
Looking For An Anti Inflammatory To Add In My Regimen


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Hey guys,

Long story short I'm on finasteride (1 year an half), minoxidil + microneedling (4 months) and anti inflammatory shampoo (Pyrithione zinc and keto). I think I maintained but not crazy result. At least I reduced a lot my hair loss per day.

I noticed than the inflammatory shampoo is very important in my case, if I stop using it my hair loss come back very fast and also my dermite and itch.

Well the shampoo help a lot but I feel my scalp is still not perfect. If I scratch it I remove dandruff stuck on it. I'm convinced If I improve my scalp condition this I could achieve best results.

So I'm looking for an anti inflammatory to add on my regimen. I was thinking about hydrocortisone. The best would be to find something I could mix in the minoxidil.

Any suggestion?

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Seems like you're burning your own scalp with all the Minoxidil and Keto (I know I was).


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Hey guys,

Long story short I'm on finasteride (1 year an half), minoxidil + microneedling (4 months) and anti inflammatory shampoo (Pyrithione zinc and keto). I think I maintained but not crazy result. At least I reduced a lot my hair loss per day.
I'm convinced If I improve my scalp condition this I could achieve best results.

So I'm looking for an anti inflammatory to add on my regimen. I was thinking about hydrocortisone

Do not do that. I made that mistake. Hydrocortisone and others are not an ideal solution for several reasons.


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In my case a very particular scalp condition was the only clear predictor of a continued regrowth. And it varied despite the big 3 being constant (dutasteride, minoxidil, kept-shampoo daily). You are right to monitor closely the condition of your scalp. Empirically I identified five variables to assess whether thighs will go as they should or I will lose some of my regrowth soon. I stress that in my case daily dutasteride and minoxidil have failed to explain this variation: three times during 5-6 months of treatment I lost some of my regrowth due to things I did not consider important. I also tried to intensify my regimen with a steroid cream, and it helped at first only to make things worse later.


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In my case a very particular scalp condition was the only clear predictor of a continued regrowth. And it varied despite the big 3 being constant (dutasteride, minoxidil, kept-shampoo daily). You are right to monitor closely the condition of your scalp. Empirically I identified five variables to assess whether thighs will go as they should or I will lose some of my regrowth soon. I stress that in my case daily dutasteride and minoxidil have failed to explain this variation: three times during 5-6 months of treatment I lost some of my regrowth due to things I did not consider important. I also tried to intensify my regimen with a steroid cream, and it helped at first only to make things worse later.

Exactly the same. Finasteride didn't help until I started taking care of my scalp condition. I'm convinced this is the reason why lot of guys think fina is not working on them.

I had several periods of improvement but then I lost again ground because I couldn't be stable with my scalp.


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I've spent a lot of time, money and nerves to identify what is missing despite being on the big three. These are my prerequisites that I have to stick to literally every day:


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I first saw regrowth (esp temples, at the start I Wass Norwood 3+, now I', almost Norwood 1) only after my scalp in dieseased segments had became very different:
1) well-peeled: Nizoral 2% initially helped a lot with removing dead skin lesions but Wass insufficient for me to see a regrowth of normal (not thin baby) hairs. Absence of regular proper peeling impedes minoxidil absorption etc. Usually I once a week I must be sure that at least some tiny pieces on dead skin are removed from my temples area (most difficult to regrow in my case). I have to wash my hair every day, even if it looks completely clean and non-oily. It's completely normal for a man to wash his hair daily it won't make your hair worse if done properly. First I use a Vichy shampoo to get rid of dirt, minoxidil that I use before bed + to compensate for aggressive effects of nizoral etc. Then I use nizoral and keep it for 15 minutes until it dries (I tried to keep it for 2-3 minutes and my scalp worsened in a week). Then mint conditioner. I also use a gently hair peel one a week - it's up to you to identify a right peel so as to get a gently peeling without burning your scalp.
2) non-oily skin: my skin is generally oily despite nizoral. Only when it's dry I see a rapid healthy regrowth. I take zinc sulphate (zincteral TEVA 124 mg) four tablets per day. It's a lot. Two tablets per day are insufficient in my case to avoid oily skin. I do not have zinc deficiency. First I completed a generally recommended course and stopped, hoping would be enough. Despite all things being equal I started to see more oily skin and lost about 25% of my temples regrowth.
3) colour: I saw regrowth only when the ocular of my scalp (temples) became the same as in my donor area - pale white with slight blue-green undercolour. Without zinc and sufficient nizoral use my skin became more reddish. Not necessarily reddish - it simply looked like my face skin. I saw regrowth only then my temples scalp differed in colour from my forehead. A slight variation in nizoral, zinc etc produced a ski colour I my temples area (that used to e before treatment) I lost my regrowth I this area. Now I have all my regrowth back.
4) texture: when I see regrowth my scalp is very smooth and a bit puffy, when I was loosing my regrowth my skin became slippy and firm (as used to be before treatment).
5) hair root volume: when I started to loose my progress my hair seemdto have bee losing root volume - pores were not clean enough for my hairs to 'stand' firmly out of them. When I enjoy regrowth my hair is vertically detached from my scalp rather than stick down to my scalp.

