
Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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Santander Consumer Bank will need to open up a new division for hair..


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I always said I wouldn't care the price, I just need to know there's a cure. I'm not sure about that anymore, cause it's gonna sting a lot for many sufferers of mbp not being able to pay for it


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Could you/anybody gimme a quick summary please? Third world internet ain't good
Forget about Tsuji, you won't be able to afford his treatment for at least 10-20 years. Maybe in 30 years with a bit of luck lol.

However, I kinda can't understand what the RIKEN team is trying to say by the 5th point, when talking about density.

HLA-matched donor-derived hair follicles!?


Would love some input from posters.
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Can we stop calling youngjet a liar now? Some of you owe him an apology.

This means it's all on Stemson and Tissuse for me. I'm not paying 750k for hair. At least it may be on the market in 2024, and they are pretty clear that they don't see a reason why this wouldn't work in humans like it did in mice. It's not like the drugs that cure a disease mice don't have. This is giving them a new follicle. It's the same thing as in us. The news is good except for the price which will put it out of reach for almost everyone


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Stemson wont be cheaper, unfortunatelly
From where do you get that info? I'm afraid, you post the exact same sentence literally everywhere. There is no statement from them.

What we know so far is that they qouted a football player's 50k transplant as well as saying; millions of hairloss sufferers (*AT A YOUNG AGE*)

Both reffer to an affordable treatment. But we'll see.


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Yeah his pricing is a joke, this isn't a realistic option to look forward to. He has it at 138k-184k at product maturity (10k+ patients). This is probably why he can't find a investor/partner. The market for this is pathetically low and it's obvious that he's going to have competitors trying to enter the market, severely undercut his prices, or even beat him to market.

The clinical trial pricing is actually hilarious. They're going to charge people 500-700k USD to be part of a clinical research trial that's never been done on humans before at scale.
Didn't you tell me that couldn't possibly be the reason he hasn't found an investor?


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To me, what is truly depressing and horrifying about this news are the implications:

1. The fact they are still moving forward even with such an insane estimated price means they don't expect any similarly effective + markedly cheaper treatments to be available within the next say 10 years. In other words, this is the financial reality of a functional cure – anyone who could possibly present competition to them would likely fall within the same price range.
2. If you think dealing with hair loss is hard right now, in a world where no one, not even the richest and most powerful among us are safe from its ravages, imagine trying to cling on to your sanity as an aging baldie robbed of his youth while millionaire teens and 20-somethings get cloned hair at the first sight of hair loss. And you know the celebrities will go on to raise the standards for looks even higher.
3. Once a functional cure is available, the incentive to develop alternatives would be diminished. No one would really be rushing to be the first, as there'd be no prestige or renown in it anymore. Sure, there'd still be money to be made, but I imagine fewer would bother – and that again translates to more waiting.

Shoulda pushed harder for a safe maintenance treatment while we still had a shot. But hey, there's always the next lifetime, right?


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J Hewitt already said their price would be affordable, if they ever run trials. Perhaps they really have been blackballed in Japan because they want a Japanese company to be the first.

We also have the PRLR antibody coming in 2024. That will be expensive too, but nowhere near a million dollars


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Youngjet is a motherfucking liar!! He Said Tsuji will Start human trials in 2020.

I wish him a positive AIDS test
That was the plan. It's on Tsuji's Twitter that they had planned to start in 2020 if organ hadn't gone under


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Yeah his pricing is a joke, this isn't a realistic option to look forward to. He has it at 138k-184k at product maturity (10k+ patients). This is probably why he can't find a investor/partner. The market for this is pathetically low and it's obvious that he's going to have competitors trying to enter the market, severely undercut his prices, or even beat him to market.

The clinical trial pricing is actually hilarious. They're going to charge people 500-700k USD to be part of a clinical research trial that's never been done on humans before at scale.
Out of curiousty, what makes you think Stemson won’t charge the average patient around that ball park ($200,000+)? From what I’ve seen they haven’t given an estimated price range on commercialization.


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That price is really crazy, who will pay so much money to be a clinical trial? Even if it weren't a clinical trial, I wouldn't pay anything until I knew that it really can't bother you with some "side effect." I spent 4 years to decide to have a graft, it was and that had already been done for years.

tsuji goodbye. I've long lost hope in them, but I'd be glad they got it, but at that price I doubt it.


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true, where did he get the price range from?
Tbh I don’t expect Stemson to be nearly as expensive on commercial launch. Alexey mentioned about wanting to help out children with balding plus having that kind of a price range wouldn’t be an intelligent market plan at all. Assuming that clinical trials for Riken go perfectly, I don’t see thousands of patients wanting to spend half a million on launch. $50K-70K on commercial launch does make sense to me, I’m also cautiously optimistic with both the science behind Stemson plus the solid funding from Allergan and Fortunis. I would expect commercial release somewhere between 2024-2026, especially with them being a lot more organized than Riken. Next year should tell us the future of Stemson.


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first of all the question is whether or working on humans or not....timeline at the moment i nonsense
That's obvious. I'm just stating what the timeline would look like if it were to work, including delays. They did mention that the pig trials have been successful in a Fortunis video on another thread, pig skin is similar to human skin which is why results from this trial will give a good indication on how it will most probably translate to humans. The mouse picture was a good starting point, as well as hair cycles having been established and Alexey did state that the "fundamental problems have been solved, it's more technical".