
The Cb (breezula [clascoterone]) Community Thread


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I'm making a thread because I can't find one where users of the drug exclusively discuss progress, questions and such.

Also, because the term 'CB 03 01' cannot be searched through the search function due to "the search keywords [being] too short, too long, or too common" it's hard to track down all the posts on the site regarding it.

Edit: I thought I would sticky this to the first post so it's the easiest to find.

For people who are wondering how to go about using CB effectively, it's pretty easy after you get the hang of it after doing it the first time.

Here's what you need:

Mini measuring spoons -

Digital scales (a .001 gram one [the one I've listed comes with a small plastic weighing dish as well which you'll also need]) -

15ml or 30ml amber glass vial/ bottle to store solution in fridge -

A "mini funnel set" to pour the powder into the vials, and then the vehicle -

Small medicine measuring cup to measure out the vehicle -

1ml calibrated glass dropper/ 1ml fine insulin syringe to apply topical to scalp out of the vial -

CB that I use:

Apparently cheaper option of it if bought in bulk (10+ grams):

Vehicle that I use (it's an Australian product):

You simply weigh the CB on the scales by scooping some into the plastic weighing dish that comes with the scales, then once you have the amount you tap it into the head of the funnel which should be placed inside the vial you are putting everything into. I balance the handle of the funnel on a plastic container of similar height so I don't have to hold it as I'm doing everything. Give the funnel a few taps to get the powder to knock it down the funnel hole into the vial.

Then you get the measured out amount of stemox (or whatever vehicle), and pour it from the medicine measuring cup into the funnel head. This will wash whatever residual powder remains into the vial too. You can also use a dropper to directly target any spots of powder so you get absolutely everything wet and then washed down.

Then you just put the lid on the vial and shake it up until everything is dissolved - sometimes it takes 3 minutes or so and other times everything pretty much dissolves on the spot.

Then store in the fridge in a dark spot - I put mine inside a box, and that's it.

As far as percentages. 1ml of solution and 25mg of powder equals 2.5% so if you want to make a batch for 10 days you get 10ml of solution and mix it with 250mg of powder. If you wanted to do 5% then it would be 500mg in 10ml.

Make sure to shake the vial when you get it out of the fridge before using it each time too.

And that's it. Takes about 5 minutes to make it up after doing it the first time. Put some newspaper down on the table you are doing it at because a bit of vehicle and powder will get strewn about during the process.

Good luck!

Edit: Make sure to store the powder in the fridge too - inside something airtight and opaque such as the plastic ziplock and aluminium ziplock bag combo that the CB from Alibaba, and I believe Kane too, come in would be the recommendation.

Edit2: And, anyone who lands here who isn't using CB and decides they are going to try it, just remember that no one drug works for absolutely everyone. There are so many examples on here of people who have tried 'Drug X & Y' and it didn't work but 'Drug Z' did. Everyone responds differently to different treatments and the same pathology of hereditary hair loss is not applicable to everyone.

There are people on here who have had great results with seti and darolutamide, just to name a few while they did nothing for others; illustrating the enigma that is hair loss and its treatment.

So don't use it expecting it's definitely going to work, because it might not for you, but don't give up if that's the case and look to other alternate treatments because you just might find one of those is the one for you.

Also, I'm currently paying $56 USD a month to use 25 mg of CB a day, but it depends on how easily it's absorbed in your scalp as in the trials three times as much was often used and was seen to be the recommended dosage, although I think it's probably a similar to case to finasteride where .25 mg/ .5 mg EOD is more than sufficient but they bump it up to make sure it covers absolutely everyone that it possibly can including the outliers who have reduced sensitivity.

If you microneedle you can probably get away with using half as much which would mean you will pay half as much, and if you buy in bulk you can get it much cheaper per gram. For example, I paid $300 USD for 4 grams, but places like Wuhan and Kane will sell 10 grams for around $600-$700, but I advise buying a small amount first up as as I said before, it's not going to work for everyone, so make sure it does for you before you outlay an unnecessarily large amount of money.

And, if you can't find Redken stemoxydine to use as a vehicle, the L'Oreal one and the Garnier one (although I've read it smells a bit - Redken smells great!) most likely will work just as well, although I've never tried them so can't say categorically. As I write this right now the Garnier one sells on eBay US very cheaply in 2-packs and 3-packs. Personally I think anything with a bit of alcohol in it like commercial minoxidil liquids (not the foams) will work, but I will leave that up to others to experiment. If you want to use something cleaner and more bare bones, and something more resembling what they use in trials then I think ethanol (search "90%+ rectified spirit" if ethanol doesn't appear to be available in your country) + propylene glycol (PG) is meant to be pretty good, but I don't know the right amount of each to use.

