Laser Comb

Right out of the future… a hair brush that emits low level laser beams to heal skin and gently stimulate hair growth. Providing noticeably improved appearance of thinning hair, increased density, and a healthier scalp. Usually thousands of dollars in salons, this high tech device is now available in a take-home hand-held unit.
What is the Laser Comb?
Unlike laser hair treatments available in Men and Women’s Salons for literally thousands more, this is a hand held device available at a one-time expense that will last you years. It emits a gentle red light onto your scalp, stimulating new hair growth. It was developed in Sydney Australia and highlighted by TIME Magazine as one of the “Inventions of the Year”, and it is manufactured in the USA with patents pending in 104 countries. At this time the Laser Comb is the first and only medical device clinically proven to treat male pattern baldness. It can be used alone or in conjunction with other hair loss treatments.
Who is the Laser Comb For?
This product is for men and women who are experiencing diffusely thinning hair, development of a bald spot (men only), or hair that has become unmanageable or unhealthy. Within the first 5 to 10 weeks, you should notice improvements in your hair. These improvements should include a shinier and thicker appearance. Over the next few months, you may notice your hair gradually looking fuller, stronger and denser. This product is ideal for use with any proven treatment regimen including Propecia, Rogaine, Tricomin, Topical Spironolactone, or Revivogen.
How does the Laser Comb Work?
The HairMax LaserComb is an “Anagen Inductor”. This means it causes hairs to transfer into their growth cycle, much like Tricomin and Rogaine Foam do. It does this by utilizing something called Photo-BioStimulation, which increases vascular circulation and ATP production.
Laser Comb Published Studies
HairLossTalk puts serious emphasis on clinical data. We do not promote products that don’t have scientific backing to them. The Lasercomb was granted status as a clinically proven hair loss treatment method, by the FDA in 2007. We have presented both the initial trial data submitted to the FDA, and the final clearance letter from the FDA on the right sidebar of this page.
Laser Comb Use and Types
Each version of the Laser Comb is used 2-3 times per week. The laser comb comes in three models: The Advanced-7, the Lux-9, and the Professional-12. The significant difference between the models is the width of the light applied on each pass-through. The wider comb requires a shorter treatment time as it covers more area more quickly. The mid and upper range models come with the larger combs, longer lasting lithium ion batteries and worldwide travel adapters. All three models come with attractive carrying cases, a convenient charging cradle, and helpful user manuals.
We carry the Laser Comb in our Hair Loss Treatments Center so you can begin this regimen today.