
Recent content by Follisket

  1. Follisket

    Verteporfin drug induced scarless healing with new hair follicles on mice. This new founding can be really big

    Does anyone know whether Follica is aware of the recent discoveries regarding Verteporfin? My hopes for them were never particularly big, but the fact that they have the device pretty much ready while supposedly struggling to find a superior growth stimulant to minoxidil could make this a...
  2. Follisket

    Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless

    Anyone else find that it gets increasingly harder to needle as effectively as when they started? I used to draw blood easily at 1.75 mm, now I can't get anything more than some reddening of the skin even though I'm pressing harder and doing more passes at the same depth (I needle once a week)...
  3. Follisket

    Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

    To me, what is truly depressing and horrifying about this news are the implications: 1. The fact they are still moving forward even with such an insane estimated price means they don't expect any similarly effective + markedly cheaper treatments to be available within the next say 10 years. In...
  4. Follisket

    Hair Loss Will be Cured Within Ten Years

    Are we seriously debating whether or not the market for hair loss treatments is big in 2021 – in the age of Instagram? The potential market at least is massive, but like others have mentioned before, few bother with the existing treatments, because they hardly deserve that name; either their...
  5. Follisket

    Hair Watch: It's Not Looking Good For Kit Harington

    Another celeb on his way out. Kit Harington was spotted sporting a buzz cut that shows he's pretty far gone. Seems he dropped finasteride after finishing GoT's turd of a final season. Sadly for him, 'hair watch' never ended. More: and...
  6. Follisket

    Propecia And Hormone Therapy Study Related To Propecia?

    Well, that makes dealing with PFS incredibly harder for me. It's one thing to try and get by just telling yourself the sides will subside eventually or that science and medicine are on the cusp of figuring out a solution. But to think it is practically irreversible is just terrifying. And maybe...
  7. Follisket

    Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

    Uh, no? It's because a hair transplant solves absolutely nothing without a 100% reliable and safe maintenance treatment. If anything, you risk cheating yourself out of better treatments in the future should scarring compromise the follicles in the recipient area.
  8. Follisket

    Surprising Update On Hanson & Wong. Could Be Nice!

    And that systemic absorption is actually reduced sufficiently - to the point where sexual side-effects are non-existent. Simply just "fewer" sides isn't going to be enough for anyone who's been or is still going through the hell of PFS.
  9. Follisket

    Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

    Nice. Not that I'm actually expecting a genuine response from them but if the company is trying to backtrack on some overblown publicity stunt and have the product fizzle out, they deserve to get torn to shreds. I like seeing people this militant, it gives me hope that we'll eventually start...
  10. Follisket

    Skinte Has Been Approved By The Fda And Will Go Into Limited Commercialization.

    And here I am just enviously staring at Dr. Lough's hair. So low. Still near impossible for me to fathom there's people out there living their lives well past the age of 25.
  11. Follisket

    Official Hellouser To Kyoto Hair Congress 2017 Fund

    Well then, you have my $100 - I just made the donation. Come on guys, let's do this. Godspeed, hellouser.
  12. Follisket

    Official Hellouser To Kyoto Hair Congress 2017 Fund

    I'm only hesitant because of my pessimism and feeling like we're not going to make it anyway. If I knew for sure it was happening, I'd contribute $50 or even $100.
  13. Follisket

    First Time User - Propecia Adjustment Period?

    It's been quite a while now since I came off Propecia. About half a year ago I still wasn't back to normal but I may have been on my way there. Functional I'd say, yeah. I've recently experimented with CB so it's hard to say whether I'm now recovering from Propecia or CB. The situation certainly...
  14. Follisket

    A Special Breezula Update!! The Latest On Cb-03-01

    I'm done with CB after having messed up a very hot date this recently. I can't say for sure it causes sides but I couldn't perform optimally in bed, chickened out and called it quits, embarrassing myself completely. Obviously, it could have been just regular Androgenetic Alopecia-induced depression that weakened...
  15. Follisket

    When It Comes To New Treatments, What Do We Absolutely Know Works?

    Absolutely nothing until it's actually out and cured people. Every single one of today's failed treatments or scams were once "known to work" or presented as such. Tick tock, there goes another lock.