Good luck guys!
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Cheers for auto correcting the punctuation of the title for me and making it look ugly af.

Surely the most annoying thing about this site.

Mod please edit to 'The CB (Breezula [Clascoterone]) Community Thread'.


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So I have been using for maybe close to two months and have had noticeable thickening of hairs that were getting precariously thin and strongly believe I am starting to see some thin hairs appearing on my temples that were not there prior to beginning treatment.

I'm using a 2.5% solution (powder sourced from Wuhan via Alibaba) in the Redken stemoxydine and applying once a day about 30 minutes after showering by using an insulin syringe which allows me to apply about 150 drops across my scalp each session.

My hair is buzzed almost to the skin once every two weeks so this probably enhances absorption.

Scalp itch has reduced by 90% I would say and shedding in the shower has reduced by 50-75%.

Two questions I have is does anyone know the application method described in the trials?

Other than applying it topically did they massage it in with fingers or did they just leave it to absorb in the event that it can have somewhat of a locally broad effect?

I have tried using my fingers to massage it in but I just refuse to believe that it is more beneficial with such a small dose as so much appears to be removed from my scalp and onto my fingers, and due to my results I feel like they corroborate my scepticism.

And also, just to confirm, is it really half as effective if I use 25mg in 2ml of vehicle (1.25%) versus 25mg in 1ml of vehicle as at the end of the day the same amount of powder is still being applied to my scalp?
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Massaging will help absorption

I use those throw away nitrile gloves for this, to limit absorption by the fingers


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Checking in.

Purchased 10g of CB from Kane for 680 USD.

Using a 20% Transcutol, 20% PG, and 60% ethanol vehicle - same ingredients as the patent, at different ratios. I've heard stemoxy contained high amounts of water which would reduce the penetration of the drug.

I'm starting on saturday. I'll be doing 2.5% in weekly batches once a day at night for the first month, after that if there's been no side effects or skin irritation then I'm going to increase the concentration to 4%. I use rogaine foam in the mornings and keto shampoo 3x per week. I've been doing the rogaine and keto for 3 years now.

Also considering microneedling once a month.

I'm a diffuse thinner, hoping for maintenance. If i could get a small amount of regrowth I would be happy.
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Checking in.

Purchased 10g of CB from Kane for 680 USD.

Using a 15% Transcutol, 15% PG, and 70% ethanol vehicle - same ingredients as the patent, at different ratios. I've heard stemoxy contained high amounts of water which would reduce the penetration of the drug.

I'm starting on saturday. I'll be doing 2.5% in weekly batches once a day at night. I use rogaine foam in the mornings and keto shampoo 3x per week. I've been doing the rogaine and keto for 3 years now.

Also considering microneedling once a month.

I'm a diffuse thinner, hoping for maintenance. If i could get a small amount of regrowth I would be happy.

Have you maintained so far with just rogaine?


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anyone worried about chemical residues from synthesis of cb from these companies?, since there isn't a governing body with oversight over the production, I'm worried about impurities that might lead to health problems later on.


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anyone worried about chemical residues from synthesis of cb from these companies?, since there isn't a governing body with oversight over the production, I'm worried about impurities that might lead to health problems later on.

From all reports on here the CB from Wuhan has been tested multiple times and has come back pure every time so I think that at least suggests that they are not unscrupulous in that regard.

If you're concerned you could always use it until the official iteration comes out and then switch over to that.

Last I read the acne version of the drug will be released later this year(?), and the hair loss version probably within two years(?), so you won't have to be risking it for too long if that's what you consider it to be.

I have been using for almost 2 months and have experienced no side effects, although I used finasteride for 7 months and experienced no sides either, although the drug (finasteride) just didn't do anything; at least this one has.


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Checking in.

Purchased 10g of CB from Kane for 680 USD.

Using a 15% Transcutol, 15% PG, and 70% ethanol vehicle - same ingredients as the patent, at different ratios. I've heard stemoxy contained high amounts of water which would reduce the penetration of the drug.

I'm starting on saturday. I'll be doing 2.5% in weekly batches once a day at night. I use rogaine foam in the mornings and keto shampoo 3x per week. I've been doing the rogaine and keto for 3 years now.

Also considering microneedling once a month.

I'm a diffuse thinner, hoping for maintenance. If i could get a small amount of regrowth I would be happy.


Yeah, I'm diffuse too which typically makes for the best responders.

