
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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In my opinion, results ( or whatever you call it ) are not worth the money and time. Doubt that there i a point going any deeper with the regimen


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Lotta money to spend for those "results" at the 5 month his defense he was off treatment for a few weeks.


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In my opinion, results ( or whatever you call it ) are not worth the money and time. Doubt that there i a point going any deeper with the regimen
He says some of his hairs are new and in slick bald areas. Let's not discourage him yet from an experiment which independent of the outcome will help the balding community.


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I agree. I was on ********, soon realized there are no sucess stories, only new threada of ppl just beginning. I guess the old ones were deleted probably to keep the scam running. And then there was Swiss talking his idiotoc nazi rant all the time in the chat.
What website? Is also blacking out websites of other names like BTT does? That's concerning :\


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What website? Is also blacking out websites of other names like BTT does? That's concerning :\
He is referring to the site that Swisstemples mentions on his own page, where he is an admin. Now he has changed his username to "SwissTrumples", and he even has a pic of himself with his face and his hairy *** hanging out. Even then, he is still hiding his hair in the picture with his Nazi hand gesture.

Rick Grimes

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So ima give y'all a trick if u want... If you want to reference another forum you can spell it backwards, unless the mods decide to block those too... I don't say this because I want anybody to go to that controversial site... I'm don't like Nazi stuff, that stuff is evil...Instead I say it because there is some good info on the other more normal hair loss forums like "plehssolriah" or "klathturtdlab" that I'll reference on this forum in a private message if someone is asking me a question in a direct message and I want reference a technique someone wrote about... This forum is the best out of the three of them by far, but being able to reference more info is better imho... The two I mentioned above also have experimental sections...So sometimes I need to tell some to go to another forum and search the posts of a specific user cuz he does a good job explaining this or this or that... Hopefully we'll still be able to at least do this going forward... The more info that can flow freely between us dudes that are battling this condition, the better chance each of us have to find techniques that work for a given individual


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So ima give y'all a trick if u want... If you want to reference another forum you can spell it backwards, unless the mods decide to block those too... I don't say this because I want anybody to go to that controversial site... I'm don't like Nazi stuff, that stuff is evil...Instead I say it because there is some good info on the other more normal hair loss forums like "plehssolriah" or "klathturtdlab" that I'll reference on this forum in a private message if someone is asking me a question in a direct message and I want reference a technique someone wrote about... This forum is the best out of the three of them by far, but being able to reference more info is better imho... The two I mentioned above also have experimental sections...So sometimes I need to tell some to go to another forum and search the posts of a specific user cuz he does a good job explaining this or this or that... Hopefully we'll still be able to at least do this going forward... The more info that can flow freely between us dudes that are battling this condition, the better chance each of us have to find techniques that work for a given individual

Oh, if only you knew Bald Truth Talk's shady practices. The guy that runs that forum (Spencer Kobren) doesn't respect it's members at all. It used to be a busy forum until they essentially banned or put everyone in moderation mode (your posts need to be first approved by a mod before they go live). Private messaging was disabled for some stupid reason, guestbooks also got disabled. It's censored over there.. don't bother with that forum. Even the most respected member there (Desmond) got put in moderation mode, the same guy that went to South Korea and reported a ton of info FOR the forum about the 2014 Hair Congress!

I'm surprised people still post there at all.
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Oh, if only you knew Bald Truth Talk's shady practices. The guy that runs that forum (Spencer Kobren) doesn't respect it's members at all. It used to be a busy forum until they essentially banned or put everyone in moderation mode (your posts need to be first approved by a mod before they go live). Private messaging was disabled for some stupid reason, guestbooks also got disabled. It's censored over there.. don't bother with that forum. Even the most respected member there (Desmond) got put in moderation mode, the same guy that went to South Korea and reported a ton of info FOR the forum about the 2014 Hair Congress!

I'm surprised people still post there at all.
Dude! You forgot to spell the name backwards!

I agree that it is bad that internet forums are censoring what people write if it is not content breaking the law or is directly racist or discriminating in some way.
That also includes removing references to other sites where we can find relevant info about hairloss.

Rick Grimes

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@hellouser right on, thanks for the heads up... Is it lame to check out the other one: hair loss help? It doesn't look like there is nearly as much activity as in this forum, but I thought some of the archival stuff might be of use... I was checking out a member, prettyfly something or other, who seemed to post good results with micro needling and minoxidil, and there is another guy, user name is something like el duterino who has the Jeff bridges icon, he seems to make a good argument about starting anti-androgen topicals like RU at a lower dose so you have room to up the dosage if the regimen becomes less effective over time as the body adapts ... What do ya think?

@Tracksterderm hahahaha alright touché :) maybe it the names get blocked if there are no spaces or you type it as an url? I dunno... Damn and I thought I was being so friggen clever! I swear though I was getting all asterisked our in a DM and spelling backward ls was the only thing that worked ... In my defense, or maybe not, I'm slightly drunk: I just did another weekly session with the derminator and I can't get through it without sipping vodka... A good amount of vodka :)


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Last thing he said that his dermarolling is colliding with his day to day life as the redness is too obvious. I hope he just grew his hair out a bit and continued.


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Same as SwissTemples. He was so sure at the beginning and he was very active (postings, pictures etc). Then after seeing no further improvement he literally disappeared.

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Give him some credit. People have lives and hair doesn't grow or regrow fast enough to warrant such regular updates.

With that said, this protocol seems to have a limited effect, if any, and with rediculous amounts of effort.


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Last thing he said that his dermarolling is colliding with his day to day life as the redness is too obvious. I hope he just grew his hair out a bit and continued.

It just does n't work like I said it would n't, if he was getting serious regrowth he would have continued. A waste of time and money to get a few vellus hairs.
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Patient for this? IT cost enormous amount of money, time to get "results" like this. Even Swiss himself stopped posting progress, guesss why? because there is no more progress afterwards. All the results are due to dermarolling prob.