1) in my case I have to literally use minoxidil every day twice daily (Roigaine In the morning + 15% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid solution before bed) preferably at the sometime intervals. When I missed some in the morning or evening just for a few days - I lost some ofmy regrowth in 2-3 weeks. Now things are good and with every morning wash I can see not more than 5-10 hairs lost. And these are long (old) hairs, not short therapy-produced hairs.
2) oral antibiotics affect your digestive system (I had to take some due to my tooth condition) and absorption of nutrients. A three-day course was tough for me to loose some of regrowth inn 1-2 weeks. The same happened when I ruined my stomach with excessive use of aspirin for headaches on a few occasions.

My point is that there are many more variable that can affect your success despite being on the big three. Hope this may help.


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Thanks a lot for your sharing. That's really interesting and show the complexity of the hair loss.

Where are you from? How do you get your minoxidil 15%? This is not available here, I don't even find minoxidil with azelaic acid.

I also definitely noticed more my scalp is removed from oil and less I loose. I will increase my zink supplementation and the hair peel is a good idea. I will also give a try to Burdock root supplement which apparently help against oily skin.


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You may be less lucky if you're in the USA. Certainly, FDA takes care of Americans, but sometimes too much. The thing is that minoxidil, esp high-strength, causes water retention, this is dangerous if you have e.g. heart failure. If your cardiologist does not have any particular concerns about your health, then you can be more relaxed. You can look for Belgravia 12.5% minoxidil, but it it too overpriced. In Russia, you can get whatever you like- e.g. you simply go to a pharmacy and take your Avodart as much as you want, adit's cheaper than London)). Just google for IdealImage Solutions 15% minoxidil +5% azelaic acid or e.g. Dualgen 15% minoxidil, some friends of mine manage to have it shipped to the US. I buy IIS minoxidil in Moscow and bring to London).


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Hi. Thanks for the information.
How was your shedding during the time when you were not cleaning your scalp everyday. I wanted to check for me after i went through FUE transplant did see some decent growth but now at month 6 i see shedding hairs while i shower like 50 hairs daily. Do you think cleaning scalp at alternate days reduce shedding. I do have oily scalp like you tbh.
Im taking finasteride minoxidil and biotin as part of my regimen

