There’s a new treatment on the shelves (for both men and women) and it’s better than any we’ve added in years. It’s Topical Spironolactone Cream (aka S5 Cream) and we are hooking you up…
Yes. Both the S5 Cream and the S5 Plus cream were independently tested by a lab both for the presence of the expected active ingredients, and the exact concentrations of
What’s the science behind S5 Cream, and Topical Spironolactone as a treatment for hair loss in men and women? This article digs into the data and answers that question…
Important tips for applying S5 Cream, refrigeration, and selecting the best time of day and frequency for optimal results…
Covering pretty much everything since the site went “back online” in 2016 – through Thanksgiving!
Topical Spironolactone usually has a bit of a skunk smell. New formulations have been produced recently which take care of that concern and help you focus on living your life.