
All 5mg Oral Minoxidil Users, Please Read


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Thats how aging works, you wake up one day and you have bags or a new wrikle you havent noticed before.

yeah buddy lol. I tracked my before and after a very closely because I’ve been in the hair loss game for 9 years now. So I think I’d know myself better than you would. Oral minoxidil DOES cause facial bloating, fluid retention, fatigue, the whol 9.

I was like everyone else and figured I wouldn’t get side effects, but i had every possible one. It is a wonder drug for hair though, not discounting that.
I also toyed with the idea of facial fillers and going back on, but it’s just insane anymore. A hair transplant is really the only win win


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Has anyone tried it with a diuretic?

I take spironolactone with it, without spironolactone i put like 10/11lbs of water weight on at 10mg oral min which is insane. Some people don't seem to have any problems though, who knows.


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Has anyone tried it with a diuretic?

Most studies use it without diuretic and maybe 5% of people gets edema. Im actually trying to restric my salt intake and thats all.

Yeah I don’t know how you guys don’t take diuretics with oral.. I quit months ago and am STILL swollen in my cheek area and below my eyes.. it aged my face like three years in only 7 something months..

I think I have a pic of how awful it made my under eyes with bags
Then maybe minoxidil is not the cause of swelling. I literally cant imagine how drug that you give up months ago can still have effect on your body. Did you check your kidneys or blood pressure?

Androgenic Alpaca

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Howdy everyone,
Been taking 2.5mg oral minoxidil per day for the past few weeks. Been experiencing a possible side effect. I've been having a numbness/tingling in my hands/ lower arms. (both of them) Could this be caused by low blood pressure caused by a the minoxidil? Its not a particularly bad side effect, more annoying than anything, I'm just concerned that if I'm not getting enough blood to my fingers maybe I'm not getting enough blood to my brain or whatever.

Is this any cause for concern? Has anyone else experienced this?

Regardless I'm going to discontinue the oral minoxidil at least for a little while to see if this goes away



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I take spironolactone with it, without spironolactone i put like 10/11lbs of water weight on at 10mg oral min which is insane. Some people don't seem to have any problems though, who knows.
Yeah, smart idea to even increase more the side effects, using an oral antiandrogen like spironolactone....omg


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Yeah, smart idea to even increase more the side effects, using an oral antiandrogen like spironolactone....omg
It is smart actually because he’s using spironolactone as a diuretic.

Most studies use it without diuretic and maybe 5% of people gets edema. Im actually trying to restric my salt intake and thats all.

Then maybe minoxidil is not the cause of swelling. I literally cant imagine how drug that you give up months ago can still have effect on your body. Did you check your kidneys or blood pressure?
Minoxidil has an obvious vasodilation effect and it made my cheeks swell similar to what used to happen to
Me when I was younger and had rosacea/ seb derm..

I just had a full panel done including hormones and all was normal except my cortisol from workout out and my dht was 26 when it should be lower since I use 2.5mg of Dutasteride


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It is smart actually because he’s using spironolactone as a diuretic.

Minoxidil has an obvious vasodilation effect and it made my cheeks swell similar to what used to happen to
Me when I was younger and had rosacea/ seb derm..

I just had a full panel done including hormones and all was normal except my cortisol from workout out and my dht was 26 when it should be lower since I use 2.5mg of Dutasteride
"It is smart actually because he’s using spironolactone as a diuretic."
Lol, you will say to your pill " act only as a diuretic, don't you dare to act as an antiandrogen " . lol
No other drug or even other antiandrogen have so high rate on giving gynecomastia, the real one, the one that only can be " cure " by a surgery.
Plus, there are tons of better diuretics . Although , all them could have side effects.


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I dont know how you guys can take spironolactone, that sh*t sounds scary. I know @Rysteve93 said he had good results combining that with oral minoxidil.

@Ziggyz123 i see your photo. Tbh your eyes look pretty normal to me but obvs you would know if they have changed or not. Also your hair looks good so something must be working. What are the other signs that your body is retaining water? I would say i still go to the toilet as many times now as I did prior to taking oral minoxidil. Im on 5mg a day.


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For me, I notice the more I exercise, the less bloat/bags I get. Virtually unnoticeable when I exercise daily. After a few days off though, it builds back up.