I first saw regrowth (esp temples, at the start I Wass Norwood 3+, now I', almost Norwood 1) only after my scalp in dieseased segments had became very different:
1) well-peeled: Nizoral 2% initially helped a lot with removing dead skin lesions but Wass insufficient for me to see a regrowth of normal (not thin baby) hairs. Absence of regular proper peeling impedes minoxidil absorption etc. Usually I once a week I must be sure that at least some tiny pieces on dead skin are removed from my temples area (most difficult to regrow in my case). I have to wash my hair every day, even if it looks completely clean and non-oily. It's completely normal for a man to wash his hair daily it won't make your hair worse if done properly. First I use a Vichy shampoo to get rid of dirt, minoxidil that I use before bed + to compensate for aggressive effects of nizoral etc. Then I use nizoral and keep it for 15 minutes until it dries (I tried to keep it for 2-3 minutes and my scalp worsened in a week). Then mint conditioner. I also use a gently hair peel one a week - it's up to you to identify a right peel so as to get a gently peeling without burning your scalp.
2) non-oily skin: my skin is generally oily despite nizoral. Only when it's dry I see a rapid healthy regrowth. I take zinc sulphate (zincteral TEVA 124 mg) four tablets per day. It's a lot. Two tablets per day are insufficient in my case to avoid oily skin. I do not have zinc deficiency. First I completed a generally recommended course and stopped, hoping would be enough. Despite all things being equal I started to see more oily skin and lost about 25% of my temples regrowth.
3) colour: I saw regrowth only when the ocular of my scalp (temples) became the same as in my donor area - pale white with slight blue-green undercolour. Without zinc and sufficient nizoral use my skin became more reddish. Not necessarily reddish - it simply looked like my face skin. I saw regrowth only then my temples scalp differed in colour from my forehead. A slight variation in nizoral, zinc etc produced a ski colour I my temples area (that used to e before treatment) I lost my regrowth I this area. Now I have all my regrowth back.
4) texture: when I see regrowth my scalp is very smooth and a bit puffy, when I was loosing my regrowth my skin became slippy and firm (as used to be before treatment).
5) hair root volume: when I started to loose my progress my hair seemdto have bee losing root volume - pores were not clean enough for my hairs to 'stand' firmly out of them. When I enjoy regrowth my hair is vertically detached from my scalp rather than stick down to my scalp.

1) in my case I have to literally use minoxidil every day twice daily (Roigaine In the morning + 15% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid solution before bed) preferably at the sometime intervals. When I missed some in the morning or evening just for a few days - I lost some ofmy regrowth in 2-3 weeks. Now things are good and with every morning wash I can see not more than 5-10 hairs lost. And these are long (old) hairs, not short therapy-produced hairs.
2) oral antibiotics affect your digestive system (I had to take some due to my tooth condition) and absorption of nutrients. A three-day course was tough for me to loose some of regrowth inn 1-2 weeks. The same happened when I ruined my stomach with excessive use of aspirin for headaches on a few occasions.

My point is that there are many more variable that can affect your success despite being on the big three. Hope this may help.
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Hi. Thanks for the information.
How was your shedding during the time when you were not cleaning your scalp everyday. I wanted to check for me after i went through FUE transplant did see some decent growth but now at month 6 i see shedding hairs while i shower like 50 hairs daily. Do you think cleaning scalp at alternate days reduce shedding. I do have oily scalp like you tbh.
Im taking finasteride minoxidil and biotin as part of my regimen
1) before treatment I lost about 150 hairs daily (throughout the day I always found hairs on my shoulders etc, that was disgusting), 400-500 during a wash once in 3-4 days; during the first months of treatment shedding intensified severely to allow fantastic regrowth later (now up to 10 visible hairs daily); if I miss a wash, sebum will prevent proper minoxidil absorption and therefore will damage my regrowth
2) FUE & shedding is rather different story. If you're talking about shedding is FUE area, it's part of a normal process after the procedure.
3) it's not my opinion, it's a well-known science-based fact that: a male has to wash his hair every day and it's very good for one's hair (you get rid of 'dead' hairs more rapidly, reduce risk of infections and inflammation, remove sebum excesses, allow better minoxidil etc absorption). You have to wash your face daily, right? A man's scalp is even more dirty (oil glands are more active in this zone), with sebum being produced every day. There is no point in crying over hairs lost during everyday wash - these are all dead hairs that are bound to shed sooner or later. If you try to pull out a healthy hair, it's not so easy in contrast to what is going out during a wash + you will feel pain. 'Dry scalp' is a myth as well.
In my case even everyday Nizoral wash is insufficient, I take zinc sulphate (a rather high dose) to keep my scalp non-oily (as a test, a paper napkin should be clean after you press it down to your scalp, this is a normal condition).
4) a gentle hair peel weekly is also of great help


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Dr bronner for shampo.

