterol, pygeum, nettles, green tea, biotin and fish oil (Omega-3).
Overall, some of these things “may work for some people” and this just happens to be so, where about 10-15% of folks will swear it really helped their loss, and shedding, or helped to stabilize the hair loss. We don’t know why it works for some, and not others, except that with the human scalp hair cycle, there is a regrowth of the hair, then a cycle where the hair that grows back is thinner, shorter and less pigmented. The hair cycle becomes shorter and shorter with each successive cycle. The hair cycle is a very complex thing to understand, and there is variation to some extent in everyone, but once you understand the hair cycle, it is easier to understand hair loss and why the regrowth that we see is just a part of the shortened hair cycle.
As for some of these herbal agents, let’s review some of them and try to get a handle on them with regard to hair growth.
MSM for hair loss
Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM): a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in the body, as well as in various foods. Reviewing the website: www.msm.com, it states that MSM is found in milk, coffee, tea, vegetables, etc. It is sold as capsules, tablets, powders, as well as topical preparations. According to the website, MSM is supposed to maintain structural proteins, form keratin proteins which make up the hair fiber and help the immune system. MSM has also been stated to help with pain, inflammation, increase blood flow, soften scar tissue and reduce muscle spasms. Reviews on the website also mention studies using MSM to help those with arthritis. From these reports, the users stated improvement to their nails and hair. “Those taking MSM showed 50% increased nail length, thickness and growth compared with placebo, and 100% of the subjects showed increased hair growth compared with placebo. In addition, 30% of the subjects taking MSM showed improvement in hair brilliance”.
Wow, those are pretty good numbers, but I wish I could see their standardized photography, and how these parameters were assessed. I didn’t see any hair counts, computerized systems for hair counting, biopsies, macro or microphotography. It’s really tough to determine what they mean by “100% increased hair growth”. So, until you see the full-published report done by the most rigorous testing methods, it is best to be skeptical. The website describes physicians who conducted the study, but to be honest, family practitioners don’t know enough about dermatology and hair growth to conduct such a study. Many dermatologists in general, are not comfortable with hair disorders and will even tell you so. It’s probably best to get the few who know anything about hair to do these studies.
Data Supporting MSM for Hair Loss Treatment
When a product is used for so many purposes, such as MSM, (used for inflammation, arthritis, blood circulation, scar tissue, etc,) it is best to review any human and animal studies that may have been done. It’s really tough to assess hair brilliance, as this is so subjective, but at least they could have done hair counts by macro photography, which is really the way to go these days, and it wouldn’t cost that much. If they could test it in the appropriate “accepted methods” which hair studies are done today, and they prove to be positive, imagine how much money they could really make?
The website suggests doses of 1,000 mg taken by mouth, three times a day with meals. It is stated that MSM is non-toxic at extremely high doses, but it is best to review how this was assessed and what animal toxicity studies were done. I wouldn’t suggest taking doses this high unless I really did some investigative homework to know all toxicology that has been done in human and animal studies.
MSM May Help Stop Hair Loss, but…
From my past research experience, it is true that there are many enzymes in skin that are important for adding sulfur and taking sulfur away from hormones and proteins, such as the keratins. During my doctoral years of studying the male-hormone enzymes that convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and other pathways, there are sulfhydryl-oxidizing and reducing enzymes that make the hormones water soluble to be transported in the blood. There are a lot of sulfhydryl bonds in hair fiber, and keratin-proteins which make-up hair. The sulfur mediating enzymes and their pathways are so complex and not totally known.
It is doubtful that taking them by mouth will have any effect at the intracellular (inside the cell) level where they need to be to influence hair fiber growth.
Because of limited research funds, a lot of the “sulfur-mediating enzymes” story is just incomplete. We don’t really know, but it sure sounds good, and it could be possible, but it is best to have a company spend about $100,000 for some limited clinical trial testing, done by experienced physicians, in a double-blind fashion for a 6 month to 1 year period of time to really test any claims for hair growth.
There have been so many herbal supplements that have hit the marketplace, and for some people taking them who have hair loss, they swear they are seeing improvements. The problem is documentation. People want proof in the way of standardized photography taken by experts with controlled lighting, film exposure and film quality. Taking a snapshot, or quick digital photo just doesn’t cut the mustard. For now, CAUTION is advised for any nutritional/herbal supplement you decide to take to treat your hair loss. For many, like biotin, they may not hurt you, but I doubt it will really help you.
Marty Sawaya MD, PhD
hmmmm. it is amazing to me how scientist negate the possibility of Gods natural remedy to internal issues. I have had hyperthyroidism taken various medications and had the radiation therapy to no avail. I had taken medication to compensate for the hypothyroidism due to the radiation therapy. Needless to say, it left me more tired and did not bring down my T3 level no matter what I took. I had taken two medications to ward off my T3 level being almost three times the normal. thyroxine was one of the medications I cannot recall the other at this time. So, I prayed and asked God for an answer. I tried various natural juices that I made with various fruits and vegetables turmeric flax seeds. after a month or so the results of my blood levels all of them were in normal range. I thank God for that whole hardly. I was totally bald on the back of my head. The dermatologist I had a the time said there was no possibility of hair regrowth because I lacked any umm I believe noticeable hair follicles or something of that nature. needless to say I have tried several home remedies to get hair to grow in that area, thank God it is not totally bald anymore. There are still some areas that are bald. still working on rectifying those areas. I just started the msm. noticed considerable thickness. no length as of yet but it has not been a month yet. I also noticed when I used the inversion method I did have approximately an inch growth within a month. 53 y/o black female. thick hair is genetic on both sides of my family. my mom has thin out due to nerves dad has also I do not know why because all of his older brothers had a head full of hair till they died. My parents are 73 both has high blood pressure and both have had multiply stores. I have been blessed with not having high blood pressure. Both of my brothers have high blood pressure. Maybe because I was more active. I do however have common St Louis issues. sinus (maybe due to the fact that I worked around black mold for over 20 years). asthma. (dad smoked around me til I moved out at about 21 more or less. went to college oot for 2 years) and my maternal dad had asthma. phew. thanks for listening.
This comment is funny. Scientist never negate the “possibility of Gods natural remedies”. Scientists will embrace everything that is “TRUE and FACTUAL”. You are strictly basing your statements on ‘belief’. This is the primary reason other people end up with problems, issues, sicknesses and death. This is why people like you end up with guilt, ridicule and lawsuits for giving crappy advice that you know nothing about.
You are unable to factually show that ‘your’ statements are sound, thought out, or supported by studies, nature, or history. Just like you there are billions of other people with an OPINION. How is a logical person suppose to sift through this type of garbage and find viable options? SCIENCE is the only group that will spend their time and money try to help YOU find REAL answers.
Poorly interpreted, sensational stories, pseudo-science, and superficial evidence is not appreciated by those needing real, solid, and supported help. Your opinion is only an opinion.
BTW, I too am a middle aged, African American Christian.
This scientist needs to do his own research, when he speaks of driving compounds to the cellular level? There are several universities that have discovered vitamin C is a driver to many natural compounds, including MSM, l Taurine and Tumeric. When I was taking these compounds it was not for my bald spot on the back top of my head but for prostate cancer. After 6 – 7 months of taking these 4 things together every morning, my PSA levels went from 8 to 1 after a year to 0. My bald spot filled in with hairs, my finger nail grow so fast I have to trim every 5 days and toe nails also. Blood sugar a1c down from 9 to 7, my liver enzymes are now normal. For me it has been a miracle compounds. Word of caution buy pure Tumeric extract and powder Taurine and MSM and powder vitamin C.