
The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Mon grand,

Tu peux pretendre qu'elle t/e tappe sur les nerfs mais on sait sait que tu l'aimes beaucoup.

Tu as deja vérifié les prix pour les trains vers Paris.
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It could be seen as a popular appearing to be unpopular opinion! One could wonder if your desire to be unpopular does not make you popular, the same way people trying to be elegant will almost always be ridiculous.

Have you heard of "bathmologie"? It is about how language has so many scales depending on the sensibility (often synonym of social background hélas) of the people speaking.

Pascal did noticed this in the Fragment 90 of his Pensées :
« Gradation. Le peuple honore les personnes de grande naissance, les demi-habiles les méprisent disant que la naissance n'est pas un avantage de la personne mais du hasard. Les habiles les honorent, non par la pensée du peuple mais par la pensée de derrière. Les dévôts qui ont plus de zèle que de science les méprisent malgré cette considération qui les fait honorer par les habiles, parce qu'ils en jugent par une nouvelle lumière que la piété leur donne, mais les chrétiens parfaits les honorent par un(e) autre lumière supérieure.
Ainsi se vont les opinions succédant du pour au contre selon qu'on a de lumière. »

Marry me please.


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That's why I don't talk very much and hate small talk. I hate extroverted people as well, most of them are insufferable, self-absorbed arrogant hypocrites and pricks, as a few users here openly demonstrated. That's why most Italians are dicks I guess. People shouldn't talk unless they have something important to say, to me at least.

You don't need to be extroverted and arrogant to sh*t talk with your close friends.


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If they didn't pretend to be sociable and talk to you even if they're gonna make fun of you at your back later, I would be happy. But no, they have to add insult to injury and talk to you and provoke you, make you have useless conversations in which you must restrain yourself fom punching them in their smug face.

I know what you mean. Sad world that people need to sh*t talk about others behind their back. That's why i quit nearly all of my friendships and don't trust 99% of the people because they are just looking for their own benefits rather than being actually interested in helping you.


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Cut out your face and PM me.

Nobody here is under any obligation to share pics, and there should never be pressure to do so.

Further Dante did share pics and people got on his case for it. There was major, severe, and mean-spirited criticism that he wasn't dressing up to take hair progress pics inside his apartment.


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It's sad but I don't truly trust anybody.

No, wait; you have to trust people, but in different degrees and not completely. That's why I lie very often (or only speak "half-truths") even to people I care for and I trust. Eventually, even they would use their knowledge and your trust against you, you can prevent it by never being completely honest.


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I don't believe in novels.

We were supposed to read the novel at school.

Saw the movie and had an excellent grade.

Hell I even did that at university.

Unpopular opinion: movies replaced books. Books are outdated. People still read novels to appear smart, they actually hate it.

Book are definitely not outdated. Some things can be expressed very easily in books (inner monologue for instance), that becomes very hard to do in movies. the book "The Martian" was loads better than the movie.


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Further Dante did share pics and people got on his case for it. There was major, severe, and mean-spirited criticism that he wasn't dressing up to take hair progress pics inside his apartment.

Dante posted pics?! And I missed it?!


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I've been watching the Penny Dreadful series on Netflix. The monster shares such similar issues and seems the personification of man himself. That is, self-loathing, powerful, destructive yet poetic, sensitive. And ugly hair loss. I'm beginning to really identify with him. Grim.


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I've been watching the Penny Dreadful series on Netflix. The monster shares such similar issues and seems the personification of man himself. That is, self-loathing, powerful, destructive yet poetic, sensitive. And ugly hair loss. I'm beginning to really identify with him. Grim.

I know that show was flawed--but I really liked it.


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I'm looking forward to watching Wonder Woman.


I've been so busy this summer, I've only seen one blockbuster so far, Alien: Covenant, which was very average.
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dave what are your thoughts on the universe man?

its been a favorite subject of mine since i was a kid

this is what your studies were in right?

im fascinated by it

i could watch programs about space and theories forever
I could've said, literally, the same thing. *Science Illustrated* ^^


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@RegenWaiting posted a few dozen pages that we're moving to sapiosexuality. I never responded to it. I do think we might be and perhaps this would shift social dynamics, but I expect these changes to be too slow for us to notice and take advantage.

But on further reflection I don't think it will matter much as couples already match intellectually. The strongest couples, as we've all discussed here many times, are looks-matched. They also tend to be matched in age, geography (obviously), intelligence, and social class. Intelligence already determines (probabilistically) who you can and can't be with, long-term.