Last month we announced the press release regarding a new protein which has been proven in recent studies done on mice to increase the diameter of hair when applied topically. It is now available for purchase.
Original Story: VEGF Grows Thicker Hair
Editorial Story on VEGF: Thoughts on VEGF by Kevin McElwee
Where to buy VEGF: Anastim
We received word from a source that VEGF is now available for purchase, in the form of a topical product called “Anastim“, which contains an ingredient called RTH16. This ingredient is said to help stimulate the body’s own production of VEGF – which as you can see in the article above, is a natural ingredient that also has been shown to increase the diameter of the hairs.
HairlossTalk is pursuing acquiring this product to add to our Online Product Center in the near future, if it proves to be a useful treatment.
Please note! VEGF stimulating compounds have not been clinically proven to work for male pattern baldness in any trials on human subjects, nor has there been any safety testing involved.
Use extreme caution and do your research before you take any actions.
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