Step 1:  Understanding Women’s Hair Loss

Understanding Womens Hair loss

Women’s Hair Loss


Welcome to the Women’s Hair Loss Guide.  There are 4 steps to this guide. With a little understanding of your situation, you can begin an effective treatment regimen today.

Women’s Hair Loss Myths

First, lets address some of things people are going to tell you.  Prolonged stress can result in hair loss, but it is the type of stress that lasts months/years and typically affects your overall health in a noticeable way.  So unless you’ve been through this, or a recent pregnancy, your hair loss is most likely not a result of you being “too high strung”.  Usually thinning hair loss in women is a result of hormonal imbalance, but even if stress is a factor, the treatment methodology is the same:  Products like Rogaine Foam or Tricomin Therapy Spray (or both) are effective at starting the hair growth process again.

Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia in women is typically characterized by diffuse thinning throughout the hair bearing area. It can be minor or dramatic. The cause is assumed to be very similar to men’s Androgenetic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness). In both cases, the reason you are losing your hair is a sensitivity of your follicles to the hormones in your scalp. The specific hormone is typically DHT, or Dihydro-Testosterone. This is why treatments for women’s androgenetic alopecia include DHT blockers, and antiandrogens, just like with men. Some typical treatments are Revivogen, Kourosh DHT Blocker, and (with the consent of your doctor only), Propecia.

Female Androgenetic Alopecia is likely to appear at times of hormonal change, and is generally identified by overall thinning versus patchy loss. Some common causes of Female Androgenetic Alopecia are: Starting or stopping birth control, the postpartum period, and pre and early post menopausal periods. With Female Androgenetic Alopecia, women rarely go completely bald. The end result of the condition is a visible decrease in density of hair in the affected areas.

Is it Telogen Effluvium (TE?)

Telogen Effluvium sometimes gets confused with Androgenetic Alopecia in women because it presents in a similar way.  Diffuse thinning.  Its a temporary form of hair loss that tends to resolve on its own after many months.  The only way to determine if your loss is AA or TE would be to rule out hormonal imbalances with bloodwork (below).   Imbalances point to AA, and lack of an explanation may point to TE.  Since there is often no explanation for the true cause, Hair Growth Stimulants are recommended for any woman experiencing hair loss.  You can consider adding Antiandrogens to the regimen if you want to cover all your bases.

However, here is a quick-list of some very common causes of Telogen Effluvium in women:  (Birth Control): Starting or stopping birth control. (Postpartum Period): After pregnancy it is common to lose hair. It is typically restored on its own or with the help of Rogaine Foam or Tricomin Therapy Spray or both. (Hormonal): Changes in hormone levels or thyoroid imbalances are common reversible causes. (Nutritional): Crash dieting, chronic nutritional deprivation, alcoholism, zinc or iron deficiency can all be causes of TE. (Fever): 2 to 5 months after severe fever related illness, TE can begin. (Systemic Illness): Conditions such as Crohn’s or Hepatic Disease, Syphilis, Lymphoproliferative disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease. (Medications): A large number of drugs have been reported to cause or possibly cause, diffuse Alopecia.

Blood Tests for Women’s Hair Loss

Typically a dermatologist is the type of doctor that handles women’s hair loss.  Finding one that is truly an “expert” will be next to impossible unfortunately.  But the following list of bloodwork can be brought in and requested to check for any imbalances.  This should help you identify any problems and give you another way to resolve your hair loss outside of hair loss treatments:

  • DHT, DHEAS, Testosterone, Androstenedione, Prolactin
  • Follicle Stimulating and Leutinizing Hormone
  • Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin, TIBC (Total Iron Binding capacity)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • VDRL & Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Causes of Women’s Hair Loss

The following factors can play a significant role in developing women’s hair loss.  Having the following answers ready for your doctor will help him or her properly diagnose you:

  • Are you on any medications? If so, what.
  • How long has this problem been occurring?
  • Is the hair falling out fully intact, or is it breaking?
  • Family history of diabetes, asthma, arthritis, lupus, vitiligo, anemia, or Addison’s disease?
  • Have you recently given birth, or gone through menopause?

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Please use the tabs to proceed to Step 1: Understand of the Women’s Hair Loss Guide.

Step 1: Understanding Women’s Hair Loss

Understanding Women's Hair Loss

Learn about the most common causes of hair loss in women and gather the list of bloodwork to present to your doctor.

Next Step 2: Types of Treatments

Understanding Womens Hair Loss

Review the types of treatments that will get you back your hair, starting today.

Step 3:  Decide on a Hair Loss Treatment Regimen

Women's Hair Loss Treatments

Begin to construct your own hair loss treatment regimen by reading up on each of the available treatments.

Step 4:  Get Your Treatments

Womens Hair Loss Treatments

Get the only clinically proven and scientifically-backed hair loss treatments for women’s hair loss.