
Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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I dunno. Kinda looks like an email I got from a Nigerian Prince a few days ago. I hope he has better skills researching and writing papers than he does writing emails.

hes japanese bro lol give him a break. the fact that its coherent at all is impressive tbh, my email to him was straight up from google translate im sure it made close to zero sense


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Starting in 2019 could mean December 2019.

its been confirmed elsewhere that they plan to start in march 2019 IF they could overcome the developmental problems. regardless, i think the bigger story here is the fact that they have overcome the research/laboratory hurdles that they previously mentioned in the interview with these forums. to my knowledge, before this post, the commencement in 2019 was entirely hinged upon the solution to these hurdles


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Why ain't nobody excited? Need some hype...
wooooow dude!! This is big!

hype!!! in my opinion this is the single biggest news to come out of 2018. this is the actual functional cure with a confirmed trial date in less than a year, money/company backing, and zero scientific hurdles to overcome


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Doctor Tsuji said me that they will begin the trial in March 2019 ;)

@kingjohn Many thanks for your mail and to post it here :)

my pleasure and thanks to you for all your threads! when you emailed tsuji did you ask permission to post the email here? im wondering if there are any repercussions for posting it without his permission, however if anything, its free advertising and hype for him and his company, i dont see any negatives


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So assuming they're on track to begin trials in 2019, how many years do you think it would take for it to be available to us?


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my pleasure and thanks to you for all your threads! when you emailed tsuji did you ask permission to post the email here? im wondering if there are any repercussions for posting it without his permission, however if anything, its free advertising and hype for him and his company, i dont see any negatives
You made my day with your news, I appreciated it very much

I ask him if I can post his reply in this forum and he was ok with that. Doctor Tsuji worked so hard and he is so nice, he reply to us :)


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So assuming they're on track to begin trials in 2019, how many years do you think it would take for it to be available to us?

"Last year, Japan introduced sweeping changes to its regulation of “regenerative medicine” therapeutics, a novel product classification that includes a range of human cell- and tissue-based biologics. Under the terms of the amended Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices and Other Therapeutic Products Act, clinical trial sponsors now have the option to seek market approval for up to 7 years for regenerative medicine products for which data from early phase trials demonstrate safety and are 'likely to predict efficacy.'"

i read somewhere that after this recent legislation japan can move products to market after phase ii trials, someone correct me if im wrong. either way, this new law is generally much more favorable to these treatments than the usa

That Guy

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So assuming they're on track to begin trials in 2019, how many years do you think it would take for it to be available to us?

It's already been said they plan to launch in 2020.

When would everyone else be able to get it?

Years later and still at a very high price.


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"First human trials for organ regeneration"

I dont give a f*** if this become affordable in my 40s, its the true paradigm shift if they succeed
The simple fact that it is finally out and could be somehow reached is more than enough like u said... İt could be a final goal and make us so much more happy even if it's f*****g expensive in the first couple of years..
Let's just say a dream would become true!


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