
The Person With 2nd Highest Iq In The World Is Using Dutasteride For Hair Loss Prevention


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Dude I had no idea who this is, but I just took a quick look now, and it seems like he had a transplant too.
Looks kinda obvious and not very well done job.
I would expect the second smartest man in the world to choose a better clinic lol


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This is related to his old hair transplant procedures btw


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Can anyone explain why his transplant looks like that? From what I can tell the hairline shape is fine but it does not look natural

Pot Noodle

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The hairline design isn't good at all actually. It is far too symmetrical which creates a harsh unnatural appearance. The frontal hairline also seems to consist of thick hairs instead of the finest single hair grafts required too created natural hairlines. These can only be spotted with high powered microscopes. Older techniques did not use these. Furthermore, he seems to have lost density behind the hairline due to fact he had it placed far too low. Its not age appropriate at all and immediately stands out as a hair transplant. That is the last thing you want.

People who have had a transplant would spot it as one immediately. People who haven't will still think something is off.

I actually think there multiple hair grafts in the front. Something which doesn't appear in nature and is blasphemous to top hair Restoration surgeons