
Whatevr's Success Story - With Timeline


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Stemoxydine works a little bit, but you have to use it in cycles, 3 months on / 3 months off. During the off months you may experience shedding of any new grown hairs kinda like stopping minoxidil, but not as badly.

I'd have to say that the lions share of the regrowth I've experienced thus far has been the combination of eliminating my testosterone and DHT via powerful antiandrogens and estradiol plus minoxidil as the hair growth stimulant.

Oestrogel goes systemic almost instantly and you'd certainly risk experiencing some feminizing effects from it.

Interesting, thanks. What are the systemic side effects of Oestrogel and could they be permanent or probably reversible? Sorry for the million questions but I don't want to rush into anything I could regret.


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Interesting, thanks. What are the systemic side effects of Oestrogel and could they be permanent or probably reversible? Sorry for the million questions but I don't want to rush into anything I could regret.

Lower libido and erectile dysfunction, reversible.

Grow boobs, not reversible without mastectomy surgery.

Redistribution of body fat to give you feminine shaped hips, thighs and butt. Probably reversible with diet and exercise.

Gives you emotional ups and downs like a woman. Reversible.

Softens your skin, gives you the "doe eyed" feminine facial appearance, reduces body hair... I'd suspect these are reversible.

Possibly turn you from republican to democrat, Reversability unknown.


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Lower libido and erectile dysfunction, reversible.

Grow boobs, not reversible without mastectomy surgery.

Redistribution of body fat to give you feminine shaped hips, thighs and butt. Probably reversible with diet and exercise.

Gives you emotional ups and downs like a woman. Reversible.

Softens your skin, gives you the "doe eyed" feminine facial appearance, reduces body hair... I'd suspect these are reversible.

Possibly turn you from republican to democrat, Reversability unknown.

That last side effect is just far too risky lmao I'm British but I love Trump LOL. On a serious note, boobs are a no no, and my butt is already quite perky/feminine chicks say. Daaaaamn. It's a question of how badly I want it I guess.


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How would the prednisolone in Alpicort be beneficial for male pattern baldness / androgenetic hairloss anyway? When searching for topical corticosteroids for hairloss you mostly find that it's used for women treating alopecia areata.

Mainly due to it's anti inflammatory effects on the scalp. But if you don't have an issue like seb dermatitis it won't help that much.


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How could prednisolone be beneficial for hair topically (with some of it without a doubt ending up in your system as well) yet actually cause hair loss internally?

In the short term it's a immune suppressor and decreases inflammation.

Put into very simple terms the inflammation is an autoimmune reaction to dht.
Therefore prednisolone helps.

Now why the immune system is involved and what causes the follicles to drown themselves in dht we don't know.


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@whatevr wassup man?

what u doing now?

you completely off ru?

Hey brah. No, I use it intermittently. 3 days on, 2 days off kinda thing. My hair loss with this method is very very slow, so I'm not in full blown panic mode at the moment and have time to think about a more solid regimen...

By the end of summer I would like to trial enzalutamide, depending on what others report who get it before me.


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Hey brah. No, I use it intermittently. 3 days on, 2 days off kinda thing. My hair loss with this method is very very slow, so I'm not in full blown panic mode at the moment and have time to think about a more solid regimen...

By the end of summer I would like to trial enzalutamide, depending on what others report who get it before me.

you lower the dosage from last time?

if this on off thing helping you avoid sides?


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you lower the dosage from last time?

if this on off thing helping you avoid sides?

Still using between 2-3 mL so it's 50-75 mg.

It does, after 3 days of consecutive use the sides build a bit, I lose some libido, get some brain fog and such... then I take 2 days off so that I'm not messed up all the time and take a bit of a break and feel normal for a day or two. It's a compromise for the time being... at least it works better than finasteride did, but it's not gonna be a good long-term solution either I'm afraid.

I'm putting a lot of faith into Enzalutamide being some kind of side-effect-free silver bullet... we'll see how that pans out. Would be kickass if true but we have to wait for more long term user reports.


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Still using between 2-3 mL so it's 50-75 mg.

It does, after 3 days of consecutive use the sides build a bit, I lose some libido, get some brain fog and such... then I take 2 days off so that I'm not messed up all the time and take a bit of a break and feel normal for a day or two. It's a compromise for the time being... at least it works better than finasteride did, but it's not gonna be a good long-term solution either I'm afraid.