If you want antiinflammatory compounds, azaleic acid, dihydroquercetin, EGCG, dissolve in alcohol and use before minoxidil


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I first saw regrowth (esp temples, at the start I Wass Norwood 3+, now I', almost Norwood 1) only after my scalp in dieseased segments had became very different:
1) well-peeled: Nizoral 2% initially helped a lot with removing dead skin lesions but Wass insufficient for me to see a regrowth of normal (not thin baby) hairs. Absence of regular proper peeling impedes minoxidil absorption etc. Usually I once a week I must be sure that at least some tiny pieces on dead skin are removed from my temples area (most difficult to regrow in my case). I have to wash my hair every day, even if it looks completely clean and non-oily. It's completely normal for a man to wash his hair daily it won't make your hair worse if done properly. First I use a Vichy shampoo to get rid of dirt, minoxidil that I use before bed + to compensate for aggressive effects of nizoral etc. Then I use nizoral and keep it for 15 minutes until it dries (I tried to keep it for 2-3 minutes and my scalp worsened in a week). Then mint conditioner. I also use a gently hair peel one a week - it's up to you to identify a right peel so as to get a gently peeling without burning your scalp.
2) non-oily skin: my skin is generally oily despite nizoral. Only when it's dry I see a rapid healthy regrowth. I take zinc sulphate (zincteral TEVA 124 mg) four tablets per day. It's a lot. Two tablets per day are insufficient in my case to avoid oily skin. I do not have zinc deficiency. First I completed a generally recommended course and stopped, hoping would be enough. Despite all things being equal I started to see more oily skin and lost about 25% of my temples regrowth.
3) colour: I saw regrowth only when the ocular of my scalp (temples) became the same as in my donor area - pale white with slight blue-green undercolour. Without zinc and sufficient nizoral use my skin became more reddish. Not necessarily reddish - it simply looked like my face skin. I saw regrowth only then my temples scalp differed in colour from my forehead. A slight variation in nizoral, zinc etc produced a ski colour I my temples area (that used to e before treatment) I lost my regrowth I this area. Now I have all my regrowth back.
4) texture: when I see regrowth my scalp is very smooth and a bit puffy, when I was loosing my regrowth my skin became slippy and firm (as used to be before treatment).
5) hair root volume: when I started to loose my progress my hair seemdto have bee losing root volume - pores were not clean enough for my hairs to 'stand' firmly out of them. When I enjoy regrowth my hair is vertically detached from my scalp rather than stick down to my scalp.

1) in my case I have to literally use minoxidil every day twice daily (Roigaine In the morning + 15% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid solution before bed) preferably at the sometime intervals. When I missed some in the morning or evening just for a few days - I lost some ofmy regrowth in 2-3 weeks. Now things are good and with every morning wash I can see not more than 5-10 hairs lost. And these are long (old) hairs, not short therapy-produced hairs.
2) oral antibiotics affect your digestive system (I had to take some due to my tooth condition) and absorption of nutrients. A three-day course was tough for me to loose some of regrowth inn 1-2 weeks. The same happened when I ruined my stomach with excessive use of aspirin for headaches on a few occasions.

My point is that there are many more variable that can affect your success despite being on the big three. Hope this may help.
Hello @Anatoly

Would you please confirm if the Zinc Sulphate helped for the Oily Scalp and by how much.
My biggest concern is oily scalp and hair



