yes, very important especially in the US. I'm planning on getting veneers to fix my teeth and i'm actually debating whether to do it before or after hair transplant; i think i will do it before because teeth are very important.
Yes it's true, i heard he actually lives in your basement... without you knowing... terrifying isn't it?
... that would be a good premise for a horror movie. OMG he's been living in your basement for the last 9 1/2 years, splitting his time between, lookism and masturbating to old pictures of himself.
f*** that sh*t is creepy - i'm creeping myself out with this storyline
I have a colleague/pretty good friend, total Trumpite, his knee-jerk reaction to any criticism of Trump is instant defensiveness, it's looney liberal spinning, it's "fake news". The constant Trump lies? Eg creating half a million jobs in his first 2 weeks? Well that's all to be believed, anyone who doubts it is a crazy Democrat. Fact-checkers are "fake news", even if they're right wing and Republican, everyone's out to get poor little Trump.
The bias of Trump supporters is beyond hysteria, people are frustrated and feeling weak. They are constantly sold this American dream and are only now realising how the system has been set up to keep the rich getting richer, and if you are one of the rare few who beat the system, it not only required skill and determination, but a hell of a lot of luck- you survived and prospered because the system made a mistake. You shouldn't have got there, basically.
What's hilarious (maybe not ha-ha funny) is that Trump has somehow captured the imagination of working class, low IQ individuals, because he apparently stands for them, the guy who inherited a fortune, huge connections from his father, and has costed the taxpayer literally billions with his 4 bankruptcies.
I'm going to look into getting a transplant in Jan after a year on finasteride, so I'm going to get braces asap I think. Going to be a tough couple years.... character building I guess....yes, very important especially in the US. I'm planning on getting veneers to fix my teeth and i'm actually debating whether to do it before or after hair transplant; i think i will do it before because teeth are very important.
I'm going to look into getting a transplant in Jan after a year on finasteride, so I'm going to get braces asap I think. Going to be a tough couple years.... character building I guess....
Invisalign seems to cost a couple grand more. I'm going to the dentist on the 12th and will discuss options with him. How's invisalign going for you? How long do you expect to have them on ?Braces? why not invisalign?
25 ain't too late for braces. It's a sh*t inconvenience but not too late. I watched this 40 year old dude with extremely crooked teeth get his done and he was happy as a motherphucka and he wasn't exactly an oil paintingI've got severely crooked teeth, but at the age of 25 is pretty much late to do anything at this point. It was up to my parents when I was a kid, but they never cared. It's one of the reasons I coudln't fight hair loss at the very beginning (age 17).
100% agree. He's like a 6 who could be a 7 if he changed a few things.Decent features and jaw, good lower-third, smooth skin, full head. More than enough to be considered at least ok by many women. He's not a model, but he's far from ugly, that's for sure. If you're decent-looking enough, you can be even a racist like that guy, girls will fall for you anyway, as long as you have looks, they won't care.
Nobody here is under any obligation to share pics, and there should never be pressure to do so.
Further Dante did share pics and people got on his case for it. There was major, severe, and mean-spirited criticism that he wasn't dressing up to take hair progress pics inside his apartment.
Which mathematics did you study and how high did you go? Did you make it past analysis and algebra? I really enjoyed the proofs of the spectral theorem in algebra, and of the uncountability of the irrational numbers in analysis. Can you prove Euler's identity?
Lots of people care about math and there's plenty of demand for it in various industries such as control systems engineering, finance, cryptography, statistics, bioinformatics, evolutionary dynamics, et cetera. However, you probably have to know computers too.
I literally went to a club and showed women offensive memes with trump
He should stop reading lookism and sluthate asap and actually go out there and make some real-life experiences.
Here are the useful things you learn from those sites: physical appearance matters a lot, women can have wildly different behavior with men based on how hot they are, some guys are just f'ed because they aren't good-looking enough to get girls in the mood.
The rest is just self-pitying bullshit like "if you aren't a 22-yo 6'2" male model it's over". The posters are all autistic shut-ins that ritually one-up each other's cynicism. It's pretty much all just based on inference from dating apps, and once the posters actually get some real-life experience they tend to moderate their views.
If you are not bald (NW4) and above-average you only have yourself to blame if you can't get anyone to copulate with you. Just get out of your comfort zone, try, fail, and learn from your mistakes. Focus on having fun, don't wallow in misery because some chiseled hunk is sexing more and better-looking women.
No thanks
This guy is a Bachelorette contestant:
He's apparently a racist too, but I dson't give a f*** as I don't care about the show.
But, what I did notice is ... how did he make it on what is essentially a male beauty pageant? He does not appear that handsome, imo. Something is wrong with his face, though I'm not sure what it is.
Ray Liotta also had his hair fixed somehow. Look:its his smile/jaw area whats puzzling you dave
puffy jaw like a chipmunk and weird *** straight smile like hes had surgery
overall still ok
would suck his dick for sure
Ray Liotta also had his hair fixed somehow. Look:
View attachment 53763
View attachment 53764
I'm thinking its hair transplant because his previously bald area is now covered in hair but with less density - but maybe someone else can tell better.
I've had them on for five weeks and it will last ~18 months. It's very convenient as I can take them off a bit everyday to eat, sip tea, sip coffee, etc.Invisalign seems to cost a couple grand more. I'm going to the dentist on the 12th and will discuss options with him. How's invisalign going for you? How long do you expect to have them on ?
It depends on the group, but I think if you always prefer posting online there's a problem. It is true that people are more honest here but they're also more limited. Communication is with words only, and there's a narrower range of people due to the selection function for body dysmorphia.@Afro_Vacancy and others: do you enjoy social activities? Having "friends" over, going out to dinner?
I'd rather stay at home and look at memes, or browse or rewatch The Mentalist.
I don't have anxiety if I'm with acquaintances or anything, it's just that I don't find the effort worthwhile. Fake conversations about stupid topics. Now, if the conversations were as honest as here, I'd be more into it.
I've had them on for five weeks and it will last ~18 months. It's very convenient as I can take them off a bit everyday to eat, sip tea, sip coffee, etc.
It depends on the group, but I think if you always prefer posting online there's a problem. It is true that people are more honest here but they're also more limited. Communication is with words only, and there's a narrower range of people due to the selection function for body dysmorphia.
Conversations will tend to be fake with new people because it's natural to be uncomfortable with new people. Sometimes they converge over time and become more meaningful, and sometimes not. As you get to know people, you'll find that they change as they open up more. The effort you put in is not for those conversations you have when you barely know people, but for the conversations that you might have once you actually know people.
As for inviting people over for dinner, it's fun. If you're cooking yourself you might as well stop short at chickpeas and tuna. You can be more elaborate and more elegant if you're cooking for several people.