I'm putting a lot of faith into Enzalutamide being some kind of side-effect-free silver bullet... we'll see how that pans out. Would be kickass if true but we have to wait for more long term user reports.

mate have you not thought about lowering the dosgaes...doing 10/20mg instead?

i remember reading posts a while ago from guys very knowledgeable about ru on other forums saying 10/20 is more than enough. espec with short hair like you have


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mate have you not thought about lowering the dosgaes...doing 10/20mg instead?

i remember reading posts a while ago from guys very knowledgeable about ru on other forums saying 10/20 is more than enough. espec with short hair like you have

I've thought about, just worried that the effectiveness will drop down as well. I suppose I'll try making my next batch at a lower %.


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Still using between 2-3 mL so it's 50-75 mg.
I'm putting a lot of faith into Enzalutamide being some kind of side-effect-free silver bullet...
You don't really think that could happen, do you?


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You don't really think that could happen, do you?

I never would've even thought about this compound being viable had I not read the BTT account of the guy who regrew NW4->NW2 all the while saying 'no side effects', and now we have a user here on the forum who is testing it (even dissolved in DMSO which should make it go systemic several times more) who also said very little or no side effects at all, while eliminating his itch and reducing shedding...

It doesn't line up with the theory of what you would expect from using a very strong anti-androgen, so either it is not going systemic anywhere near as much as we'd think, or something else is going on... We are just waiting for long term reports from the testers at this point. The more people that try it, the more we will know. I'm having issues obtaining it personally.


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It's very expensive, but cb0301 might be what you need, maybe together with ru.

It has no side effects and is almost as strong as ru.

I'm on 2-3ml of 5% ru in addition to finasteride and the ru def helps a lot. I now have a tiny little regrowth I guess and I'm maintaining.

I'm at the verge of what my body can tolerate before getting sexual sides though. Libido is lower than before.

I will now observe and add minoxidil and eventually try to dose down finasteride, because of the looming threat it poses to my dick lol.


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It's very expensive, but cb0301 might be what you need, maybe together with ru.

It has no side effects and is almost as strong as ru.

That is definitely not what I heard considering anecdotal reports on forums.

What I heard is = weaker than RU with weaker side effects.


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That is definitely not what I heard considering anecdotal reports on forums.

What I heard is = weaker than RU with weaker side effects.

Well yeah. You can put it like that. But maybe 50/50 longterm could be something for you.

Or three days ru, two days cb.

Still looks like I'm maintaining, but man this sh*t is straining my nerves. Anytime I could realize that I'm in fact not maintaining or that my dick went overboard. :/


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Well yeah. You can put it like that. But maybe 50/50 longterm could be something for you.

Or three days ru, two days cb.

Still looks like I'm maintaining, but man this sh*t is straining my nerves. Anytime I could realize that I'm in fact not maintaining or that my dick went overboard. :/

I know what you mean. RU makes me brainfogged, unmotivated, hampers my workouts and lowers my libido.
I shouldn't even touch an antiandrogen, but I have to if I want any hope for my hair...

f*****g sh*t meds.


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what i like about that btt guy is his experience with finasteride

i read the thread a while ago but im pretty sure finasteride made him feel like dog sh*t, maybe ru aswell, but this enza stuff gave him no side at all

after his experience with finasteride, he would surely recognize any kind of sides with taking these f*****g meds but apparently he doesnt get any.

im very wary to try anything hormonal again, but f*** it. if a bunch of guys here report success its tempting to take a shot with it


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what i like about that btt guy is his experience with finasteride

i read the thread a while ago but im pretty sure finasteride made him feel like dog sh*t, maybe ru aswell, but this enza stuff gave him no side at all

after his experience with finasteride, he would surely recognize any kind of sides with taking these f*****g meds but apparently he doesnt get any.

im very wary to try anything hormonal again, but f*** it. if a bunch of guys here report success its tempting to take a shot with it

Yeah, you're right. He said:

I havent side effects using RU.
With finasteride is different , I didnt notice sexual side effects , but I had brain fog and similar problems.I think that it affect brain.During and after Finasteride caused me few depression , anxiety , feeling retarded.......

And then when asked about side effects of enzalutamide he said:

Any sides , i only use 3 times in 15 days

That's what makes me hopeful. Also lol @ the 'feeling retarded' bit. That's kinda how I felt on finasteride as well.