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I first saw regrowth (esp temples, at the start I Wass Norwood 3+, now I', almost Norwood 1) only after my scalp in dieseased segments had became very different:
1) well-peeled: Nizoral 2% initially helped a lot with removing dead skin lesions but Wass insufficient for me to see a regrowth of normal (not thin baby) hairs. Absence of regular proper peeling impedes minoxidil absorption etc. Usually I once a week I must be sure that at least some tiny pieces on dead skin are removed from my temples area (most difficult to regrow in my case). I have to wash my hair every day, even if it looks completely clean and non-oily. It's completely normal for a man to wash his hair daily it won't make your hair worse if done properly. First I use a Vichy shampoo to get rid of dirt, minoxidil that I use before bed + to compensate for aggressive effects of nizoral etc. Then I use nizoral and keep it for 15 minutes until it dries (I tried to keep it for 2-3 minutes and my scalp worsened in a week). Then mint conditioner. I also use a gently hair peel one a week - it's up to you to identify a right peel so as to get a gently peeling without burning your scalp.
2) non-oily skin: my skin is generally oily despite nizoral. Only when it's dry I see a rapid healthy regrowth. I take zinc sulphate (zincteral TEVA 124 mg) four tablets per day. It's a lot. Two tablets per day are insufficient in my case to avoid oily skin. I do not have zinc deficiency. First I completed a generally recommended course and stopped, hoping would be enough. Despite all things being equal I started to see more oily skin and lost about 25% of my temples regrowth.
3) colour: I saw regrowth only when the ocular of my scalp (temples) became the same as in my donor area - pale white with slight blue-green undercolour. Without zinc and sufficient nizoral use my skin became more reddish. Not necessarily reddish - it simply looked like my face skin. I saw regrowth only then my temples scalp differed in colour from my forehead. A slight variation in nizoral, zinc etc produced a ski colour I my temples area (that used to e before treatment) I lost my regrowth I this area. Now I have all my regrowth back.
4) texture: when I see regrowth my scalp is very smooth and a bit puffy, when I was loosing my regrowth my skin became slippy and firm (as used to be before treatment).
5) hair root volume: when I started to loose my progress my hair seemdto have bee losing root volume - pores were not clean enough for my hairs to 'stand' firmly out of them. When I enjoy regrowth my hair is vertically detached from my scalp rather than stick down to my scalp.

1) in my case I have to literally use minoxidil every day twice daily (Roigaine In the morning + 15% minoxidil and 5% azelaic acid solution before bed) preferably at the sometime intervals. When I missed some in the morning or evening just for a few days - I lost some ofmy regrowth in 2-3 weeks. Now things are good and with every morning wash I can see not more than 5-10 hairs lost. And these are long (old) hairs, not short therapy-produced hairs.
2) oral antibiotics affect your digestive system (I had to take some due to my tooth condition) and absorption of nutrients. A three-day course was tough for me to loose some of regrowth inn 1-2 weeks. The same happened when I ruined my stomach with excessive use of aspirin for headaches on a few occasions.

My point is that there are many more variable that can affect your success despite being on the big three. Hope this may help.

taking oral zinc actually helps decrease sebum? I read some studies that claim it might increase sebum but than again they say it is good for acne. I don’t understand what you mean by color or point 3? Also how do you get your scalp smooth and puffy? The only thing I can think of that might accomplish that is hyaluronic acid because it plumps and smooths the skin.


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Hey guys,

Long story short I'm on finasteride (1 year an half), minoxidil + microneedling (4 months) and anti inflammatory shampoo (Pyrithione zinc and keto). I think I maintained but not crazy result. At least I reduced a lot my hair loss per day.

I noticed than the inflammatory shampoo is very important in my case, if I stop using it my hair loss come back very fast and also my dermite and itch.

Well the shampoo help a lot but I feel my scalp is still not perfect. If I scratch it I remove dandruff stuck on it. I'm convinced If I improve my scalp condition this I could achieve best results.

So I'm looking for an anti inflammatory to add on my regimen. I was thinking about hydrocortisone. The best would be to find something I could mix in the minoxidil.

Any suggestion?


If you're using minoxidil with propylene glycol and it's causing redness and flaking, you need to get off that sh*t ASAP and get on a PG-free solution, my first mistake years ago was using PG minoxidil solution, and I thought it was garbage and didn't use it again.

I now use minoxidil without PG in it and there is no inflammation and not a bit of scalp flaking.


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Hydrocortisone and Regenepure DR might help, also an anti inflammatory diet….


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If you're using minoxidil with propylene glycol and it's causing redness and flaking, you need to get off that sh*t ASAP and get on a PG-free solution, my first mistake years ago was using PG minoxidil solution, and I thought it was garbage and didn't use it again.

I now use minoxidil without PG in it and there is no inflammation and not a bit of scalp flaking.

used minoxidil with that PG sh*t in it for only two months and my hair is entirely destroyed. I don’t think I will ever fix the damage. They need to take that garbage off the shelf.