I bought the ingredients to make up the patent vehicle but am too lazy to mix 3+ things together and the stemox that I used smelt so nice that I just decided to go with that instead of covering my head in alcohol and getting really a*** with the delivery.

I'm going to be looking at microneedling once a week or so to make my scalp more porous in the coming weeks too so hopefully that makes the results even better!

Good luck!


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From all reports on here the CB from Wuhan has been tested multiple times and has come back pure every time so I think that at least suggests that they are not unscrupulous in that regard.

If you're concerned you could always use it until the official iteration comes out and then switch over to that.

Last I read the acne version of the drug will be released later this year(?), and the hair loss version probably within two years(?), so you won't have to be risking it for too long if that's what you consider it to be.

I have been using for almost 2 months and have experienced no side effects, although I used finasteride for 7 months and experienced no sides either, although the drug (finasteride) just didn't do anything; at least this one has.

Is this the Wuhan company you're referring to?


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So I have been using for maybe close to two months and have had noticeable thickening of hairs that were getting precariously thin and strongly believe I am starting to see some thin hairs appearing on my temples that were not there prior to beginning treatment.

I always wondered how hairs can get thicker all of suddenly? Because they can't as far as i'm aware. At the root where new hair grows I can agree with.

But how can longer hair that is essentially dead become thicker?

Only reason is because something have attached it self to the hair, so it seems like its thicker, and if that is the cause then it must be a sign of its not being absorbed at the roots but just get to be a layer on the hairs.


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I always wondered how hairs can get thicker all of suddenly? Because they can't as far as i'm aware. At the root where new hair grows I can agree with.

But how can longer hair that is essentially dead become thicker?

Only reason is because something have attached it self to the hair, so it seems like its thicker, and if that is the cause then it must be a sign of its not being absorbed at the roots but just get to be a layer on the hairs.

Who knows.

I had the same thing happen when I took finasteride (that everything visibly thickened within the first month or two but then proceeded to fall back out), and then came accelerated hair loss.

Same thing has happened with CB for me but this time my scalp itch has gone and I shed so much less hair when I shower that I feel very confident that the effects will stick around as that never happened with finasteride.

It should be noted that my hair grows incredibly fast and that I used to get a hair cut once every 3 weeks when my hair was grown out, and I'm also on currently on biotin, so I am the type of person that will show results the quickest in that sense.

I've had thickening at my hair line in an area where I barely ever manage to get any product on so I don't think it has anything to do with product directly increasing hair diameter by fusing to it.

I think maybe the pores which are strangling the hairs and making them grow thinner to fit through the narrow openings become wider in response to successful treatment reversing the narrowing and then the hair shafts begin to return to their natural size(?).

I don't know, that's just a theory off the top of my head.


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Thank you @Screeech, you are truly a great guy for giving us all the details and sources.
It's the first time that I actually hear about legit results from CB from a human being and not from a study. Refreshing.
I'm definitely going to try this and report back.
Please keep us updated from time to time about your condition. Thanks buddy.


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Have you maintained so far with just rogaine?

No. I started with very thick hair and a forward hairline. Now my hairline on my right side appears "mature" while my left side would probably be a Norwood ~2. I have generalize hair thinning that isn't noticeable to most people, but again I started with very thick hair. I also have thinning at the crown but was born with a double crown so it's again not super noticeable. I think rogaine definitely helped slow the loss and made my hair thicker, but I wasn't a miracle responder.

anyone worried about chemical residues from synthesis of cb from these companies?, since there isn't a governing body with oversight over the production, I'm worried about impurities that might lead to health problems later on.

At such high purities you're talking about very small amounts of whatever chemicals are leftover. It would require a chemical to be potent at incredibly small amounts, it would require the chemical to be active topically, and it would likely have to be the same chemical in every batch.

It's a concern, but it's not a very big one.

So do you guys test your cb from Wuhan or just assume it's pure? Interesting..I may give this a shot. I have no other options at the moment

Other people have tested their CB but I recommend everyone does. Kane comes with testing results, my batch tested at 98.5% purity. I am looking into the local university to test the batch myself as well, but they're difficult to reach.


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As far as percentages. 1ml of solution and 25mcg of powder equals 2.5% so if you want to make a batch for 10 days you get 10ml of solution and mix it with 250mcg of powder. If you wanted to do 5% then it would be 500mcg in 10ml.
Also just a correction here - it's mg not mcg.


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Where i can find xray diffraction pattert of clascoterone?University in my town that can do purity tests,uses for it xrays,so they asked me for it.