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Its been 7 days since I stopped taking oral and I gotta say that sides were actually there.My face is now oilier,wrinkles on forehead got a bit smaller,no red eyes and no fast heartbeats.I guess that I was wrong,I never actually noticed those sides when I switched to oral.
I'm still trying to find a way to battle shitty dermatitis that I get when using topical.I will probably order Clobex shampoo again.
I can’t use foam because for me it’s not nearly as effective as liquid form is.


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Its been 7 days since I stopped taking oral and I gotta say that sides were actually there.My face is now oilier,wrinkles on forehead got a bit smaller,no red eyes and no fast heartbeats.I guess that I was wrong,I never actually noticed those sides when I switched to oral.
I'm still trying to find a way to battle shitty dermatitis that I get when using topical.I will probably order Clobex shampoo again.
I can’t use foam because for me it’s not nearly as effective as liquid form is.
The PG in topical minoxidil was terrible for my scalp. It made the itching worse and it also left a "skin" which wouldn't wash off, but would flake like dandruff. If they used KB it would probably be so much better.

michel sapin

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The PG in topical minoxidil was terrible for my scalp. It made the itching worse and it also left a "skin" which wouldn't wash off, but would flake like dandruff. If they used KB it would probably be so much better.
hey bro i get the same layer of flaking from topical which never disapear, does this cause inflammation/ shedding/ miniaturization? i a contemplating switching to oral because of this fcking side


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The PG in topical minoxidil was terrible for my scalp. It made the itching worse and it also left a "skin" which wouldn't wash off, but would flake like dandruff. If they used KB it would probably be so much better.
Yeah,same skin issue for me.I've tried 3 brands that have No/low PG.One of them was Lipogaine.It's the same sh*t every single time....The absolute worst were the yellowish ones.My scalp would literally turn into concrete after them.Its probably because yellowish solution tends to be thicker,so clear ones that come in spray bottles are the only option for me.


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hey bro i get the same layer of flaking from topical which never disapear, does this cause inflammation/ shedding/ miniaturization? i a contemplating switching to oral because of this fcking side
Yeah,its causing telogen over and over.
Wanted to add on that when I first started using minoxidil I didn't have this issue at all.It just came all of the sudden and now it wont dissapear.It could be that I'm an idiot and my scalp is dry,I will test out some oils next week and see how it turns out.
Topical causes that bad reaction but I know that It works better than oral just by looking at the pictures that I took and the amount of vellus hair that topical grows compared to oral.Sheds and that skin flaking is annoying but I never went below baseline.If I somehow find a way to battle this sh*t I wont ever think about oral again.

michel sapin

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Yeah,its causing telogen over and over.
Wanted to add on that when I first started using minoxidil I didn't have this issue at all.It just came all of the sudden and now it wont dissapear.It could be that I'm an idiot and my scalp is dry,I will test out some oils next week and see how it turns out.
Topical causes that bad reaction but I know that It works better than oral just by looking at the pictures that I took and the amount of vellus hair that topical grows compared to oral.Sheds and that skin flaking is annoying but I never went below baseline.If I somehow find a way to battle this sh*t I wont ever think about oral again.
you are talking aout the layer of build up? this is what caused the Telogen Effluvium reaction?


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hey bro i get the same layer of flaking from topical which never disapear, does this cause inflammation/ shedding/ miniaturization? i a contemplating switching to oral because of this fcking side
In my experience, it seemed to make my hair worse. But before switching to oral, I tried the foam and it didn't cause as bad of flaking. Eventually I wanted something stronger, and also more convenient, so oral was a no brainer for me. It's basically cured my shedding and my hair is so much thicker and healthier. As far as sides, I believe it's something that you can adapt to for the most part. I got some palpitations, maybe once or twice a day, because I was trying to do 10mg after only a few weeks on 2.5mg. So I dropped back down, then gradually increased my dosages, and now I can do 10mg twice a day, and I only get palpitations or lightheadedness for a few minutes 2-3 times a week. This is a very large dose though. I never got sides from 2.5-5mg per day. My goal is to get regrowth off these high dosages for maybe a year or so, then drop back down for maintenance. Oral has been great for me, and I wouldn't mind using something like 2.5mg a day for maintenance the rest of my life. But everyone is different. Some people can't risk the side effects on the circulatory system. Regardless, PG is something I will never use on my scalp ever again. I suppose one could get minoxidil powder and mix it in KB. At something like 15% that may be just as good as a low dose oral.