
Growband? Anyone Heard Of This, Seems New?


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Just discovered this today, looks a bit gimmicky but they've gone into detail to explain why it may work - any thoughts on this?


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Just noticed it now as well and i thought this Was out for a while now. Sounds for me much overpriced and should sell more for 50 USD instead of 300. For that money you can get a Leser helmet instead


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Just discovered it as well and I'm glad I'm not the only one.
It is indeed overpriced, so I'm not planning to buy it anytime soon.
After reading and exploring the website, the guy behind it looks legit to me, but you never know.


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i received it for 247$ 3 weeks ago. i try to use it but not everyday due to family stress situation.
after this 3 weeks i used it really 1.5 week and fill that my hear electrolize after it use for several hours. from first use i was ok with filling to 160 mmhg(?) pressure for 5-10 seconds(right pressure marked as 80-160). no hearing of scalp-calcium crack.
site owner suggest to use all types of treatment that they have listed on site, not only growband.
ask any questions.

i try to use it cause have negative sides on rogaine and finasteride/mohr-f.


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i received it for 247$ 3 weeks ago. i try to use it but not everyday due to family stress situation.
after this 3 weeks i used it really 1.5 week and fill that my hear electrolize after it use for several hours. from first use i was ok with filling to 160 mmhg(?) pressure for 5-10 seconds(right pressure marked as 80-160). no hearing of scalp-calcium crack.
site owner suggest to use all types of treatment that they have listed on site, not only growband.
ask any questions.

i try to use it cause have negative sides on rogaine and finasteride/mohr-f.

Thanks for your feedback. May I ask how you managed to buy it for $247? Their website shows the price of $297. Yes I agree, its probably overpriced for what it is but they appear to be super confident that it works by offering a 6 month money back guarantee which I guess for many will be a deal breaker despite the eye watering price. I'm seriously thinking of buying it because the science behind it (according to the website blurb) makes some sense, ie increased blood flow & oxygen to hair follicles = reduction of scalp DHT = increased hair growth.


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Thanks for your feedback. May I ask how you managed to buy it for $247? Their website shows the price of $297. Yes I agree, its probably overpriced for what it is but they appear to be super confident that it works by offering a 6 month money back guarantee which I guess for many will be a deal breaker despite the eye watering price. I'm seriously thinking of buying it because the science behind it (according to the website blurb) makes some sense, ie increased blood flow & oxygen to hair follicles = reduction of scalp DHT = increased hair growth.
they up the price from 247->297
personally i found no alternative to this growband from other companies and still there is no alternative, only massage(different types) and electric stimulus. i have so i decided to try this scientific-ground alternative, i found patent and some articles about botox injections in galea area.
also i advise to use magnesium inside and on scalp to remove calcification.
if growband will not work, problem can be in bones growing or vessels calcification->occluding vessels goes through coronal and sagittal sutures +parietal foramens and also could be from high calcification. so that theory can be breakthrough!


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Thanks Ilia, much appreciated.

Btw did you get the "180 day money back guarantee" (or similar) clause clearly mentioned in your email invoice from them? Reason being that if the device turns out be useless (ie snake oil) then you have clear grounds for a full refund from them or from your credit card/bank if they go bust or refuse to honour the money back guarantee. However I'm willing to give them a chance first...


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Thanks Ilia, much appreciated.

Btw did you get the "180 day money back guarantee" (or similar) clause clearly mentioned in your email invoice from them? Reason being that if the device turns out be useless (ie snake oil) then you have clear grounds for a full refund from them or from your credit card/bank if they go bust or refuse to honour the money back guarantee. However I'm willing to give them a chance first...
no info about returns in order emails....


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I know its way too early to ask if you've seen any new growth yet, but does your scalp feel any different since using the device? If so, can you describe how it feels?


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I know its way too early to ask if you've seen any new growth yet, but does your scalp feel any different since using the device? If so, can you describe how it feels?
i will post photos after 3 month, in the end of April.


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i fill no cracks of calcium, i fill all the fat over galea(so i have some stem cells) but only 2 feelings: energized hair after 10-15 min use and i think even more hairfall( as i know also positive sign) but hope for strong new ones.

charles R

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Any update on this? I’m thinking of purchasing one but 300 dollars is a lot of money.


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nothing to post after 4 month already, i received even more shed.
Are you still using the Growand? Was wondering if you saw any results and if the hairs that you shed came back? When and how long was the shed?


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Are you still using the Growand? Was wondering if you saw any results and if the hairs that you shed came back? When and how long was the shed?
no result, sent it back and received cash back.