
Regeus Gurusbiopharm Russia Goes For Fda Approval


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Hi, nitrolipins goes for FDA approval. Regeus(GBPh)+Applied biology(USA) make this step to clear up! Great.
web:, skolkovo foundation- scam most of the times but sometimes....fires...
they have youtube/insta/facebook

there are photos before and after(tricholog)


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i did not find any info about that on applied biology's side. Do you have a link?
And the pictures and the information look kind of fishy.but maybe we are lucky


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i did not find any info about that on applied biology's side. Do you have a link?
And the pictures and the information look kind of fishy.but maybe we are lucky
I didn't know about them until now, lol. They conducted clinical researches on mice and on women (27) and a couple of men (only 3).

Some links in en (full info in ru, sorry):

strange before/after:

look kind of fishy
oh yes
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Zon Ama

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So what is this all about? Would this stuff (in theory) help? I am fluent in Russian and could ask them questions via Mail, this seems to be interesting (looking at before/after pictures no.3 and 4)


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Here is their summary of the active ingredients:

Nitrolipin E1 improves the rheological properties of blood in the area of the growth papilla of the follicle by reducing platelet aggregation. Thus, E1 nitrolipin not only restores the narrowed diameter of the “pipeline system” of the arteriole capillaries to normal, but also cleans it of microtubes. Restoring patency of arterioles and capillaries brings the blood supply system of the hair follicles closer to the state of blood supply to young skin.

Nitrolipin E2 stimulates the division and differentiation of hair papilla cells; activates vascular endothelial growth factors, which leads to the formation of new microvessels; reduces the local activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines; prevents the transition of hair follicles to the telogen phase (rest).

Nitrolipin F activates a group of special hair bulb receptors that contribute to the regeneration of hair follicle cells and their transition from the telogen phase (dormancy) to the anagen phase (active hair growth).

The combination of three nitrolipins in one serum determines its high efficiency.

Do they have actual results published with hair counts, besides the grainy/unconvincing pictures they posted?

Zon Ama

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Hi, so they have new YouTube Videos:

I also asked the online consultant on the site if they are planning to sell it only in Russia or also outside

In the chat he says, in approximately 1 year they are planning to start to sell it in the USA. I really hope they will conduct more studies than just 2 men.


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Yeah for the love of god don’t waste your time with this bullshit


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Hi, so they have new YouTube Videos:

I also asked the online consultant on the site if they are planning to sell it only in Russia or also outside

In the chat he says, in approximately 1 year they are planning to start to sell it in the USA. I really hope they will conduct more studies than just 2 men.

It works like minoxidil I think (by widening blood vessels). Not very interesting.
They said it works well only for NW1-NW3, meh.

Zon Ama

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Where did you see it only works for nw1-3?

I was asking the consultant why there were only 2 men tested and if they are planning to test more, here is his answer (translated to English):

We've had two studies. The first one was independent, it was conducted by the Center for Aesthetic Medicine. They recruited mostly women. The results were published on the website. The second study was done by us, we had mostly men. Now the results of this study are in the process of being published in a scientific journal. We have videotaped several cases of this research and posted them on YouTube. You can watch it on our channel The men are the ones who did it. We will not do any more research in Russia, because we have already launched a major study in the United States on American protocols. In eight or nine months we'll have the results.

I mean this all seems fishy with their online presence etc, but if this would be really snake oil, they would not conduct studies in the US?

John Difool

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The video above shows a Russian woman with terrible teeth in white coat making you believe that crap somehow works.


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Hey fluridil is weak and not worth it but at least it's a legitimate angle (topical NSAA). This stuff is straight scammy horseshit trash.
lol, another Fluridil
The video above shows a Russian woman with terrible teeth in white coat making you believe that crap somehow works.
so everyone of you didn't have any sides after minoxidil/finasteride/duta?
i had that's why i try alternative like regeus+eucapil, if it will not fully work, microneedlling is effective and safer vs min+finasteride.
i will try regeus+eucapil for 6-12 month and if it will be not successful i will use derminator2/follica+ local anti DHT(eucapil/breezula)

John Difool

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You are officially our nominated candidate for trying that junk. Please report in 6 months your lack of progress. I bet you $100 that stuff won't work.


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You are officially our nominated candidate for trying that junk. Please report in 6 months your lack of progress. I bet you $100 that stuff won't work.

That's a win-win bet:
if it works, the "lost" $100 are well worth for knowing of a new working treatment through financing his "study"... ;)


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so everyone of you didn't have any sides after minoxidil/finasteride/duta?
i had that's why i try alternative like regeus+eucapil, if it will not fully work, microneedlling is effective and safer vs min+finasteride.
i will try regeus+eucapil for 6-12 month and if it will be not successful i will use derminator2/follica+ local anti DHT(eucapil/breezula)
microneedlling safer ? Lol, you really think that damage periodically a layer of your skin will not give you side effects in short ( infection ) and long term ( who know what ) ?