Somewhat disheartened!


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Hi all

Been on finasteride 0.5mg daily for three months now. I didn't expect to make any progress with regrowth by now, although I would have hoped it would have some impact on slowing the loss. However it hasn't.

I tried growing my hair longer but that hasn't helped and if anything I think it's more greasy. I also don't know which hair product to use to avoid my hair clumping together.

I haven't suffered any sides and in fact my libido is as high as ever. If anything I have very slight delayed ejaculations.

My issue going forward is: do the take the no sides to mean my test is still too high and therefore I need to increase my dose to 1mg, or do I review at 6 months and not risk increasing the dose in case I get sides?

Thoughts would be appreciated.

g.i joey

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if you are 100% certain your hairloss has still progressed, go with the 1mg. Especially if you dont feel sides.


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Do you mind me asking how old are you? My guess is you are pretty young but let's see.

Also what Norwood are you?


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Honestly the difference in DHT inhibition between 0.5mg and 1mg finasteride isn't that huge. If you're still losing hair on 0.5mg then you probably still will on 1mg too. If you aren't getting sides currently I would recommend trying out dutasteride if you really want your hair loss to stop.


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Do you mind me asking how old are you? My guess is you are pretty young but let's see.

Also what Norwood are you?

Think my previous message got deleted.

Yep young! 25, soon to be 26.

Probably II from the front and IV from the back.


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Go up to 1mg and see what happens. Reassess at 6 months - if you're still losing ground and have no sides on 1mg, then think about moving to Dutasteride if you're comfortable with it.


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I think a year is required to assess effectiveness with any accuracy. Obviously those who are great responders will know sooner, but if you are just a maintainer it can take a while to figure it out


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Are you using Nizoral? If not, you should add it to your regimen because its very important to keep your scalp clean if you want finasteride/minoxidil to work.


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Thanks for the reply guys.

My only reservation about increasing the dose is that if studies showed that 0.5mg is 80% effective then I can't see 1mg suddenly being effective.

To be fair I've taken 1.5 months' worth of the normal dose (3 months of 0.5mg) so it's probably still early days yet.

I used one bottle worth of nizoral but it was drying my hair out like crazy. I'll give it another shot though and add Regenepure.

I'll assess again in a few months and then will definitely increase.